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jokacz's Avatar
Whatever happened to yankee13 ? Originally Posted by Perryay
He still pops up occasionally on GTERB as Dox.
He still pops up occasionally on GTERB as Dox. Originally Posted by jokacz
Yeah he really pulled back posting there to....
Hope all is well with him.....
Guardian's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 07-06-2014, 12:33 PM
AlbanyBlonde Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
pyramider's Avatar
ol ...plastic man?

...sweeeeet! Originally Posted by Plastic Man

She was referring to me.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
it lives
or is that
its alive
bjwstw - Who opted for a gf.

Who will tell us that all married guys who hobby must suck?

Who will pat us on the back and tell us "you done good"? in this age of trophies for every participant.

Who will tell us to fuck and leave?

Who will tell us that it is time to move on?

Who will provide a plethora of posts written in third grade diction and grammar that provide bulk without any meaningful information?

Who will remind us that there is no qualifying exam to be a participant on ECCIE?

A void replaced by a void.....
Guest042416's Avatar
task stinky chasing a girl in ohio after being dumped
puts pictures of his dick on an internet site lol
goes to meet a poster from here who everyone knows is pulling his leg at his supposed place of business and again takes pictures of nothing lol
yes he fucks hookers and brags about how they love to fuck him because hes paying them so of course they love to fuck him

on we go
Plastic Man's Avatar
task and bj ...cant you arrange a private jerk kiss and make up ...then come back to the group ...with a dual reach around and double headed gold dildo? the jimmie love ...everybody needs!
Guest042416's Avatar
task and bj ...cant you arrange a private jerk kiss and make up ...then come back to the group ...with a dual reach around and double headed gold dildo? the jimmie love ...everybody needs! Originally Posted by Plastic Man
im good pm

on we go task will bend over for you if you like just ask him
Plastic Man's Avatar
oh bj ...those 6 figures are so! gonna be king someday ...of the jimmie board! ...everyone loves you!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
There's peace to be...found... In accepting the...wisdom...of a plastic man golden jimmie-dildo reach around...step into the light
Pussyhounding -- a brief and yet still completely undistinguished career - so undistinguished , in fact, that I posted this now because by tomorrow, I will have forgotten he existed.
Wait, how the hell did pussyhound get banned already, he was only here a week or so and said/did nothig wrong, hell at least nothing more than everyone else says here!! Or, did a banned member attempt to come back as another and get caught?