Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.

themystic's Avatar
So you don't think the movement of 14,000 centrifuges moving from one facility to another would not get noticed?

They have indoor satellites as well. Waco wake up this isn't Star Wars. The technology is there. If they tried to turn on any of the 14,000 centrifuges that were turned off, it would get caught. They can't enrich the uranium without the centrifuges being turned back on. Do you think the scientists at the IAEA are stupid? Go watch reruns of the TV show "24". That might help with the technology that is available. Iran cannot refuse on-site inspections. Go read the agreement. No way they are getting a bomb without getting detected.

BAHHAAAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by adav8s28
IB doesn't know his stuff. When guys like you, WTF, Yassup, Speed Racer, Little Monster and others put him in place he crumbles like a Snowflake. Hes just like the liar Trump. He never admits when he is wrong. Instead he doubles down on a lie. Its sad but that's the tiny little world he lives in
I B Hankering's Avatar
The facilities are under constant monotioring via satellite. Check out the satellite picture in the link below. The 1,000 high speed centrifuges are turned off. The thirteen thousand low speed centrifuges are turned off. There is no way for Iran to enrich, no way for Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

The minor violations that you posted are like getting a ticket for J-walking. Those minor violations will NOT lead Iran to getting a nuclear weapon.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
You only know what Odumbo wanted you to hear, but Odumbo never initiated a thorough inspection of Iranian facilities. Hence, nothing has changed from before. Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty from day one, and you ain't got shit to refute that point.

IB doesn't know his stuff. When guys like you, WTF, Yassup, Speed Racer, Little Monster and others put him in place he crumbles like a Snowflake. Hes just like the liar Trump. He never admits when he is wrong. Instead he doubles down on a lie. Its sad but that's the tiny little world he lives in Originally Posted by themystic
I know Odumbo never initiated a thorough inspection of Iranian facilities and that Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty from day one, and you ain't got shit to refute that point.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-22-2019, 07:46 AM
You only know what Odumbo wanted you to hear, but Odumbo never initiated a thorough inspection of Iranian facilities. Hence, nothing has changed from before. Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty from day one, and you ain't got shit to refute that point.

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Don't forget we know that Trump thinks you're an idiot for supporting the original Iraq War with their fake accusations and support of pulling the inspectors from Ieaq.

And he seems to understand that he can fool you twice by doing the exact same thing as there are a certain crowd that is always ready to go to war with others people lives and money!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don't forget we know that Trump thinks you're an idiot for supporting the original Iraq War with their fake accusations and support of pulling the inspectors from Ieaq.

And he seems to understand that he can fool you twice by doing the exact same thing as there are a certain crowd that is always ready to go to war with others people lives and money!
Originally Posted by WTF
Saddam Hussein signed his own death warrant when he invaded Kuwait and is known to have gassed his own people. I have absolutely no issue with him and his sadistic sons being taken out. Did you read Podesta's emails at Wikileaks? It was pretty clear dim-retards like their voters to be unquestioning and stupid -- all of the time. P.S. your deflection doesn't change the fact that Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS from day one.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Saddam Hussein signed his own death warrant when he invaded Kuwait and is known to have gassed his own people. I have absolutely no issue with him and his sadistic sons being taken out. Did you read Podesta's emails at Wikileaks? It was pretty clear dim-retards like their voters to be unquestioning and stupid -- all of the time. P.S. your deflection doesn't change the fact that Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS from day one. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Speaking of deflection...

So all the juvenile namecalling aside, IBH, if Saddam deserved to die -- which I think he did -- why then involve the entire US military industrial complex? Shirley there were other ways to do it without flushing our economy and wasting lives.

And WTF does that have to do with your topic, which as we all have come to realize, is simply your way of justifying Trump's tyrannical unilateral actions?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-22-2019, 01:01 PM
Saddam Hussein signed his own death warrant when he invaded Kuwait and is known to have gassed his own people. I have absolutely no issue with him and his sadistic sons being taken out. e. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I have no issue with Saddam's death. I have issue with 4 plus Trillion washed down the drain and all the dead and wounded American soldiers, not to mention all the innocent Iraqis killed.

See I agree with Trump....your war in Iraq was not only based on a lie but it was misquided.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Speaking of deflection...

So all the juvenile namecalling aside, IBH, if Saddam deserved to die -- which I think he did -- why then involve the entire US military industrial complex? Shirley there were other ways to do it without flushing our economy and wasting lives.

And WTF does that have to do with your topic, which as we all have come to realize, is simply your way of justifying Trump's tyrannical unilateral actions?
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
When was it that you put juvenile name calling aside? Your posts are full of documentary evidence that you have not done that.

I have no issue with Saddam's death. I have issue with 4 plus Trillion washed down the drain and all the dead and wounded American soldiers, not to mention all the innocent Iraqis killed.

See I agree with Trump....your war in Iraq was not only based on a lie but it was misquided.
Originally Posted by WTF
This thread is about how Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty, and to date, you've provided nothing that refutes that point.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
IBH's Meltdown has shown no signs of letting up. In fact, he's ramping up the vitriol.

You're you're hijacking your own thread, IBH.


I B Hankering's Avatar
IBH's Meltdown has shown no signs of letting up. In fact, he's ramping up the vitriol.

You're you're hijacking your own thread, IBH.


Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's noticeable how it is you that is not mentioning Odumbo's POS treaty and how Iran cheated on it from day one -- thus completely off-topic -- as you make absurd and false allegations.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-22-2019, 04:58 PM

This thread is about how Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty, and to date, you've provided nothing that refutes that point. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh but I have...I've presented the Head of our intelligence say that they did not think that true.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's noticeable how it is you that is not mentioning Odumbo's POS treaty and how Iran cheated on it from day one -- thus completely off-topic -- as you make absurd and false allegations. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Iran. There! That’s about as much attention as you’ve given this topic since you unprovokedly raised it from the dead.

You’re still melting down, flailing about trying to defend your absurdly exaggerations and fabrications. The more people point out your failed logic and ravenous hunger for attention, the more you screech.

Why are you still obsessed with Obama? Is it about that pesky Amendment? Still??? Or is it something else?
bambino's Avatar
Iran. There! That’s about as much attention as you’ve given this topic since you unprovokedly raised it from the dead.

You’re still melting down, flailing about trying to defend your absurdly exaggerations and fabrications. The more people point out your failed logic and ravenous hunger for attention, the more you screech.

Why are you still obsessed with Obama? Is it about that pesky Amendment? Still??? Or is it something else? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You’re still obsessed with Obama and his hatred for Israel.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-22-2019, 06:23 PM
You’re still obsessed with Obama and his hatred for Israel. Originally Posted by bambino
It is not a matter of hatred of Isreal, it is doing what is best for this country.

We are the dog that is having the tail shake it.

We need to take a close look at both Saudi Arabia and Isreal.

Do their bidding for them got us into Iraq...

Now you wanna go into Iran?

bambino's Avatar
It is not a matter of hatred of Isreal, it is doing what is best for this country.

We are the dog that is having the tail shake it.

We need to take a close look at both Saudi Arabia and Isreal.

Do their bidding for them got us into Iraq...

Now you wanna go into Iran?

. Originally Posted by WTF
You are clueless. Israel is the only western style democracy in the Middle East. Who would you support? But hey, we don’t need SA, Iraq, Kuwait or anybody else for oil. We have our own. And it’s cheap! Thank you DJ Trump!!!! It took all this time to be oil independent. Now we can pull back in the Middle East. But that flew right over your and AOCs head!!!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh but I have...I've presented the Head of our intelligence say that they did not think that true.

Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo never completed a preliminary inspection of Iran's capabilities; so, neither you nor the people you're citing know exactly what the fuck Iran had to begin with. Subsequently, Netanyahu and an Iranian engineer have gone on record with proof that Odumbo's treaty was a piece of shit and Iran has been cheating since day one.

Iran. There! That’s about as much attention as you’ve given this topic since you unprovokedly raised it from the dead.

You’re still melting down, flailing about trying to defend your absurdly exaggerations and fabrications. The more people point out your failed logic and ravenous hunger for attention, the more you screech.

Why are you still obsessed with Obama? Is it about that pesky Amendment? Still??? Or is it something else?
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Intelligent, educated people know that it's called a "current event" in the political news cycle.