For those who need proof of election fraud....

The same place your "film" of the FBI handing out weapons is? Never-never land? Originally Posted by 69in2it69
... YOU didn't even believe what we mentioned
about Ray Epps... Remember?

... Not onley do the conservative media got Ray Epps
and his people handing out sticks and poles,
they used some of them to REMOVE protective fencing
there at the Capitol - and encouraged people to
head inside. ... It's on video.

And let's not stop there... The FBI won't release the
name of the "Bomber" bloke - who was setting bombs
to blow up there... They don't wanna comment on this.

As I surely mentioned to you before - check the
Revolver site to learn all about Ray Epps and some
of the other governmental 6th January operatives.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Big ruling against the mail-in ballot scam in PA today. Keep in mind, Dems in power there know that PA is trending like OH, which trended like IN, which is trending like MO, which is trending like KY, which is trending like... well, WY.

They know in fair elections, PA has been and will be solidly America First without the fraud linked to filthy voter rolls and mail-in "voting."

You should also know, in case you are new to my channel, that Trump won Pennsylvania by at least 6%, and most likely by 8-10%. It was not a nailbiter, by any means.

2020 was the first election in which PA and MI trended in the opposite direction of FL, which went 2.2% more Republican despite sufficient evidence of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes.

It is mathematically and conceptually impossible for Biden to have legitimately carried PA (21-1 ratio in favor of GOP voter registration from 2017-20).

PA is the Keystone. And I'm typing to you from a plane headed there right now, because I am not giving up on PA, nor should you. Cheat sheet - candidates tonight will be pressed on the 2020 impossibility!
bambino's Avatar
Big ruling against the mail-in ballot scam in PA today. Keep in mind, Dems in power there know that PA is trending like OH, which trended like IN, which is trending like MO, which is trending like KY, which is trending like... well, WY.

They know in fair elections, PA has been and will be solidly America First without the fraud linked to filthy voter rolls and mail-in "voting."

You should also know, in case you are new to my channel, that Trump won Pennsylvania by at least 6%, and most likely by 8-10%. It was not a nailbiter, by any means.

2020 was the first election in which PA and MI trended in the opposite direction of FL, which went 2.2% more Republican despite sufficient evidence of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes.

It is mathematically and conceptually impossible for Biden to have legitimately carried PA (21-1 ratio in favor of GOP voter registration from 2017-20).

PA is the Keystone. And I'm typing to you from a plane headed there right now, because I am not giving up on PA, nor should you. Cheat sheet - candidates tonight will be pressed on the 2020 impossibility!
bambino's Avatar
Pennsylvania Dems ‘Just Ran Into a Brick Wall at About 60 MPH’

Sam Faddis, Senior Editor at AND Magazine, joined War Room to comment on the election integrity victory in PA today. “We are back to in-person voting in PA, where we should have been,” Faddis said, adding, “The Democrats are putting a lot of money and effort in here, already working on a steal in 2022, and they just ran into a brick wall at about 60 MPH.”

The website has been set up to capitalize on today’s win and “give the base the energy it needs and the direction it needs” to guarantee trustworthy elections and the sanctity of the ballot box.

Citizen journalist @WILFmoseder commented on the ruling with characteristic ironic humor:

“Let’s see 1) Drop boxes ILLEGAL 2) Mass scale Mail-ins ILLEGAL 3) Ballot harvesting ILLEGAL 4) Indefinitely confined because of Covid ILLEGAL…

I’m starting to think the whole dam election was fraudulent!”

Hat tip�� @realKarliBonne
Learn more���� PA Thread

bambino's Avatar
Pennsylvania Dems ‘Just Ran Into a Brick Wall at About 60 MPH’

Sam Faddis, Senior Editor at AND Magazine, joined War Room to comment on the election integrity victory in PA today. “We are back to in-person voting in PA, where we should have been,” Faddis said, adding, “The Democrats are putting a lot of money and effort in here, already working on a steal in 2022, and they just ran into a brick wall at about 60 MPH.”

The website has been set up to capitalize on today’s win and “give the base the energy it needs and the direction it needs” to guarantee trustworthy elections and the sanctity of the ballot box.

Citizen journalist @WILFmoseder commented on the ruling with characteristic ironic humor:

“Let’s see 1) Drop boxes ILLEGAL 2) Mass scale Mail-ins ILLEGAL 3) Ballot harvesting ILLEGAL 4) Indefinitely confined because of Covid ILLEGAL…

I’m starting to think the whole dam election was fraudulent!”

Hat tip🤠 @realKarliBonne
Learn more🔦🧵 PA Thread

bambino's Avatar
JANUARY 28th, 2022

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

BIG news out of Pennsylvania!

The practice of no-excuse mail-in ballots, put in place by Democrats right before the stolen 2020 Election, has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court.

Here is the key question: If widespread mail-in balloting is unconstitutional in Pennsylvania now, how could mail-in balloting have been constitutional in the RIGGED 2020 Presidential Election then?

We all know the answer—it wasn’t!

All American Patriots are thanking the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania for having the courage to do the right thing!

bambino's Avatar
JANUARY 28th, 2022

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

BIG news out of Pennsylvania!

The practice of no-excuse mail-in ballots, put in place by Democrats right before the stolen 2020 Election, has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court.

Here is the key question: If widespread mail-in balloting is unconstitutional in Pennsylvania now, how could mail-in balloting have been constitutional in the RIGGED 2020 Presidential Election then?

We all know the answer—it wasn’t!

All American Patriots are thanking the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania for having the courage to do the right thing!

bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
First Video of Alleged Ballot Trafficker in Georgia Is Released

True the Vote has complied layers evidence of organized ballot tracking in 6 states. In Georgia, they allege there were 242 traffickers who made 5,662 trips to ballot drop boxes between the early morning hours of 12AM and 5AM, potentially unloading hundreds of thousands of illegally harvested ballots over the course of several weeks.

On Friday, VoterGA’s David Cross shared an example of True the Vote’s surveillance footage. Heather Mullins commented on Telegram:

“BREAKING! GEORGIA!�� Video appears to show illegal ballot harvester in Gwinnett County on Oct 12, 2020! He fans out ballots, takes a photo, & places them in the dropbox. It’s been reported that illegal ballot harvesters were paid $10 per ballot, & had to show proof.”

Sources �� David Cross, @talkmullins
Related �� Magnum Opus of Ballot Trafficking, Ballot Trafficking Whistleblower Is a Game Changer
Learn more���� GA Thread

bambino's Avatar
First Video of Alleged Ballot Trafficker in Georgia Is Released

True the Vote has complied layers evidence of organized ballot tracking in 6 states. In Georgia, they allege there were 242 traffickers who made 5,662 trips to ballot drop boxes between the early morning hours of 12AM and 5AM, potentially unloading hundreds of thousands of illegally harvested ballots over the course of several weeks.

On Friday, VoterGA’s David Cross shared an example of True the Vote’s surveillance footage. Heather Mullins commented on Telegram:

“BREAKING! GEORGIA!🚨 Video appears to show illegal ballot harvester in Gwinnett County on Oct 12, 2020! He fans out ballots, takes a photo, & places them in the dropbox. It’s been reported that illegal ballot harvesters were paid $10 per ballot, & had to show proof.”

Sources 💬 David Cross, @talkmullins
Related 🔎 Magnum Opus of Ballot Trafficking, Ballot Trafficking Whistleblower Is a Game Changer
Learn more🔦🧵 GA Thread

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Geez, 9 straight posts by the OP of an election that has long been decided.

Is that remotely logical to you? Are you going to ever let this thread die its natural death without bumping it?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
system double post
winn dixie's Avatar

Keep speaking the truth Bambino These hacks cant keep ignoring the facts forever!!!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The key word is "allege". No proof.
bambino's Avatar
Geez, 9 straight posts by the OP of an election that has long been decided.

Is that remotely logical to you? Are you going to ever let this thread die its natural death without bumping it? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Ah, 3 were double posts by this archaic website. DUH!