Selling murdered baby parts for profit and other connected things

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
While my dick may be long enough for me to step on, im careful to step around it.

You keep saying they broke the law, but no one has even been charged with a crime. . .let alone convicted. The Texas attorney general on the other hand has been charged with breaking the law. . .where is ur outrage? Originally Posted by southtown4488
I'm not in Texas retard. We had our own corrupt attorney general...and we got rid of him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I thought the modern democratic had finally come around to being against the buying and selling of people. I guess they have to be alive and possible voters. Wait! Most of the children being aborted are black and half are girls. So the democratic supporters of PP are racist, sexist and are back in the skin game (human slavery).
You are becoming unhinged judy, seek help.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-13-2015, 07:29 AM

Ganogen implants fresh dead babies on to mice and grows organ/part to full size. Ganogen then sells to highest bigger a kidney or other part for implantation back to human receiver, in this case, a kidney / dialysis patient near the end. Originally Posted by johnjay
So PPH makes no profit off tissues that are used to save lives. Those tissues would otherwise be thrown away and people have a problem with this?

Next you say PPH aborts live babies. What do YOU consider a live baby? 21 weeks?
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  • 08-13-2015, 07:33 AM
I thought the modern democratic had finally come around to being against the buying and selling of people. I guess they have to be alive and possible voters. Wait! Most of the children being aborted are black and half are girls. So the democratic supporters of PP are racist, sexist and are back in the skin game (human slavery). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your analysis of what is happening in the Democratic Party is about as spot on as your analysis of what happened to the missing airliner. Stick to what you know, blowing sailors dockside.
southtown4488's Avatar
I'm not in Texas retard. We had our own corrupt attorney general...and we got rid of him. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So if a Democrat attorney general in another state is charged with a crime u would not be outraged??? riiiiiight, no one is gullible enough to believe that.
So PPH makes no profit off tissues that are used to save lives. Those tissues would otherwise be thrown away and people have a problem with this?

Next you say PPH aborts live babies. What do YOU consider a live baby? 21 weeks? Originally Posted by WTF
The thing is they are not doing what he said.
Read this from 15 years ago:

20/20's thorough investigation lent further credibility to calls for further investigation of how body parts of aborted infants are obtained from abortion clinics. Questions surround the issues of profit, consent, and the modification of abortion techniques when fetal body parts are sought.
For example, in a hidden-camera interview with Jones, a Missouri pathologist, Jones asserts that his company, Opening Lines, routinely makes large profits. Under relevant federal law, only "reasonable payments" are to be allowed.
That same interview revealed that Jones believes that by using legal "mumbo jumbo" it is easy to get women to "consent" to having their aborted babies used in medical experimentation.
In addition, in a 20/20 interview with James Bardsley of the Maryland-based Anatomic Gift Foundation, there is a strong suggestion that a different abortion technique than usual is used when there is an attempt to harvest tissues and whole organs.
Or, as 20/20 put it on its web site, "[T]here is evidence that companies may be violating the law, by openly trafficking fetal body parts, influencing consent to donate and modifying abortion procedures."
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  • 08-13-2015, 07:37 PM
Read this from 15 years ago:

." Originally Posted by johnjay
Wow....15 years ago and still no convictions?

While I got you here let us look at some facts...

  • 89-92% of all abortions happen during the first trimester, prior to the 13th week of gestation (AGI/CDC).
  • In 2011, 7.3% of all abortions occurred between 14-20 weeks' gestation; 1.4% occurred ≥21 weeks' gestation (CDC).
  • Percentage of 2011 Reported Abortions by Weeks of Gestation* (CDC):
Like I have said repeatedly, I do not believe in late term abortion but if we believed wtf you looney tunes were saying you'd think all abortions were late term, that is just not factually true. Maybe that is why these stories never gain any traction.

High Five little fella!


Let the Sun Shine In!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you take that picture on a "field trip" to the "hospital," SLOBBRIN?

That obviously isn't an abortion.

What's your point?
No matter what anybody's views are on condom usage, the pill, the morning after pill or even first trimester abortion, This activity is a pure act of barbarism. It seems that the only thing that could move some of you is if the video showed a fetal tissue BBQ outside PP. This is sick. Find a place in your being to protect the innocent.
southtown4488's Avatar
we can have the woman choosing what happens with her body or we can have politicians in Washington decide for her. . . im gonna side with the woman having the right to choose.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-14-2015, 09:04 AM
Did you take that picture on a "field trip" to the "hospital," SLOBBRIN?

That obviously isn't an abortion.

What's your point? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That is a C section...but our right wingers think it abortion.

RWW Reality...Everything is shit. The country is going to shit! Shit Shit Shit!

Reality....Just a good ole Baby Ruth.

Southtown - It has been documented that there are several instances and locations where the "legal paperwork" was rammed down women's throat while at a completely vulnerable time to give her rights over. Again, this is a massive and coordinated crime conspiracy to attain the fresh fetal organs for the purposes of re-animating them re-casting them for sale and re-implantation to another human. How is it any different than slipping a mickey to a dude and he wakes up in skid-row motel with a slice on his side. ....The location of the late term infant? Barbarism, plain and simple.