Who do you miss?

Rifleman's Avatar
Lil Red Robin...Im old... Originally Posted by theshortone
Amen Brother!
Cendell M's Avatar
TryWeakly's Avatar
Awww shit. She gone bring bad juju UITB...
Cendell M's Avatar
Dearhunter too! ^^
Cendell M's Avatar
Awww shit. She gone bring bad juju UITB... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Nah I think they died.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Oh shit ! Really ? I didnt see any postings on here lile they do for providers who trot over to the other side.
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^ I’m sure everyone is mourning alone in their own way. They will be missed though ... I’m just mad I wasn’t invited to the funeral. I’m going to trot along now, night “weakly” behave yourself
Pleassurable Toni. She was one of my all time faves.
Paulie's Avatar
Wildflowers. I know her friend WetandWild is still active on P411. I always want to ask her how Wildflowers doing (God the body on her) but when people leave the biz I really try to respect that.

And not referring to the location Wildflowers...the actual girl...maybe it was Wildflowers79? Or something close to that.
Swang84's Avatar
Shit u brought back good memories with her ... wow I remember seeing her before a flight out to Denver ... she was great
TryWeakly's Avatar
Please stop posting in this thread. It is no longer relevant to the hobby.
Please stop posting in this thread. It is no longer relevant to the hobby. Originally Posted by TryWeakly-BANNED

^^^^ Thank you, Moderators and Administrators.

My original post was removed as I had not noticed the fluffer being banned prior to posting.

Back on topic:
D_J, I first met Gwen over at the Body Shoppe on Whinerock (misspelled for a reason that the old guard will remember) and lost touch, only to find her at LaFemme; I really enjoyed her company.