My favorite kind of women Originally Posted by burkaliniI've always said, you've got good taste!

Yea....I don't think so first of all I would never hijack your thread so here is another question for you...Hey SL we all know you love starting threads so what are some of your favorite threads that you DID NOT start...oh and there are two exceptions you can not name the Shayla thread or a sticky thread.....I ,love the newbie threads. It's funny to read what they ask and where they post. I keep an eye on the MS forum. It's a very small group of people. I once witnessed three mods posting in the same thread there. One of the Mods is a lady and I think she has banged everyone there! They're Alert threads like other Alert forums are better than a lot of Coed forums! LOLOriginally Posted by Irish Vixen
So you gotta decide which ones to marry, fuck or kill:Given only those choices...
Eddie Vedder
Sarah Palin
Betty White Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Here are my dream babes.dilbert has nice, very nice dreams I review, didn't happen, ijs but excellent tastes.
Gwen Cain
Riley of Christophers Cuties
Kinky Little Nikki
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I ,love the newbie threads. It's funny to read what they ask and where they post. I keep an eye on the MS forum. It's a very small group of people. I once witnessed three mods posting in the same thread there. One of the Mods is a lady and I think she has banged everyone there! They're Alert threads like other Alert forums are better than a lot of Coed forums! LOLthat was to easy for you so my next one will be hard.....the wicked thinking cap is on.....
Most recently I liked this thread:
It was started by Burkalini. He is in Las Vegas winning at poker, banging hookers and got everyone to feel sorry for him.Something about getting burned out. Burk is the kind of guy that will schedule with "two" BBW'S and only bring "one" cheese cake to see what happens. Now you know why I have always been a Burk wing man. He is the master! Originally Posted by Still Looking
SL why did you ban Mijo(BFE)? Are you that cold hearted? Are you that unforgiving? The man could be easly destroyed by your mind games, not to mention an inferority complex could cause a great deal of pain. I stand ready to picket your thread if you don't unban this great legend .......I call SL out on his shit, plain and simple. For example, check this shit out, post #393:
SO SL why did you ban him?
Are you going to Unban him?
B.A.N.N.E.D by SL Originally Posted by cumalot
that was to easy for you so my next one will be hard.....the wicked thinking cap is on.....This ones just for you IV.....Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
SL why did you ban Mijo(BFE)? Are you that cold hearted? Are you that unforgiving? The man could be easly destroyed by your mind games, not to mention an inferority complex could cause a great deal of pain. I stand ready to picket your thread if you don't unban this great legend ....Different kind of banned. I put a hobby ankle bracelet on him. Kind of like a "duck' band. It's so I can track his where abouts and the hot providers he is keeping secret from us. This guy has pulled more tail than a slow person at a petting zoo.
SO SL why did you ban him?
Are you going to Unban him?
B.A.N.N.E.D by SL Originally Posted by cumalot
It's kinda like a BIGBrotha (me with my big DICK, or so I constantly am reminded) vs. lil Brother thing (well, SL has a lil doynk, or so it appears, but I DON'T know that part).Mijo, here we go again about the dick size. If you want to stop these "flaming" rumors the dick talk needs to stop. I keep defending you, tell everyone you don't switch hit.... but that you might have seen a few up close. (God I love that line!)
Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Oh My... pretty hot Mijo. Does it take a lot more adult beverages to make the hot ones say.... well hell OK Mijo.
There are many quotes and posts by you SL, but out of all of them, I have a famed quote and pic to go along with it that I bring alive from time-to-time (stems from the "Shayla" thread) for times just like this one...
In the meantime...please re-read this...I think I'm crystal clear, very lucid, in this post: Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)