Trump legal going ons

  • clmc
  • 06-03-2024, 10:07 PM
So well done that even mentally challenged maga-supporters can understand.... even if English is not their first language, demonstrated by the fact, they have trouble stringing together a coherent English sentence!!!

  • clmc
  • 06-06-2024, 12:38 PM
Trump keeps saying he is willing to go to jail over his Felony Verdict

Dementia Don gets more unhinged by the day.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Colbert is your expert analyst??

Now I get it.....
  • clmc
  • 06-06-2024, 01:07 PM
Colbert is far better than the "alternative facts" Rupert Murdoch spoon feeds the maga cult.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
according to you.... and pretty much only you
  • clmc
  • 06-06-2024, 01:18 PM
Well the 400 in his audience also pretty much agreed and cheered Colbert on that night!

Guess you missed that, try keeping up.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
[Sarcasm] 400..... fuckin WOW!!!! [/Sarcasm]

You can't possibly be as dense as you sound.....
  • clmc
  • 06-06-2024, 01:34 PM
WTF....there you using and sounding like demetia Don's famed "stream of unconsciousness logic" to deflect...LOL

Well sleepy Don always said intimation is the best type of flattery....

Carry on with doing it.

Colbert nailed it here also, enjoy.
  • clmc
  • 06-07-2024, 01:43 PM
Donald Trump 'Faces Enforcement' for Failing to Pay Legal Costs

Published Jun 07, 2024

Donald Trump will be forced to pay over $380,000 in legal fees if he reappears in the United Kingdom, according to Christopher Steele.

Trump unsuccessfully tried to sue Steele for the Steele Dossier investigation into the former president, which was commissioned by the Democratic National Convention and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.
The largely discredited dossier consists of opposition research that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign commissioned from former British intelligence officer Steele in 2016. It contained unverified intelligence reports about Trump's relationship with Russia and has been dismissed by some Russian experts.
Trump sued Steele for the report and lost the London case earlier this year.

The court ordered that Trump pay an initial £300,000 ($381,000) in legal fees.
Writing on X, formerly Twitter, on Friday, Steele vowed to recover the money if Trump ever returns to the U.K.
"Earlier this year, when he lost his English High Court case against us, the judge ordered Donald Trump to pay Orbis an initial £300k in costs. Trump, who claims to respect the UK, has now been in breach of this order for two months and faces enforcement if he travels here again," he wrote.

Flair4Drama's Avatar

Colbert nailed it here also, enjoy.
Originally Posted by clmc
Like I said.... if yer gittin yer news from Colbert.... ya might as well be gittin it from cnn.....
  • clmc
  • 06-07-2024, 02:35 PM
Colbert news is a far better than getting news from FAUX and Truth Unsocial!
Just an FYI folks...

Colbert isn't's a fucking late night comedy show. If anyone believes anything to be factual from a late night comedy show, maybe you need to reconsider going back and getting your gawd people.

On another note...

Trump has not been diagnosed with dimentia, nor is he showing any signs of dimentia. On the other hand....
  • clmc
  • 06-07-2024, 04:31 PM
Hey FB rewatch that Colbert video in post 421 and tell us all what wasn't FACT???
Colbert was quite FACTUAL....unlike those alternative facts dementia Don spoon-feeds his cult.

Yeah yeah yeah Don claims he aced his dementia test.... ‘Person, woman, man, camera, TV.’

You can rest easy now FB.....LOL
Hey FB rewatch that Colbert video
[/FONT][/COLOR] Originally Posted by clmc
"re watch"

that would imply anyone watches it at all

Always appreciate your posts with your "all caps" and hateful name calling. Either way, it doesn't make you look any more intelligent or factual than anyone else.

Maybe if you started using more exclamation points!?!?! That might help with getting your FACTUAL points across?

As far as "rewatching it", what makes you think I wasted any of my time watching it to begin with? Your assumptions are also incorrect sir.