How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2021, 06:18 AM
speaking of deaths. I'm getting different numbers on covid deaths. you have one group saying 300,000 deaths, another says 600,000 dead, and another says 900,000 deaths under biden.

we know that when Trump left, it was 400,000 covid deaths. I'm assuming that 300,000 is prolly Biden covid deaths whereas 600,000/900,000 are trump/biden covid deaths.

if the math works out, that means 200,000/500,000 biden deaths. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Look at total deaths per year. The JAMA table you posted will give you an idea for 2020. The CDC said there were 346,000 COVID deaths in 2020 but it looks to me like it was more like 400,000.
bambino's Avatar
Look at total deaths per year. The JAMA table you posted will give you an idea for 2020. The CDC said there were 346,000 COVID deaths in 2020 but it looks to me like it was more like 400,000. Originally Posted by Tiny
Then how do you explain this?
rexdutchman's Avatar
As many as they tell you ,,,,,, or should I say make up to scare and deceive
  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2021, 07:13 AM
Then how do you explain this? Originally Posted by bambino
The number for 2020 is a lie. 3.358 million people died in 2020 and the population was about 330 million. So that’s a little over 10 deaths per 1,000.

The numbers for prior years look approximately correct, I think a little high for 2019.

2.854 million died in 2019. So there was a 17.6% increase in the number of deaths in 2020 over 2019.

Trump did not have a rollout plan. He left that for the states. To reach "Herd Immunity" at least 70% of the USA population has to be vaccinated or infected with CV19.

So, for the USA you would need 230 million infected/vaccinated people to protect 100 million who have not been infected or vaccinated. That's why we aren't saved yet. We are slowly getting there.

Thank you valued poster. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Trump DID have a rollout plan. On the day Biden took office, nearly 1M vaccines were given out.

More importantly, Biden didn't do anything different once he came into office. He just left the existing plan in place.

The only bottlenecks were in a couple of blue states (e.g., NY) that wanted to be woker and "correct" historical wrongs by administering vaxxes in black and hispanic communities and to essential workers first. That created bureaucratic chaos and they gave up quickly and ended up vaccinating whoever showed up first - just like the red states did.
We are at herd immunity. Only a few fools still believe what comes out of the politicized CDC.

At this point the vast majority of Americans have been exposed to COVID. Exposed. Nobody at the CDC says this. They talk about "Viral Loads" in the nose and how transmissible COVID is. Yet I see very few people scrubbing their shopping carts anymore. They are dancing unmasked at Barack's party or the Lalapalooza concert.

Its been a year and a half. At least half the US population is vaccinated. People are flooding in from the southern border unchecked, yet the US govt does not vaccinate any of these people. Then they are put on airplanes and buses and sent to all parts of the US. Force them to get the vaccine as a condition of entry. I wonder what the correlation is between these "hotspots" and where the illegals land up.

Stop the COVID panic porn. Start applying the lessons learned to Climate Change, CRT and Capitalism. Originally Posted by gnadfly
We're at herd immunity? When was the last time you watched the news?

The 4th wave is rising FASTER than the 3rd wave last winter. We are nowhere near herd immunity. It's not just cases that are up. Deaths are up too.

We need at least 80% vax rate to get to herd immunity. We are nowhere near that thanks to lying anti-vax propaganda.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaxxes are extremely safe. They tested the Pfizer on over 50,000 volunteers and NO ONE died and there were NO significant side effects.

We have now vaxxed 160M Americans. If the vaxxes were dangerous, the morgues would be overflowing with vax victims and the hospitals would be filled with vax victims.

But that is not the case is it?

99% of the people dying in the hospitals are the unvaccinated. At some point, it becomes their fault.

I have seen TOO many video interviews with unvaxxed patients in hospital beds filled with regret over not getting vaxxed and crying and pleading with family members and people at large to make sure they don't make the same mistake.

I have not seen or heard about EVEN ONE vaxxed person crying in a hospital bed that they wish they hadn't gotten vaxxed because they are dying from it.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Libertarians and the Vaccine: Give Me Liberty and Give Them Death

You don't get to fire your AK 47 into the air at a Fourth of July picnic. And you won't be lighting up a Marlboro on an airplane. Your personal liberty, in such cases, is curtailed in order to ensure the safety of others.

You may not like it, but the Supreme Court has supported intrusions on your body in a number of cases in the name of public and individual safety. These include things like blood alcohol testing and strip and body cavity searches. If you are having a psychotic breakdown and you are a criminal defendant, the state can force you to take medication to make you competent to stand trial.
winn dixie's Avatar
We're at herd immunity? When was the last time you watched the news?

The 4th wave is rising FASTER than the 3rd wave last winter. We are nowhere near herd immunity. It's not just cases that are up. Deaths are up too.

We need at least 80% vax rate to get to herd immunity. We are nowhere near that thanks to lying anti-vax propaganda.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaxxes are extremely safe. They tested the Pfizer on over 50,000 volunteers and NO ONE died and there were NO significant side effects.

We have now vaxxed 160M Americans. If the vaxxes were dangerous, the morgues would be overflowing with vax victims and the hospitals would be filled with vax victims.

But that is not the case is it?

99% of the people dying in the hospitals are the unvaccinated. At some point, it becomes their fault.

I have seen TOO many video interviews with unvaxxed patients in hospital beds filled with regret over not getting vaxxed and crying and pleading with family members and people at large to make sure they don't make the same mistake.

I have not seen or heard about EVEN ONE vaxxed person crying in a hospital bed that they wish they hadn't gotten vaxxed because they are dying from it. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Not true bout no one dying from the wuhan vaccine. Funny they label those as a pre existing condition. Yet covid tests DO NOT WORK and are very unreliable. Someone dies of copd. covid death to the cdc. Someone dies of heart related. Covid death per cdc. This lying is getting old! china biden family fauci dnc deep staters big pharma lsm are lying to the world.
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2021, 08:58 AM
I have seen TOO many video interviews with unvaxxed patients in hospital beds filled with regret over not getting vaxxed and crying and pleading with family members and people at large to make sure they don't make the same mistake.

I have not seen or heard about EVEN ONE vaxxed person crying in a hospital bed that they wish they hadn't gotten vaxxed because they are dying from it. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Hahahaha! This is so true.

We have now vaxxed 160M Americans. If the vaxxes were dangerous, the morgues would be overflowing with vax victims and the hospitals would be filled with vax victims. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Another excellent point. COVID at one point was killing as many Americans as heart disease or cancer. If the vaccines were similarly lethal we'd know about it.

I suspect the risk reward ratio is 1,000 or higher -- you've got more than 1,000 times higher risk dying from COVID than from the vaccine.
bambino's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2021, 11:35 AM
Libertarians and the Vaccine: Give Me Liberty and Give Them Death Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

And You don't get to impose gun confiscation, abrogate the first amendment, Censor all speech not radical socialist, force elderly in to wuhan virus infected nursing homes, or opprress female subordinates.

But doing all of that to Conservatives is just fine for communist radical DPSTs

Thank you for pontificating - 95 and zeros.

BTW - ever heard of Patrick Henry - Middle america has teh Arms!
the Army had the rollout plan. they appointed a General to oversee it. and who says we aren't close to herd immunity?

the CDC and other health orgs have stated that as much as 10X of the known infected could already be exposed. the known is 30 million and that's a dated number. it's higher now.

so what's 10x of 30 million? 300 MILLION. us population .. 326 Million. if the CDC itself is right that 10x have been exposed, we are approaching herd immunity .. valued poster. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
RIght.And herd immunity doesn't mean the infections cut off immediately, they fizzle out. But not before the panic porn fizzles out.

The disease is still spreading through the population in some areas, so we aren't there yet.
. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Nobody trusts CNN. Stop watching panic porn. Of course, it spreads more and less thru certain states and populations. Where were you when NYC was getting hammered?

How would we know? The fucking tests are worthless. Originally Posted by bambino
We've been saying this for how many months now?

Read the definition of herd immunity and look at what’s happening with COVID cases in Florida. They’re at all time highs. We’re not at herd immunity in the south. This sounds like your observation from about 15 months ago that there must not be much COVID because the parking lot at the hospital isn’t full.

Where I live nobody’s ever been given a ticket for not wearing a mask and no one’s been forced to take a vaccine. I don’t see the relationship between voluntarily getting vaccinated or wearing mask and lessons for climate change or CRT, let alone capitalism. Well at least you’re not equating it to extermination of the Jews like Texassapper. If that’s not fear porn what is. Originally Posted by Tiny
The Cuomocaust is real. Cuomo ordered certain actions that killed the elderly, many of who were Jewis.

Still a lot of mask wearers here. Of course you don't see how the same methods are going to be used to legislate climate change and other govt actions, you've totally bought into them.
This is another version of "flatten the curve."

We're at herd immunity? When was the last time you watched the news?

The 4th wave is rising FASTER than the 3rd wave last winter. We are nowhere near herd immunity. It's not just cases that are up. Deaths are up too.

We need at least 80% vax rate to get to herd immunity. We are nowhere near that thanks to lying anti-vax propaganda.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaxxes are extremely safe. They tested the Pfizer on over 50,000 volunteers and NO ONE died and there were NO significant side effects.

We have now vaxxed 160M Americans. If the vaxxes were dangerous, the morgues would be overflowing with vax victims and the hospitals would be filled with vax victims.

But that is not the case is it?

99% of the people dying in the hospitals are the unvaccinated. At some point, it becomes their fault.

I have seen TOO many video interviews with unvaxxed patients in hospital beds filled with regret over not getting vaxxed and crying and pleading with family members and people at large to make sure they don't make the same mistake.

I have not seen or heard about EVEN ONE vaxxed person crying in a hospital bed that they wish they hadn't gotten vaxxed because they are dying from it. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Stop crying. Stop watching the panic porn. I haven't seen ONE interview with a dying COVID patient vaxxx or unvaxxxed.

I'd like to see your "Wave" count timeline.
80% vac rate? I read 60% vax rate. We were almost there. Then I read 70% vax rate. Now your saying 80% Yeah, keep moving goal posts.
  • Tiny
  • 08-12-2021, 01:28 PM
Stop watching panic porn....

The Cuomocaust is real. Cuomo ordered certain actions that killed the elderly, many of who were Jewis.

Still a lot of mask wearers here. Of course you don't see how the same methods are going to be used to legislate climate change and other govt actions, you've totally bought into them.
This is another version of "flatten the curve."

Stop crying. Stop watching the panic porn. I haven't seen ONE interview with a dying COVID patient vaxxx or unvaxxxed.

I'd like to see your "Wave" count timeline.
80% vac rate? I read 60% vax rate. We were almost there. Then I read 70% vax rate. Now your saying 80% Yeah, keep moving goal posts. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The fear porn I was talking about is Texasapper's post where the pro-vaxxers are going to round up the antivaxxers and put them in extermination camps like the "brown shirts" did the Jews. So the solution is to kill the pro-vaxxers in their sleep. Or something like that.

You haven't seen one interview with a dying COVID patient? Do you think they exist? Maybe not -- you questioned a couple of times whether the epidemic was real, because you didn't see many cars parked outside hospitals when COVID was running rampant, even after others pointed out they were restricting nonessential visitors and elective surgeries.

And we may never reach herd immunity. This may go on like the flu, because of variants and mutations, because immunity may wear off, and because people throughout the world won't get effective vaccines.

Your characterization of my beliefs about climate change is not correct. I've defended fracking and the U.S.A. oil and gas industry more than anyone on here. I do not believe in lockdowns.
texassapper's Avatar
The fear porn I was talking about is Texasapper's post where the pro-vaxxers are going to round up the antivaxxers and put them in extermination camps like the "brown shirts" did the Jews. So the solution is to kill the pro-vaxxers in their sleep. Or something like that. Originally Posted by Tiny
You still haven't explained what you think the word "IF" means.
bambino's Avatar