Let's welcome Pistolero to the Houston mod team

I smell cotton candy.....
Oops... I'm just tasting those points he gave me on his way out....
dannyboy13's Avatar
You wouldn't be an old Podunk ex-pat, would you, Pistolero?
pyramider's Avatar
Can we please get on topic, this is now his goodbye thread. Now that he is longer the Pittsburgh mod his Eccie life lacks meaning like a taint with no one to look at it. Please help him through this truly....nevermind Originally Posted by amishgangster

The admintards must have thought that Pistolero's work was completed and the Pitters are better for his mad modtardmanship. Just be glad that Pistolero was able to point you...in the right direction.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Pistolero foils spammers with a mere flick of his pinckie finger.
dearhunter's Avatar
Newbie modtards are gifts that keep on giving...........give, PistolPete..........give
bambino's Avatar
We ran him out of Pgh.
Fuckin Pistol Pete
if i throw my pussy in the air it will turn into sunhine now thats a big deal.lol
chicagoboy's Avatar
if i throw my pussy in the air it will turn into sunhine now thats a big deal.lol Originally Posted by lanyria
Great first post! I'm sure Pistolero appreciates it.
Pistolero's Avatar
Always like the sunshine.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Pistolero walks on sunshine, and don't it feel good?
setman's Avatar
Pistolero walks on sunshine, and don't it feel good? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
A day without sunshine is like a day without Pistolero....

PP.... needs to put his dicktive skills to use..

The Mod Wit the Mostest!
chicagoboy's Avatar
Pistolero - who has now been gracing Houston with his presence as mod for two years - is so brilliant, he might even be able to explain the difference between guested and disabled accounts, if he felt like doing so.

Happy anniversary, Pistol Pete!
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Pistol Pete
his's are man
if he can't answer
nobody can
pyramider's Avatar
It has been said that Big Tex at the State Fair shrincks at Pistolero's presence.