Okay, you feel wronged. How many times must you call this person out? To what end? What is it accomplishing?
The fact that my post was quoted and rebutted several times over just drives my point home. Engaging negatively with each other or other providers accomplishes nothing except for making people feel bad, bullied, etc.
Ever consider it time to live and let go? It makes this place intolerable for others and a haven for people who have no idea what is going on that just simply want to demean providers. If someone is contributing useful information, can we refrain from harassing them for things in the past or must you keep this vendetta ever present?
It's a poor reflection on our community as a whole which I would imagine we'd want to take pride in, not disparage.
Originally Posted by Elle Banks
Time to live and let go you say?
Time to forget things in their past you say?
Then tell me, why do you screen? I have no idea what you require from a screening perspective but it doesn't matter. Why do you not practice what you preach and just live and let go, forget things in the past and not screen? Because it is all the same concept. I assume when you screen, you will not see someone if they have something in their background you do not like or feel comfortable with. Well here is a shocker, guys can be that way too.
But unlike providers, guys don't ask you for your driver's license, linked in account, the address of your first born, etc. We share info with other hobbyists through boards like this. So if it has been reported that someone has had past issues extorting guys, scamming guys, being hypocritical or whatever, don't you think that is something we want to share with our fellow hobbyists? Is that not important for a guy to know when deciding if he wants to see someone? Or should only guys live and let go and forget things in a girl's past?