Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.

adav8s28's Avatar
Odumbo can salvage is if he buys one at a used car lot.

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In 2015 the year the agreement was signed, Iran had enriched Uranium. Iran had 20,000 plus centrifuges. Right now they don't have any enriched Uranium and only have 5,000 centrifuges in operation. IRAN does not have a nuclear weapon.

Thanks Obama.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-23-2019, 08:31 AM
You are clueless. Israel is the only western style democracy in the Middle East. Who would you support? But hey, we don’t need SA, Iraq, Kuwait or anybody else for oil. We have our own. And it’s cheap! Thank you DJ Trump!!!! It took all this time to be oil independent. Now we can pull back in the Middle East. But that flew right over your and AOCs head!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Your ignorance on how and when the shale frackining revolution was discovered way before Trump shows a certain kind of stupid.

Anothe little that we do not need the ME....something I agree with you, we do not need to prop up Isreal.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In 2015 the year the agreement was signed, Iran had enriched Uranium. Iran had 20,000 plus centrifuges. Right now they don't have any enriched Uranium and only have 5,000 centrifuges in operation. IRAN does not have a nuclear weapon.

Thanks Obama.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
Odumbo never initiated or completed a wholesale inspection of Iran's capabilities; so, neither you nor the people you're citing know exactly what the fuck Iran had to begin with. Subsequently, Netanyahu and an Iranian engineer have gone on record with proof that Odumbo's treaty was a piece of shit and Iran has been cheating since day one.
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  • 02-23-2019, 11:45 AM
Odumbo never initiated or completed a wholesale inspection of Iran's capabilities; so, neither you nor the people you're citing know exactly what the fuck Iran had to begin with. Subsequently, Netanyahu and an Iranian engineer have gone on record with proof that Odumbo's treaty was a piece of shit and Iran has been cheating since day one. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your Iranian and Israeli go aganist wtf the head of our intelligence agencies say.

Both those people best business interest is to have Iran and the United States in conflict. It keeps them in power. But that requires more than two dimensional thinking...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Your Iranian and Israeli go aganist wtf the head of our intelligence agencies say.

Both those people best business interest is to have Iran and the United States in conflict. It keeps them in power. But that requires more than two dimensional thinking...
Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo never initiated or completed a wholesale inspection of Iran's capabilities to know what those capabilities actually were. Odumbo's treaty was a piece of shit and Iran has been cheating since day one, and nothing you've posted refutes that fundamental fact.
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  • WTF
  • 02-23-2019, 12:00 PM
Odumbo never initiated or completed a wholesale inspection of Iran's capabilities to know what those capabilities actually were. Odumbo's treaty was a piece of shit and Iran has been cheating since day one, and nothing you've posted refutes that fundamental fact. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are being led around by the nose by an Israeli and Iranian who have their own power grab in their respective countries at heart.

Nothing you've posted refutes that fundamental fact.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are being led around by the nose by an Israeli and Iranian who have their own power grab in their respective countries at heart.

Nothing you've posted refutes that fundamental fact.
Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo never initiated or completed a wholesale inspection of Iran's capabilities to know what in the hell those capabilities actually were. Odumbo's treaty was a piece of shit and Iran has been cheating since day one, and nothing you've posted refutes that fundamental fact. The only ones being led by the nose are those who defend Odumbo's POS treaty.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what about what Albright had to say??? he thinks that Iran is likely cheating.
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  • 02-23-2019, 12:39 PM
Odumbo never initiated or completed a wholesale inspection of Iran's capabilities to know what in the hell those capabilities actually were. Odumbo's treaty was a piece of shit and Iran has been cheating since day one, and nothing you've posted refutes that fundamental fact. The only ones being led by the nose are those who defend Odumbo's POS treaty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
are you being paid by the mullahs in Iran and Netanyahu in Israel to say that?
I B Hankering's Avatar
are you being paid by the mullahs in Iran and Netanyahu in Israel to say that? Originally Posted by WTF

Odumbo never initiated or completed a wholesale inspection of Iran's capabilities to know what in the hell those capabilities actually were. Odumbo's treaty was a piece of shit and Iran has been cheating since day one, and nothing you've posted refutes that fundamental fact.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2019, 02:20 PM
what about what Albright had to say??? he thinks that Iran is likely cheating. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I do not believe that was what was said...

Anybody who believes Iran is complying with the terms of this deal is either naive or just plain ignorant. With no inspections, we're to believe what he mullahs tell us as far as their nuclear capabilities? None of you lefties are to ever insult a Trump supporter again. Talk about gullible....
adav8s28's Avatar
With no inspections Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Your statement conflicts with what IB has posted. IB has posted that the INSPECTIONS were conducted but not complete.
Back to the drawing board for you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Your statement conflicts with what IB has posted. IB has posted that the INSPECTIONS were conducted but not complete.
Back to the drawing board for you.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
Superficial inspections are as worthless as no inspections. Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty from day one.
adav8s28's Avatar
Odumbo never initiated or completed a wholesale inspection of Iran's capabilities Originally Posted by I B Hankering
We are in year 5 of the agreement. Iran does not have a nuclear weapon. The agreement is working.