Are we headed for a world wide meltdown?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I said with Russian help. Are you ignorant of that fact?... Originally Posted by WTF
So you mean like collusion?? I hear tell Mueller is still looking for it and his drool bib

...They would have colluded with Russia had the opportunity presented itself as the Trump Jr meeting showed!... Originally Posted by WTF
Oh I remember that boy band called Coulda-Woulda-Shoulda. Mueller never was able to dance to their music though.

...You do realize that Trumps campaign manger was convicted for not reporting his ties and tax evasion of pro Russian money from within Ukraine... Originally Posted by WTF
You kinda tailed off there. Was not said issues before he worked for Trump and was actually on team Demonicrat?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-01-2022, 04:18 PM

You kinda tailed off there. Was not said issues before he worked for Trump and was actually on team Demonicrat? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
It wasn't known you numbnut.
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  • WTF
  • 06-01-2022, 04:19 PM
Why_Yes_I_Do. I recollect the questin to one military man from a congress critter: Sir, you spent massively on security for your own home. Why? Is there someone that is that dangerous? Oliver North responded: Yes sir. Osama Bin Laden.

I recorded those hearings and watched every bit of them. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Wasn't he the one trading arms for money to circumvent Congress and support the Osama like Contras in Nicaragua?:

You are full of shit on the Osama bin laden claim. He wasn't even on our radar in 1987...he was basically on our side fighting the Soviets.
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Fact Checks
September 11th
Oliver North Warned of Osama bin Laden in 1987
Did Oliver North warn Congress about Osama bin Laden during the Iran-Contra hearings?
David Mikkelson
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Image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr

‘Alexa, What Will Happen to Florida in 2025?’
During the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings, Oliver North warned Congress that Osama bin Laden was "the most evil person alive" and that "an assassin team [should] be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."
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For most of us who watched the televised Joint Hearings Before the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition and the House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran (better known as the “Iran-Contra hearings,” held by Congress to determine whether the Reagan administration had secretly and illegally sold arms to Iran in order to secure the release of American hostages, then used the profits from those sales to fund the contra rebels in Nicaragua) in 1987, the enduring image we came away with was a memory of an unapologetic and resolute Lt. Col. Oliver North delivering testimony in a Marine uniform. North, who was a central figure in the plan to secretly ship arms to Iran despite a U.S. trade and arms embargo, and who as a National Security Council aide directed efforts to raise private and foreign funds for the contras despite a Congressional prohibition on U.S. government agencies’ providing military aid to the Nicaraguan rebels, testified before Congress under a grant of limited immunity in July 1987.

Although North had been granted limited immunity for his testimony, he was later convicted of criminal charges related to Iran-Contra activities (a conviction that was eventually overturned on the grounds that witnesses had been influenced by his immunized testimony). One of the charges against North was that he had received a $16,000 home security system paid for out of the proceeds of the Iran-Contra affair and had forged documents to cover his receipt of an illegal gratuity. North admitted that he knew the security system was a “gift” but maintained he never inquired about who had paid for it or how it was financed, and he was insistent that he needed the security system because the government had failed to provide adequate protection against international terrorists for him and his family.

The terrorist North mentioned in his testimony was not Osama bin Laden, however. To the extent that bin Laden was known to the western world in 1987, it was not as a “terrorist” but as one of the U.S.-backed “freedom fighters” participating in the war against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden’s hatred of the U.S. and conversion to “terrorist” status is not believed to have come about until the Gulf War of 1990-91, when he was outspokenly critical of Saudi Arabian dependence upon the U.S. military and denounced U.S. support of a “corrupt, materialist, and irreligious” Saudi monarchy. (The Saudi Arabian government stripped bin Laden of his citizenship in 1994 for his funding of militant fundamentalist Islamic groups.)

Oliver North did not testify about or mention the name Osama bin Laden during the Iran-Contra hearings. He claimed that threats against his life had been made by terrorist Abu Nidal, telling a congressional committee:

Abu Nidal is, as I am sure you on the Intelligence Committee know, the principal, foremost assassin in the world today. He is a brutal murderer. And I would like to just, if I may, just read to you a little bit about Mr. Abu Nidal …

“Abu Nidal, the radical Palestinian guerrilla leader, linked to last Friday’s attacks in Rome and Vienna” — that was the so-called Christmas massacre in which 19 people died and 200 were wounded — “is the world’s most wanted terrorist.” That is the Christian Science Monitor.

When you look at his whole career, Abu Nidal makes the infamous terrorist Carlos [the Jackal] look like a Boy Scout.

Abu Nidal himself, quoted in Der Spiegel, “Between America and us, there exists a war to the death. In the coming months and years, Americans will be thinking about us.”

“For sheer viciousness, Abu Nidal has few rivals in the underworld of terrorism.” Newseek.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If I was one to outsource what to think (I am not), I dang sure would not outsource it to a pole dancer. Hope you didn't spend too much on your subscription to her OnlyFans site.

Bin Laden May not have been on your radar. But guess what?

Wasn't he the one trading arms for money to circumvent Congress and support the Osama like Contras in Nicaragua?:

You are full of shit on the Osama bin laden claim. He wasn't even on our radar in 1987...he was basically on our side fighting the Soviets.
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.... Originally Posted by WTF
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-01-2022, 04:24 PM
If I was one to outsource what to think (I am not), I dang sure would not outsource it to a pole dancer. Hope you didn't spend too much on your subscription to her OnlyFans site.

Bin Laden May not have been on your radar. But guess what?

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You're lying like a rug about North speaking of Osama bin laden in 1987.

But you recorded it rd ight?

You can prove that nonsense!

You're making a fool of yourself. Your timeline does not match up with the facts.

North and bin laden are internet lore....totally made up bullshit. There is no testimony from Ollie North warning about bin laden in 1987.

Admit you were had and move on.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You're lying like a rug about North speaking of Osama bin laden in 1987... Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not a rayycist liar, like some I kow

But you recorded it rd ight?... Originally Posted by WTF
Why_Yes_I_Did. Can I borrow your BetaMax player?
  • Tiny
  • 06-01-2022, 04:47 PM
The bulk of the net worth of most House and Senate members is in publicly-traded stocks.

Do you want to be hauled before Congressional committees and forced to explain the onset of a vicious bear market?

"Look, Powell. Fuck that CPI bullshit. Who cares about gasoline and food prices; our stocks are heading south!"

Remember the "dual mandate?" What is it now, a "triple mandate?" (Or is it quadruple or more, with the AOCs, Bernies, and Elizabeths pushing for the Fed to do something about racial and climate justice?)

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Well then, Elizabeth Brainard was definitely the woman for the job! But I guess it was hard to get rid of Powell when he'd done all the politicians asked.

I just looked this up, on the Fed's web site: The Federal Reserve Act mandates that the Federal Reserve conduct monetary policy "so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates."

How can you maximize employment, and, at the same time maintain stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates, when inflation's 8%? My friend WTF's contention recently that you can maximize productivity (I think he meant GDP growth) and government revenues at the same time by adjusting tax rates is almost reasonable compared to that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I doubt that weather forecasting pays the bills though.

Jamie Dimon Warns of Economic ‘Hurricane’

A few weeks ago J.P. Morgan Chase chief Jamie Dimon warned that there were storm clouds looming over the U.S. economy.

Now he wants to upgrade the storm forecast to a hurricane warning.

“I said there were storm clouds, big storm clouds. It’s a hurricane,” Dimon said at a conference Wednesday. “Right now it’s kind of sunny, things are doing fine, everyone thinks the Fed can handle it. That hurricane is right out there down the road coming our way. We don’t know if it’s a minor one or Superstorm Sandy. You better brace yourself.”

Dimon’s remarks were reported by Bloomberg News.

Dimon warned that the Fed’s plan to shrink its balance sheet, often referred to as quantitative tightening or QT, was also introducing new risks.

“We’ve never had QT like this, so you’re looking at something you could be writing history books on for 50 years,” Dimon added, according to CNBC.

The Fed has said it will begin to shrink its balance sheet this month by letting maturing bonds roll off at an initial pace of $47.5 billion per month. That is scheduled to double to $95 billion a month in September.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...North and bin laden are internet lore....totally made up bullshit. There is no testimony from Ollie North warning about bin laden in 1987... Originally Posted by WTF
Bought a BetaMax at Goodwill for $7. Turns out Ollie did in fact mention Abu Nidal and not Bin Laden. See? No harm fessing up. Now, might be a good time for you to reexamine the whole of your existence. I'll even toss in a free BetaMax player for ya.
lustylad's Avatar
If I was one to outsource what to think (I am not), I dang sure would not outsource it to a pole dancer. Hope you didn't spend too much on your subscription to her OnlyFans site. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Pole dancer? Don't be so stinting in your praise. She boasts a much more impressive level of experience than that!
lustylad's Avatar
Bought a BetaMax at Goodwill for $7. Turns out Ollie did in fact mention Abu Nidal and not Bin Laden. See? No harm fessing up. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Nope. Smart move on your part. WTF should try it some time.

Occasionally even he manages to blurt out the truth:

I hate to say it but lustylad is right.... Originally Posted by WTF
lustylad's Avatar
Remember the "dual mandate?" What is it now, a "triple mandate?" (Or is it quadruple or more, with the AOCs, Bernies, and Elizabeths pushing for the Fed to do something about racial and climate justice?) Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Once we lay the entire "woke" agenda at the feet of the Federal Reserve, it will be pulled in so many conflicting directions (for which it mostly lacks ANY policy tools to address) that I can only imagine the members of its Governing Board will be running around like a bunch of headless chickens!

lustylad's Avatar
How can you maximize employment, and at the same time maintain stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates, when inflation's 8%? My friend WTF's contention recently that you can maximize productivity (I think he meant GDP growth) and government revenues at the same time by adjusting tax rates is almost reasonable compared to that. Originally Posted by Tiny
WTF never said that. As you aptly pointed out, he can't even DEFINE productivity. He's also too stupid to put cut-and-paste passages in quotemarks. Or maybe he was just plagiarizing again in an effort to look smart.
  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2022, 12:45 PM
Pole dancer? Don't be so stinting in your praise. She boasts a much more impressive level of experience than that! Originally Posted by lustylad
This is off topic, but since this is my thread I can hijack it! I was seeing a sugar baby who lived close to me many years ago. At the time she'd take off every once in a while to see a sugar daddy in a distant city. He'd buy her plane tickets and she'd be gone less than 24 hours. He'd give her ridiculous amounts, like $10,000 or $15,000, for the trip.

Well it turns out he was CFO of a company and he was defrauding it out of massive amounts of money, over $50 million in total. It was a big story in the local press where he lived. I'm expecting him to show up on American Green, the show on CNBC, one day.

Anyway I'm amazed how far this guy David Mikkelson made $98,000 in embezzled funds go -- vacations in India and Buenos Aires and a new porn star wife. He must have blown some of his salary or dividends as well.

Mikkelson's payment of personal expenses with money from his business, thereby making them tax deductible, is an excellent illustration why some successful Democratic businessmen argue for higher taxes -- because they've figured out a way to avoid taxes by gaming or defrauding the system.
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  • WTF
  • 06-02-2022, 01:05 PM