Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t know what you’ve been paying attention to (apparently not much) but the Trump administration is pressing Ukraine and others for information regarding the 2016 election, not 2020. Finding out who and what happened is perfectly legitimate, or at least it was during Meuller’s failed investigation.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, no? Or is it that you don’t actually give AF about election integrity unless it benefits your own political leanings? Somehow, I’m inclined to believe the later.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2019, 09:55 AM
The ONLY reason why those loons want "closed" and "secret" hearings is because .....

This is a question for any other takers, not necessarily LexusLover who's already given his answer. Why are the hearings closed and secret? You'd think Democratic Congressmen would want as much attention as possible focused on this. Possible explanations are national security, or having the ability to selectively leak testimony, but neither those nor LexusLover's explanation makes a lot of sense to me, given what we know from the witness' written opening statements. I'm not saying one of these isn't correct, just that I don't understand Congress' rationale.

I think the hearings should be public and open.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The rationale is so that they can keep the public from hearing anything exculpatory, but selectively leak anything they can spin as damning. It also, along with not voting for a legitimate inquiry, prevents the other side from presenting, or even pursuing, contradictory evidence.

The democrats are pathetic and transparent. No free thinker buys what they’re selling, as will be witnessed when they’re crushed in 2020.
I'm going to take a guess Tiny. I think it has to do with integrity of the witness's statements. For example, they may not want a witness "selling" their story to a media outlet because then it diminishes the statement. That's only a guess.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2019, 10:12 AM
The rationale is so that they can keep the public from hearing anything exculpatory, but selectively leak anything they can spin as damning. It also, along with not voting for a legitimate inquiry, prevents the other side from presenting, or even pursuing, contradictory evidence.

The democrats are pathetic and transparent. No free thinker buys what they’re selling, as will be witnessed when they’re crushed in 2020. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The hole in this argument is the press, which is going to selectively pick parts of testimony, twist them around and take them out of context to try to favor one candidate or the other. Open hearings would provide them lots and lots of fodder. And since the mainstream media, with some notable exceptions like Fox, has an anti-Trump bias, this would work against Trump.

Again, I'm not saying you're wrong, just that it doesn't make sense to me.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2019, 10:15 AM
I'm going to take a guess Tiny. I think it has to do with integrity of the witness's statements. For example, they may not want a witness "selling" their story to a media outlet because then it diminishes the statement. That's only a guess. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That's as good or better a guess than any of mine Ellen. I guess you could view this like a grand jury process, where the witnesses testify in secret, although as we know there's no chance of that bunch on Capitol Hill keeping anything secret.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Using the term Hearings is misleading the trumptards. It’s assumed the inquiry is being ran like the hearings of Emails or Benghazi. An inquiry is a investigation into suspicious incidents committed by the fat lying bastard and his minions.

No US attorney is going to hold a investigation into a suspect in public and neither will the House. The evidence will be collected, the articles will be written and then presented to the House for Vote. When the articles are forwarded to the Senate it’s the Senates job to hold a trial.

The impeachment trial of Donald J Trump should be televised, but Moscow Mitch is unlikely going to let that happen.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The rationale is so that they can keep the public from hearing anything exculpatory, but selectively leak anything they can spin as damning. It also, along with not voting for a legitimate inquiry, prevents the other side from presenting, or even pursuing, contradictory evidence.

The democrats are pathetic and transparent. No free thinker buys what they’re selling, as will be witnessed when they’re crushed in 2020. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

The trump party is so fucking stupid they can’t see the difference between a inquiry and a hearing. Their in doubt so they run in circles shit and shout conspiracy.
matchingmole's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The impeachment trial of Donald J Trump should be televised, but Moscow Mitch is unlikely going to let that happen.
There’s not going to be an impeachment trial.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

what's with the dots?
Jaxson66's Avatar
There’s not going to be an impeachment trial. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Post # 415. I’ll remind you...folks often lose memory in detox.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Dude there’s not even an impeachment proceeding, let alone a trial which they absolutely won’t do because they know what the outcome will be. Keep hyping yourself up though, the letdown couldn’t be worse than Meuller and you survived that bust.

You think that you’d have learned through 3 years of screeching “ORANGE MAN FINISHED” that you’re consistently wrong.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Dude there’s not even an impeachment proceeding, let alone a trial which they absolutely won’t do because they know what the outcome will be. . Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Post 415 made myself a digital reminder. The day I throw it in your face don’t start that but, but, but Clinton bullshit
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Clinton’s inquiry was legitimate, he actually committed crimes. This one isn’t and Democrats know it, which is why they’re hiding in a scif.