The Mueller report

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

No? not even appear at a review board before being promoted?

arya .. sure you want to stick with your answer?

A simple answer I don’t have. First there has to be a opening then you have to meet the qualifications to take the written test, if you pass you’re moved on to a practical exam board for assessment. The two scores are averaged and your seniority points are added to your score. Then the training officer makes a list of top to bottom scores for the position and the chief approves the results and top man gets the job.

But first you have to meet the qualifications to be hired to a paying Dept. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

there's your interview right there.

TWK 1 Jaxson66 ZERO

thank you valued poster!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Volume ll of the Mueller report reveals FBI investigations into Michael Flynn were being conducted before his phone calls to the Russian ambassador concerning sanctions. Trump once again lied about his knowledge of the phone calls which he and other cabinet members discussed at Mara Lardass.

When CNN reported the truth trump screamed Fake News and wanted KT McFarland to falsely documents and she refused...

The President's Conduct Concerning the Investigation o f Michael Flynn

During the presidential transition, incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had two phone calls with the Russian Ambassador to the United States about the Russian response to U.S. sanctions imposed because of Russia's election interference. After the press reported on Flynn's contacts with the Russian Ambassador, Flynn lied to incoming Administration officials by saying he had not discussed sanctions on the calls. The officials publicly repeated those lies in press interviews. The FBI, which previously was investigating Flynn for other matters, interviewed him about the calls in the first week after the inauguration, and Flynn told similar lies to the FBI. On January 26, 2017, Department of Justice (DOJ) officials notified the White House that Flynn and the Russian Ambassador had discussed sanctions and that Flynn had been
interviewed by the FBI. The next night, the President had a private dinner with FBI Director James Corney in which he asked for Corney's loyalty. On February 13, 2017, the President asked Flynn to resign. The following day, the President had a one-on-one conversation with Corney in which he said, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go."
Jaxson66's Avatar

there's your interview right there.

TWK 1 Jaxson66 ZERO

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I’ll type slowly so you can understand. A review board is a disciplinary action. If you’re before a review board you’re fighting for your job. I’ve been called to the Chiefs office many times for this or that but never before a review board.
The whole Logan Act violation narrative is bullshit, set up by Sally Yates and a handful of top Obama minions. When Obama was elected but not yet sworn in he negotiated with the Iranians contrary to what GWB was negotiating with them. It's been proven.

The whole Russian "meddling" in our election has been overblown. No votes where changed. Some Russian companies bought some FB ads for both Trump and Hillary. No Democrats threatened impeachment when Obama used tax payer money to try to get Bibi overthrown.

You know what...I did hear a rumor about Barr’s first term. Is it true he supported pardons for the Iran/ Contra convicted felons? Trump makes Nixon look like Dr. Oppenheimer and most of us older generation know how that turned out. Originally Posted by bambino
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So now just distraction in that Mueller was interviewed, your statements about it have been totally debunked and you no longer wish to discuss it.
bambino's Avatar
So now just distraction in that Mueller was interviewed, your statements about it have been totally debunked and you no longer wish to discuss it. Originally Posted by eccielover
Everything he’s posted has been debunked.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The whole Logan Act violation narrative is bullshit, set up by Sally Yates and a handful of top Obama minions. When Obama was elected but not yet sworn in he negotiated with the Iranians contrary to what GWB was negotiating with them. It's been proven.

The whole Russian "meddling" in our election has been overblown. No votes where changed. Some Russian companies bought some FB ads for both Trump and Hillary. No Democrats threatened impeachment when Obama used tax payer money to try to get Bibi overthrown. Originally Posted by gnadfly
But, but..but....Obama and Clinton!!

Mueller's team has compiled a great deal of hard evidence that you can read for yourself. It’s a undeniable fact Russian military agents organized and systematically attacked the 2016 election. No, deep state conspiracy will change that fact.
We'll wait while you prove it.

Then again you haven't proven anything.

So why wait?

Looks like your cogent argument against the highly selective enforcement of the Logan Act literally consists of stuttering.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I’ll type slowly so you can understand. A review board is a disciplinary action. If you’re before a review board you’re fighting for your job. I’ve been called to the Chiefs office many times for this or that but never before a review board. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

OK captain. if you say you never interviewed for your job. we'll let you believe that.

eccieuser9500's Avatar

I’ll type slowly so you can understand. A review board is a disciplinary action. If you’re before a review board you’re fighting for your job. I’ve been called to the Chiefs office many times for this or that but never before a review board. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

A review board, by definition, is NOT a disciplinary action.

a group of people who are chosen to examine an activity or process to find if changes or improvements need to be made:

Several of the public pensions throughout the state are so severely underfunded that they are considered to be "at risk" by the pension review board.
an independent/external/internal review board

Jaxson66's Avatar
We'll wait while you prove it.

Then again you haven't proven anything.

So why wait?

Looks like your cogent argument against the highly selective enforcement of the Logan Act literally consists of stuttering. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Why do I have to prove anything. I don’t sit on Congressional committees or have access to Flynn’s counter intelligence file, I don’t have access to Notes taken by multiple individuals who witnessed obstruction or recordings of Manafort and Russians.

That’s the job of Congress and the dumpster continues to obstruct testimony from being exposed to the public. No amount of deep state conspiracy bullshit will stop hearings from taking place. I believe Mueller will obey a subpoena if served whether trump likes it or not because he’s a man of integrity.

I’m stocking up on chocolate chip cookies, milk and smoke....and waiting patiently for hearings to begin. The ratings will be the most tremendous in the history of presidential inquiries.
Jaxson66's Avatar

A review board, by definition, is NOT a disciplinary action.

In my dept. when the public filed a complaint against an individual your ass was called before the Assistant Chief and two Battalion Chiefs to explain what took place. If your actions are proven to be outside SOP you can be terminated.

That’s a review board to me. But I get your point.

Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
In my dept. when the public filed a complaint against an individual your ass was called before the Assistant Chief and two Battalion Chiefs to explain what took place. If your actions are proven to be outside SOP you can be terminated. That’s a review board to me. But I get your point.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

All that for a drop of Blood.
Why do I have to prove anything. I don’t sit on Congressional committees or have access to Flynn’s counter intelligence file, I don’t have access to Notes taken by multiple individuals who witnessed obstruction or recordings of Manafort and Russians.

That’s the job of Congress and the dumpster continues to obstruct testimony from being exposed to the public. No amount of deep state conspiracy bullshit will stop hearings from taking place. I believe Mueller will obey a subpoena if served whether trump likes it or not because he’s a man of integrity.

I’m stocking up on chocolate chip cookies, milk and smoke....and waiting patiently for hearings to begin. The ratings will be the most tremendous in the history of presidential inquiries. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You think Mueller is a man of integrity? Apparently Congress doesn't think so. Mueller's report specifically stated there was no evidence of Collusion or Obstruction of Justice, but Congress is still bent on trying to pick gnat shit out of a hay stack, lol.
lustylad's Avatar
I believe Mueller will obey a subpoena if served whether trump likes it or not because he’s a man of integrity. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Speaking of integrity and obeying a subpoena, what do you think of someone who deletes and then bleaches and physically destroys the hard drives containing subpoenaed evidence?

Asking for a female "friend".