What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

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  • WTF
  • 01-21-2011, 12:57 PM
You say most "folks" don't change what's working....

So you consider a lot of providers not happy with the current review protocol "working"? I beg to differ.. Originally Posted by Valerie

No that is not what I meant.

I mean that if the owners of a business are making $, they might not be as inclined to change that business model.

But why would anyone write anything about meeeee that is anything less than 100% positive? *bats eyelashes*

It is in my own self-interest to know what someone writes about our time together. If he didn't like something or really did like something, why would I not want that feedback? It's incredibly useful in bettering myself. Additionally, if he writes something that did not occur or reveals private info about me (or himself, I had to ask one gentleman to edit out his OWN personal info, bless his heart), I NEED to know about that so others reading it don't get the wrong impression/stalking material.

On other boards -- TER for example -- on which ladies can see the full content of their own reviews, the WK reviews you posit aren't an issue. I've read plenty that were so-so and many that were less than ass-kissin'. I haven't seen an increased amount of drama on BestGFE because ladies can also comment on their reviews (although I don't frequent the site often, so it may well be that I'm just not around to see it).

Bottom line is, I don't like ECCIE's review format, and while I certainly don't forbid gentlemen to post reviews here, I definitely don't encourage it, either.

Which may be a moot point, considering I get reviewed like once a year anyway. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Well said....Thank you for backing up what I just wrote!
London Rayne's Avatar
No that is not what I meant.

I mean that if the owners of a business are making $, they might not be as inclined to change that business model.

Originally Posted by WTF
I think the majority of guys would still pay for membership to read reviews....just like every other board. Most come here for the discussion forums which are free anyway. If a guy pulls money because he can't make some dumb azz comment that has no merit, let him. 2 more ladies might be inclined to spend their advertising dollars if the peanut gallery was not always here.

If a guy is that dumb that he needs 4 other guys to say, "Quack" for his own light bulb to go on, he probably should not even be reading reviews lol.

Review "comments" are not why Eccie is in business...it's the combination of guys who pay to READ them, and ladies who pay to advertise. In fact, there was a thread in the main forum not long ago by someone practically begging for guys to post MORE reviews...seems to me the ladies might be telling them to post elsewhere. I have over 100 reviews with an average of 40 or so per board...I have 4 here. Nuff said.
Naomi4u's Avatar

Review "comments" are not why Eccie is in business...it's the combination of guys who pay to READ them, and ladies who pay to advertise. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Um.. exactly
Here's a way to lose mod powers.....
All IMO: I think that the ladies should be able to see a review. Especially, if it is a fake one (or they get attached to the wrong name, or are in error, just like on the other boards) or slanderous. But, by the same token, would we guys be permitted into the "ladies only" areas? What happens if a guy is slandered? I am not sure everyone can be made happy but I wanted to express my opinion and toss a "what if" out there.
Here's a way to lose mod powers.....
All IMO: But, by the same token, would we guys be permitted into the "ladies only" areas? Originally Posted by SR Only
It would be one thing if the guys didn't already have their own private room,but they do, so I'm not clear on how that has to do with the whole "Review" issue.....Both sexes have their own private rooms...The reviews are for geared towards men, it should be equal or no extra unnecessary "commentary" allowed...

I do appreciate you recognizing that we should at least be able to read our reviews...It's quite refreshing to have a guy on this board not acting like a complete Macho Narcissist as some do....
It would be one thing if the guys didn't already have their own private room,but they do, so I'm not clear on how that has to do with the whole "Review" issue.....Both sexes have their own private rooms...The reviews are for geared towards men, it should be equal or no extra unnecessary "commentary" allowed...

I do appreciate you recognizing that we should at least be able to read our reviews...It's quite refreshing to have a guy on this board not acting like a complete Macho Narcissist.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Dear Val,
I'd concur on both points (wait change that to issues as you have very lovely points! ). A provider friend really had a hard time a couple of years ago with false and malicious reviews on TER. Apparently, another provider's boyfriend posted them to get at her. It worked for a while as her bookings declined. She sort of reinvented herself. It was a real pain to resolve and TER was semi worthless.

I guess I believe in transparency whether here or in life. Best!!!
Many years ago I learned that anything which is written can be read, by anyone, at any time. As a result it has been my policy to ensure that anything I say or write about a person could be overheard or read by that person without their taking offense. That does not mean I am always flattering, or that I won't address a challenge or an area which needs attention. It simply means that there are polite ways to address things.

My guess is that many of the ladies here do have access to the reviews written about them, and I have no issue with that. It seems that it might be preferable to have that out in the open, and make it easier for all of the women to see their reviews. It also might lead to positive changes in the behaviors or practices of of everyone here, regardless of gender. If a gent won't tell it like it is, politely, just because the lady could read it, then one could question the veracity of his commentary. Likewise, the ladies would need to be as objective as possible when reading or responding. It might lead to some drama, but there is no lack of that here, anyway.

Everyone seems to have a strong opinion pro or con on this, but it just seems as if we could all read the reviews, the Men's and Women's private rooms could handle the occasional touchy stuff. Just sayin...
Dear Val,
I'd concur on both points (wait change that to issues as you have very lovely points! ). A provider friend really had a hard time a couple of years ago with false and malicious reviews on TER. Apparently, another provider's boyfriend posted them to get at her. It worked for a while as her bookings declined. She sort of reinvented herself. It was a real pain to resolve and TER was semi worthless.

I guess I believe in transparency whether here or in life. Best!!! Originally Posted by SR Only
Thank you
I think the majority of guys would still pay for membership to read reviews....

I have over 100 reviews with an average of 40 or so per board...I have 4 here. Nuff said. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I must be in the minority (how do you know) since I don't do reviews and don't pay for premium access. And if you have over a 100 reviews, and only 4 here, whatcha bitchin' about? Are all 4 bad????

It would be one thing if the guys didn't already have their own private room,but they do, so I'm not clear on how that has to do with the whole "Review" issue.....Both sexes have their own private rooms...The reviews are for geared towards men, it should be equal or no extra unnecessary "commentary" allowed...

I do appreciate you recognizing that we should at least be able to read our reviews...It's quite refreshing to have a guy on this board not acting like a complete Macho Narcissist.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Yeah, it only works if you have premium access. If you don't, you don't have access to the men only forums or the women only forums. But you're probably only trying to curry favor with the mods by excluding him from the whole male species of Macho Narcissists. If you think that way about men, every time you have a date, you screw him twice: once for the money, and once because you really hate him as a species.
Yeah, it only works if you have premium access. If you don't, you don't have access to the men only forums or the women only forums. But you're probably only trying to curry favor with the mods by excluding him from the whole male species of Macho Narcissists. If you think that way about men, every time you have a date, you screw him twice: once for the money, and once because you really hate him as a species.[/QUOTE]

Charlie! Glad you could make it.... Would you mind showing me a post where I specifically said "All men in the world are macho narcissists"....Good luck trying, you won't find one....Do I think there are some Macho Men on this board?..Yes I do, that however, does not indicate that as you said "I hate the whole male species"

Are you upset because there are actually some men on this thread who have said they think ladies should be able to see their own reviews? Or do you just get off on arguing with 95% of all females on this board?

Also, what exactly would I gain by currying favor with the mods? Please enlighten me on that one, since you're so full of wisdom....
Or is it just "Internet Troll(ing)?"

And I would really like to meet Val but timing may not be on my side (welcome to my hell). Wait, Val, you're in NYC?!? Hmmmmmm. Just PM and we'll "see what comes up."

(for those who picked up the typo, the wine is taking effect!)
Or is it just "Internet Troll(ing)?"

And I would really like to meet Val but timing may not be on my side (welcome to my hell). Wait, Val, you're in NYC?!? Hmmmmmm. Just PM and we'll "see what comes up."

(for those who picked up the typo, the wine is taking effect!) Originally Posted by SR Only
It's a mystery!

I don't know if that's a good idea SR, Charlie seems to think if I speak to you it's because I have some ulterior motive....
Naomi4u's Avatar

Yeah, it only works if you have premium access. If you don't, you don't have access to the men only forums or the women only forums. But you're probably only trying to curry favor with the mods by excluding him from the whole male species of Macho Narcissists. If you think that way about men, every time you have a date, you screw him twice: once for the money, and once because you really hate him as a species. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Everyone has to have an Ulterior motive huh? That's a sad way to think.
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