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offshoredrilling's Avatar

Can I get a date with that blonde- she's a guy???

And from Fairport NY a famous Rochester Street walker. That has been on TV or is that a TV. mmmmm its both. he/she has been at the club. But not my cup of tea. ya I passed. just not me. But he is doing well with hooking. And is why you may want to take your time shopping in a bar, or the street. It would be so funny if he got on ECCIE.
Rochester has whatever, that may float your boat.
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 08-06-2011, 03:55 PM

It would be so funny if he got on ECCIE.
Rochester has whatever, that may float your boat. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I will pass, thank you very much, But I think there are guys here that like it when the provider uses a strap-on on them, so maybe an 8" cut is the answer to those folks, whatever floats your boat.
Going Natural ...............
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmmm cnym did not like that mmmm lets try

The Isotopes Public Service Announcement
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  • MC
  • 08-07-2011, 09:41 AM
Finally ordered Big Trouble in Little China on dvd *does happy dance*
dont ya just hate when you bite into a piece of pizza thats still tooo hott and burn the roof of your mouth!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
dont ya just hate when you bite into a piece of pizza thats still tooo hott and burn the roof of your mouth!! Originally Posted by anita germane
ya that is worse than She sat on your face and cuts a barn burning fart. Once you wake up. Its all good again. Burt roof lingers.
roscoe14850's Avatar
dont ya just hate when you bite into a piece of pizza thats still tooo hott and burn the roof of your mouth!! Originally Posted by anita germane
Ouch! Gotta hate that! On the subject of food faux pas, what the hell is with restaurants asking if you want sour cream OR butter on your baked potato? ANY red meat lover will demand both, I'm not ordering a slab of meat & potatoes to be healthy!
Ouch! Gotta hate that! On the subject of food faux pas, what the hell is with restaurants asking if you want sour cream OR butter on your baked potato? ANY red meat lover will demand both, I'm not ordering a slab of meat & potatoes to be healthy! Originally Posted by roscoe14850
ha!!!load it up I want all the fixings when I ordering a baked potatoe!!chives..bacon..especi ally the bacon!!!!!and I want some A-1 for the steak which should be prepared to med-rare!!!yuuuuuuummmmyyyyyy!!!!! !now
I want a steak and potatoe!!!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 08-07-2011, 01:17 PM
ewwww. A-1??????? That ruins a perfectly fine cut of beef. Eat it plain and enjoy the natural flavor, just like DATY. Hey now I got an idea for my next appointment.

Reminder: go buy A-1 sauce.
roscoe14850's Avatar
ewwww. A-1??????? That ruins a perfectly fine but of beef. Eat it plain and enjoy the natural flavor, just like DATY. Hey now I got an idea for my next appointment.

Reminder: go buy A-1 sauce. Originally Posted by GP
GP, you're a nasty fucker!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmm for fresh clam, butter or garlic butter with white wine.

Today she had a extra tang. mmmm red wine with red meat!!!!!! checking my grandfather clock moon dial. It was a risky meal. But magic temp gauge wand came out clean, after the main course. Hope ready for next Sunday's run for the fun meal. I could go for some fresh haddock.

But I did have the vanilla 40 prof cream on breast meat. And she same on tube steak and meat balls. The clam appetizer I had was as is. She enjoyed licking my fingers clean. But did say from the taste, just in time. If fresh fish next week. I will have the same appetizers. And beef stick and nuggets for her. Not sure what cream. But she does like vanilla! Or maybe she will have the steak shish kabob with nuggets or meat balls on the side.

sorry for the edit's roscoe
roscoe14850's Avatar
mmm for fresh clam butter or garlic butter with white wine.

Today she had a extra tang. mmmm red wine with red meat!!!!!! checking my grandfather clock moon dial. It was a risky meal. But magic temp gauge wand came out clean, after the main course. Hope ready for next Sunday's run for the fun meal. I could go for some fresh haddock.

But I did have the vanilla 40 prof cream on breast meat. And she same on tube steak and meat nuggets. The clam appetizer I had was as is. She enjoyed licking my fingers clean. But did say from the taste, just in time. If fresh fish next week. I will have the same appetizers. And beef stick and nuggets for her. Not sure what cream. But she does like vanilla! Or maybe she will have the steak shish kabob with nuggets on the side. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Give her some tartar sauce for that fresh fish, just hold the relish & tartar!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Can I still have the lemon juice?????? from the fresh haddock. I hope end the full meal in time for her to have the fresh whipped cream for desert. she will share that with a kiss.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 08-07-2011, 03:14 PM
I'm a nasty fucker? LOL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm a nasty fucker? LOL Originally Posted by GP
A1 on clams or fish, yes, errrr is ok if just in time. LOL