Do you think Colonel Peters is correct?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Listen up Speed! Ol' IB is more than willing to psychoanalize your post and even rewrite what you say while claiming to quote you. So why don't you just hand over your password to him now and let him write your posts from the beginning. It is easier that way since eventually he will lie and contort what you say anyway. Take the easy way out--admit that the unemployed basement dweller has no sense of shame, no self-correcting honesty filter, and only sleeps one hour a day, so eventually his lies will drown out your logic and facts. He will insit that the Olmecs and Mayans didn't really live in what is now called Mexico. And that Macmillan, younger brother of Franz Joseph, was an Aztec. And after beating your head against the solid granite that is IB's, you will get tired of all the effort you are putting in to educate a life form that does not want to be confused by reality.

Just give up. No one sane really pays attention to him anyway.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Until the Spanish arrived, there was no "Mexico", Old-THUMPER. The Spanish named their new territory after the "Mexica" who were the Aztecs who lived in what would become known as "The Valley of Mexico." The "Mexica" were/are the original "Mexicans", Old-THUMPER, and none of your ignorant as a jackass remarks will ever change that, Old-THUMPER. It would be two more decades before the Yucatan was annexed to Mexico, Old-THUMPER, and during that time those Mayans were not part of Mexico.

BTW, Old-THUMPER, you last remark is completely laughable. Your trollish ass has been stalking and enumerating my posts for over two years now, Old-THUMPER.
He just looked it up from WIKI.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-26-2015, 01:46 PM
I'm going to simply ignore the silliness that has resulted in this posting and go back to the original topic. Ralph Peters a military leader thinks we should get tough on IsLamic Terriorist. Typical response from a salesman on a news channel. We tried this in Afghanistan. We tried this in Iraq. We didn't know who we were fighting or why they were fighting us. He shows that he has no understanding that the war is with a religious ideology. How are you going to fight that? There are ways. But this silly sales job going on in our political arena isn't doing anything. I might add that the reducing a serious matter into childish name calling isn't going to change anything else GUYS! Originally Posted by Hermosa
This IS the best post on this entire board in at least six months!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This IS the best post on this entire board in at least six months! Originally Posted by Old-T
Great observation, Junior.

Why haven't you posted something of this quality?