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offshoredrilling's Avatar
dam I wish I could review AFT. I could have gotten credit for the above review I bet. (post 416) but she's UTR.
roscoe14850's Avatar
I'm a nasty fucker? LOL Originally Posted by GP
I stand corrected, A1 is ok on roast beef, sliced thin!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
or we talking about next week I hope desert?

hell a mouth full 40 prof cream after the fresh cream with sardines(mmmm need a smaller swimmer. what is that whales eat "krill"?). You will not even care.
roscoe14850's Avatar
Can I still have the lemon juice?????? from the fresh haddock. I hope end the full meal in time for her to have the fresh whipped cream for desert. she will share that with a kiss. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Just keep the lemon juice away from the whipped cream, bad mix!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I stand corrected, A1 is ok on roast beef, sliced thin! Originally Posted by roscoe14850
dam I should have went for MOG. it was roasted after the main coarse.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Jymie I do need a ruling. on post 416 as ROS. Would have I got credit if she was not UTR so I could have reviewed. I may use the same format again if its good to go.
aww A-1 isnt bad..slice the steak thin..and mix the A-1 with the juice from the steak...its kinda good
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I need to take nita to Niagara Falls. So I can have some Clam Casino. and review.

I did not have ham this time. But I did slap it many times. Keeps stopping for air when she needs to keep her side of the 69 going. Did kiss a yam mmmm both yams. as they are there, each side of the clam. But I think she wanted slapped ham. So I tickled the pigs feet a bit. before I licked the toes. That keep her at her appetizer. She hates tickled pigs feet.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm forgot the main coarse was consumed in cowgirl faction at the rodeo. I do not know how she keeps on that bronco. Just grab some ham or yam. To help her make her every move more exstream and faster. With bucking the saddle horn into the mmmmmmm saddle horn holder. When you see the O in her face. Do above with one hand and tickle them pig feet. That get gets her jumping. And we know jumping with a saddle horn is safe for woman.

review done 416 to here
offshoredrilling's Avatar
okay!!deal!!give me 2 months and Ill be looking as fine as that chic's ass!!!
that thingy I bought is doing everything it said it would!!!yay me!!wait..yay ya'll!!! Originally Posted by anita germane
ok now I got to know what she got now.

as safest and riskiest for me has always had a women as part of the deal. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Now that my annt flo was almost in town review is over.

I still want to know what thingy she got to make her ham or rump roast look better err smaller errr younger err whatever. Lets go with more kissable!!!!!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
How to make Mud Pie

How to make Mud Pie - Cached How to make Mud Pie. Ingredients: 1/4 cup of sugar wip cream pie crust pie pan 3 cups chocolate 1 cup of nuts 1 tblspoon of vanilla 3 sprays of pam tin foil ... just making it handy
got a lil giggle out this this am when I read it...

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort!
oh mudpie!! sounding good today...anyone see "rise of the planet of the apes" yet??
anyone see "rise of the planet of the apes" yet?? Originally Posted by anita germane
Yes. I went in predisposed to wanting to like it because I was a huge fan of the original Charleton Heston movies.

It was excessive on the "man is the worst of all species" PETA-crap but if you looked past that, it was a rational science fiction fit for what "followed" in the earlier movies. The animation was okay. Sometimes it got in my way visually but I don't know if it could have been done better.

Bottom Line: I recommend it. Four stars out of 5.
Oh yay!!Thanks Nb!! cuz I really am a fan or the original as well..I have the remade with mark wahlberg..watched that for the 100th time again today...soo im anticipating the rise!!

oh and on a fun note..did you know....

'Viagra' is now available in powder form for your tea. It doesn't enhance your sexual performance but it does stop your biscuit from going soft..