GA Election Case - Back Open!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That won’t erase Trump putting the squeeze on Raffensberger.

Even a bloke as legally challenged as you could make that case against Trump. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

did Trump "squeeze:" Raffensberger? for simply asking for a recount?

depends on one's point of view, yes??

Yssup Rider's Avatar
did Trump "squeeze:" Raffensberger? for simply asking for a recount?

depends on one's point of view, yes??

bahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You heard the tape, Waco.EVERYBODY heard the tape.

You’re not honestly going to spin the recording?

You have earned the status as ECCIE’s most ignored,poster.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You heard the tape, Waco.EVERYBODY heard the tape.

You’re not honestly going to spin the recording?

You have earned the status as ECCIE’s most ignored,poster. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
and so did you. yer "enghish" must be "England enghish" not "Merican enghish"

post the video and show me where Trump ever wanted Raffensberger to "illegally" find votes.

America will wait.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^ TWK, do you not know how to use google? It literally takes 15 seconds to find on YouTube. As usual, you post definitively about shit you know absolutely nothing about.

I would post the hour-long call, but my real name is attached to my kids' YouTube accounts... calling E9500 ASAP to post the video. Haha

Anyway, I wish instead of wasting time on some hush money bullshit case that they would have been further along with the GA case. I am interested in Chump's jail worthy crimes and not hush money parole waste of taxpayer money slap on the wrist crimes in NYC.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
“Trump simply ask for a recount?”

As you know (but dishonestly ignore) there is a procedure for “simply asking” for a recount. And it isn’t calling the SOS and telling how many votes one needs.

It’s ironic that TWK and the other MAGA zealots would make pussy a determining factor in an attempt to overturn an election after spending months attacking all involved in Trump’s mongering cover up.

The “perfect call” is to LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!
You heard the tape, Waco.EVERYBODY heard the tape.

You’re not honestly going to spin the recording?

You have earned the status as ECCIE’s most ignored,poster. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Everybody heard PART OF a tape... Raffensperger has
the phone recordings - and Trump has the phone recordings.
And, of course one of those calls was illegally recorded
- but that issue will come up at trial - IF there is one.

... And would you look at that - the Appeals Court has
postponed the trial... Won't take place until sometime
in 2025 - if at all. ... Though of course Fani still has
her "conflict of interest" hearing coming in October.

... Blimey! ... Fani has spent more time defending
herself in Georgia Courts then Trump has! ...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
“Trump simply ask for a recount?”

As you know (but dishonestly ignore) there is a procedure for “simply asking” for a recount. And it isn’t calling the SOS and telling how many votes one needs.

It’s ironic that TWK and the other MAGA zealots would make pussy a determining factor in an attempt to overturn an election after spending months attacking all involved in Trump’s mongering cover up.

The “perfect call” is to LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so

and i'd advise you not to refer to me as a "MAGA Zealot" again

^^^ TWK, do you not know how to use google? It literally takes 15 seconds to find on YouTube. As usual, you post definitively about shit you know absolutely nothing about.

I would post the hour-long call, but my real name is attached to my kids' YouTube accounts... calling E9500 ASAP to post the video. Haha

Anyway, I wish instead of wasting time on some hush money bullshit case that they would have been further along with the GA case. I am interested in Chump's jail worthy crimes and not hush money parole waste of taxpayer money slap on the wrist crimes in NYC. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

you post it and let's all see what was said

you have 15 seconds yeah?

Lucas McCain's Avatar
you post it and let's all see what was said

you have 15 seconds yeah?

bahahahaaaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Old man, I don't care if you want to waste your time trying to be slick with me. All I ask is to get better at reading comprehension so I can't easily predict your childish response when you try and beat you to the punch... read my 2nd paragraph. I thought that was very simple to understand but I guess I was wrong. LOL

Blimey! ... Fani has spent more time defending
herself in Georgia Courts then Trump has! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
That may be the only statement you have ever written in this goofball forum that I actually agree with.

Edit for the usual TWK nonsense below: Yeah, it makes perfect logical sense to out myself by posting an easily searchable video on a whore board to prove a simple point to someone I don't give a flying fuck about. LOL
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Old man, I don't care if you want to waste your time trying to be slick with me. All I ask is to get better at reading comprehension so I can't easily predict your childish response when you try and beat you to the punch... read my 2nd paragraph. I thought that was very simple to understand but I guess I was wrong. LOL

That may be the only statement you have ever written in this goofball forum that I actually agree with. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

dude you can "out" yerself any time you want but to claim you can't prove your claim without "outing" yerself is nonsense bs.

thank you valued poster
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
did Trump "squeeze:" Raffensberger? for simply asking for a recount?

depends on one's point of view, yes??

bahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
""All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won this state, and flipping the state is a great testament to the country," Trump said. "I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break." "It's just not possible to have lost Georgia. It's not possible," Trump said."

So tell me how does Raffensperger "find" 11,780 votes? Another recount? Where were these additional votes coming from?

Trump in all likelihood had never spoken to Raffensperger before in his life. So what was the purpose of the call? You can make up excuses as long as you like. Trump is guilty of trying to intimidate an elected official into breaking the law.
... There were OTHER PEOPLE on the call - lawyers and what-not.
And we also are aware - as I mentioned - that The girl from
Raffensperger's office illegally taped one of the calls.

And when you throw-in that Fulton County election problems,
WRONG vote-counting numbers and the possibility of voting machines
being hacked - this surely looks like a Great Issue for the
State of Georgia Elections Board to review Next Year.

When there's a Federal Investigation.

Odd that Sec. of State Raffensperger never seems to want to give
any testimony to the Board on any of the problems, aint it?
Raffensperger RUNS AWAY from the Hearings.

... And the constant pauses in this Fani Willis case is by design.
Georgia Officials never want this case to see the light of day.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What Georgia republican leadership WANTS is immaterial.

Trump was indicted along with his whole Georgia task force.

Of course they don't WANT the trial to proceed. It makes them look like fucking idiots, which they likely are.

But the facts are the facts. Trump DID try to overturn the state's election. Openly. He is GUILTY AS FUCK.

All the other jerking off is just that.

Trump can't pardon himself or anybody from the Georgia case, which will resume at some point and put a number of them, possibly Twitler himself, in jail for a long time.

Keep bitching and making excuses. The facts are the facts.

You're just spinning.
... First off - I didn't mention "Republican leadership" AT ALL.
... So WHY did you?

... Guv Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger ARE part of the
Republican leadership - and I don't care what they want, either.

And second - there is no spin... Just me-own educated opinion.

But the interesting question is - IF the case does eventually
continue on - will Fani Willis still be a part of it???

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why WOULDN'T the case continue? Because someone got laid?

Who's on trial here, Willis or the accused and charged conspirators?

Surely that absolves all of them.


A perfect lawsuit.
... We'll See! ...

But for right now - Fani is "on trial" come October.
"conflict of interest" and what-not. ...

Blimey! --- is that Newsweek with a new article
"Fani Willis Blew It..." ... Go take a look!

#### Salty