The 2020 Presidential Election

Whisky_1's Avatar
Sure will miss ya. Wait, no I won't. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No substance, no empirical evidence, no effective reclama just cheap shots and insults. 45's loss of the popular vote in the November General Election but installation in December by the Electoral College supports my position not yours. Is that all you got? Bye Probably time to close this thread!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No substance, no empirical evidence, no effective reclama just cheap shots and insults. 45's loss of the popular vote in the November General Election but installation in December by the Electoral College supports my position not yours. Is that all you got? Bye Probably time to close this thread! Originally Posted by Whisky_1

I suppose Hillary won the Cocker Spaniel vote as well. That and the 'popular vote' count just as much as evidenced by Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution and Amendment XII to said document.

See, told ya that phase was pretty nifty. Try it, you'll like it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I claimed the current administration is a shit show of a flying monkey circus and 45 is the head coach for the American white supremacy team. . Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Too many claims and predictions spewed about. Let's just work on the first one. Here, let's rewrite it together:

I claimed the current administration is a shit show of a flying monkey circus and 45 is the head coach for the American white supremacy team, as evidenced by , (you take it from here and fill in quantifiable & verifiable data to support 'your claim'...)

Whisky_1's Avatar
Lol! Get outta here with that BS. YOU are in denial and suffer from cognative dissonance. However to anwser your evidenced by a combination 10k + misleading, false and racially divisive public utterances made by 45. Not to mention the nomination of right wing political appointees many of whom are grossly under qualified for Cabinet or other high level government positions. How many key government and executive level post are vacant because of 45's fuckery? Besides what good is empirical evidence to science deniers that don't believe in science? Hear that? That is the sound of windmills giving you cancer. Lol! Its only natural that a racist country with a history of institutional racism (explicit and implicit) and poor race relations would elect a racist President who appoints other racist key government positions. 45 will probably win in 2020 to the detriment of the world. Change my mind!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Lol! Get outta here with that BS. YOU are in denial and suffer from cognative dissonance. However to anwser your evidenced by a combination 10k + misleading, false and racially divisive public utterances made by 45. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Claim! More like opinion. Try to remember, he was not a racist in anyone's eyes until; 1) he became a Republican and ran for President and 2) beat Hillary like a tormented mule. BTW, I'm not seeing how your claim of cognative dissonance even makes sense. Usually that is when facts are presented - clearly, not your wheel house. Just claims and opinions, which are fine, but it doesn't make them facts.

Not to mention the nomination of right wing political appointees many of whom are grossly under qualified for Cabinet or other high level government positions. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Unlike O'blunder's picks how? Not counting the shovel ready ones, of course. I do not recall how many Rebublican cabinet picks Obama had on hand. I'm thinking is was something pretty close to zero. I do recall that nominations have to go though a nomination process in Congress? Hmm, wonder what the hold up is? I certainly recall that he is moving through a record high number of judicial appointments, even though many are stalled in Congress. You do know they were open under Oblameo. Right?

Besides what good is empirical evidence to science deniers that don't believe in science? Hear that? That is the sound of windmills giving you cancer. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Was not aware of either. I'm a fan (pun intended) of science. Never heard windmills give you cancer. However, I am aware and agog about them reportedly being responsible for the mass extermination of medium and large sized, migratory, birds across multiple species. Last report I saw compared it to near mass extermination levels. I'm still reading up on the carbon print of windmills. Early indicators seem to show they don't recoup the carbon it takes to make and maintain them. Kinda like the Prius.

Its only natural that a racist country with a history of institutional racism (explicit and implicit) and poor race relations would elect a racist President who appoints other racist key government positions. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

I must have missed the memo on that one. Not that there was not racism, but whom the main perpetrators of it were. I likewise missed the one on how O'bingo improved race relations too. Most divisive President I've seen in my lifetime (my opinion). But then, that's ye olde Alinsky playbook.

45 will probably win in 2020 to the detriment of the world. Change my mind! Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Agree with the first part. But even that is guarded as there is too much fuggery going on with censorship in social media and large state actors that don't like being told to pay their fair share to keep the merri-go-round spinning. Disagree with the second part. Once those players realize TRUMP is the real deal and yes Virginia, they actually do have to pay their fair share and on a level playing field - they will do just fine.

Hey Obama wasn't my cup of tea - way too narcissistic and extremely unqualified. But he was the President and the country moved on afterwards, even though he stumbled badly along the way. Trump may not be your cup of tea but then - you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find - you get what you need ;-)
Dev Null's Avatar

Did counties hosting a Trump rally in 2016 see a 226% spike in hate crimes?

Yes, according to a paper present by researchers at Texas A&M and Univ. North Tex and currently under peer review. Based on aggregated hate crime data on counties hosting a Trump rally.

"We found that counties that had hosted a 2016 Trump campaign rally saw a 226% increase in reported hate crimes over comparable counties that did not host such a rally."

This despite the fact that not all jurisdictions pursue hate crimes as aggressively as others. There may be other factors at work here, but the optics are not particularly good.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Did counties hosting a Trump rally in 2016 see a 226% spike in hate crimes? Originally Posted by Dev Null

Comments coming from Che Bernie are suspect and reporting from Politifact and Washington Post even more so. At least the article was honest enough to inform that those are preliminary conclusions which may be statistically insignificant and are based on inconsistent data.

Now, where the rubber meets the road is on where/what is the source of said violence, i.e. Who dunnit? A case in point - Charolettesville, where organizers of a rally to preserve monuments had a permit to hold a rally. It was usurped by two distinct groups, i.e. agitators. So to whom goes the blame for the uptick in the violence? The organizers or the agitators. Or - was it the local and politically motivate police/government who routed the groups towards each other into a funnel.

People attending a Trump rally have not been recorded as having committed violence to my knowledge. But anti-Trump agitators have been. So uhhmmm... I'll wait and see what the final report shows. But it could just as likely show that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a debilitating mental disease which manifests through violence.
"Charolettesville, where organizers of a rally to preserve monuments"

You mean racist fascists who wanted statues of traitors to stay up in public in order to intimidate black people, because that's why those statues were made in the 1st place. The fascists are the agitators.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
"Charolettesville, where organizers of a rally to preserve monuments"

You mean racist fascists Originally Posted by supercold1

Wasn't talking about you
Better border security and better enforcement of immigration laws is not what we have under Fuhrer Drumpf. He's made the asylum process so difficult, that most people are opting to enter illegally, all because he wants to shuttle them into his concentration camps. He and his racist supporters want that to be the punishment for brown people trying to enter this country. Meanwhile, immigration from Mexico had been in a sharp decline since Obama took office, thanks to his SMARTER policies, so it's not even as big a problem as they say it is. It doesn't matter how many people come here, they will always say the problem is much bigger than it actually is, because all they care about is punishing brown people.
Wasn't talking about you Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Says the white supremacist.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Oh darn, we're not in recession after all. Sorry Bill Mahr. Better luck next time.

Consumer spending beats expectations - Shoppers reject phony media recession fears...

by Sundance

Average wage growth remains +3.5% year-over-year. The growth of overall income for American workers exceeds +5.4 percent year-over-year. Unemployment is a low 3.6% and U.S. consumer inflation remains low at 1.4 percent. Meaning: the middle-class has more disposable income to save or SPEND; and that’s what is happening….

  • Reminder #1: Consumer spending is two-thirds of the U.S. economy.
  • Reminder #2: We consume more than 80 percent of our own production (products created in USA). We do not rely on exports.
  • Reminder #3: Because of #1 and #2, the “Main Street” U.S. economy is self sustaining -much stronger- and more protected from the negative impacts on the global economy.
  • Reminder #4: Who/What is at risk from global contraction? The Wall Street economy (compromised primarily of multinationals). What is not at risk, the Main St economy.
  • Reminder #5: Because of #3 and #4, Wall Street can drop while Main Street thrives.
My thoughts:

This is also why the longer China delays talking tariffs the more they lose. Must be that magic wand Trump has

Watch for the Dims to be announcing more FREE-schtuff programs for more groups of folks, with rainbow sprinkles on top. Either that or they will have to come up with a new label for him as they have pretty much run out of labels and, obviously, any coherent policy platform.

MSM fear mongering will begin in 3, 2, 1...