Providers who have been run off the board by trolls...

The Rabbit King's Avatar

As always, when possible, my preference is to just let adults do their thing with as little interference as possible.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Adults? Where??
dearhunter's Avatar
Is stincky pussy saying she only hates on fucktards in infoshare?
rduke4923's Avatar
Wow! I know I am the exception to the rule but I don't worry or care about who has my RL info. I'm not hiding from anybody and I made a conscience decision to hobby. Most everybody that knows me personally, including my family, knows I hobby. I'm not shy or ashamed of it. I'm a grown man that makes my own choices and none of my choices are hurting anyone. Now if y'all will excuse me, I am going to go out to my deck at the pond and maybe feed the catfish and enjoy my glaucoma medicine. How's that for RL info.
Oh yeah, I got the upstairs balcony doors open with G n R blasting away. It's great when your nearest neighbors are 1/4 mile away on each side of you.
Everybody have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scoring; Trolls 0% Providers 100% Originally Posted by bon69
So how does LE feel about your RW info?
You left that bit out.
citizen44's Avatar
"When the hate don't work, they start telling lies" ...........Ya'll have at it, all of this is not even worth it, SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE OUTING BITCHES.............Also to the low key hater, jealous hoes.................Is this silly board shit that serious to y'all ? SMH...........Now y'all outing people in REAL LIFE because a fucking infoshare post...........KNOW THAT, THAT SHIT WILL COME BACK TO YALL. KNOW THAT. Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
That's fucking funny coming from you considering I've now had two different providers tell me that you are offering to trade personal information about me and that you would love to get a chance to some how fuck me over.
rduke4923's Avatar
baseball has banned one guy for life to my knowledge in the pat fifty years.
Not for drugs, dui, domestic abuse or being a criminal.
He was banned for doing the only thing that could burn the whole house down.
This thread is showing that more than a few are playing with that fire.

Once that spark breathes fresh air more than a few fucktards and hooktards
Will get RW burnt........ijs
One more last thing for the ladies:
Whatever y'all do, DO NOT post anything on infoshare, I repeat DO NOT do it. It is not safe and it is not worth it, it will cost you more than what you can ever imagine.
Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
Of course you know I find your little rant hilarious.
This coming from the potty mouthed whore who took a physical description of me posted in infoshare by a lazy whore who got a no review for providing minimal service. You took this physical description and posted it in open forum.
That was a classless act on your part, and showed everyone here that you'd dig up shit on anyone you didn't like and post it in public for all to see.
You can't have it both ways bitch.
You want your shit private, but anyone else that in your imagination insults you is fair game for your nasty bullshit.

Nice Meltdown BTW...

"When the hate don't work, they start telling lies" Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
This is just precious coming from the queen of liars. Every time someone says something you don't agree with and can't come back with a real argument. You come back with a lie instead. And your mindless drones take your word for it.
Of course your lies won't stand up to the scrutiny of investigation. But your drones would have a hard time spelling investigation and you rely on their stupidity, so it works for you.
I can't understand all the drama you stir up here. Maybe it creates business, but it also shows what a bitch you are. So... Let's see how that plays out for you?
rduke4923's Avatar

You can't have it both ways bitch

You are such a huge hypocrite for uttering those words out loud.
And such language, look for a mod PM
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 12-04-2015, 10:20 PM
Citizen44- if you're not trolling please name the providers.
citizen44's Avatar
First, stop sending me PM's.

You can also drop the BS about trolling, as you and I both know I'm not lying about you gathering and offering to exchange info about me. I'm also not stupid enough to turn over valuable sources of info to you so that you can shut them out. Your continued BSC behavior isn't exactly making you popular in the powder room.

You can make up what ever bull shit story you want, because I don't give a shit if you con a bunch of pussy WK's into not believing me. The preponderance of situations with different guys on here where you are crossing the line on personal information will speak for itself to any guy with even a modicum of intelligence and risk aversion.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 12-04-2015, 10:37 PM
.. Originally Posted by citizen44
So now you want to talk in private.

You're just an evil man, I feel stupid for ever thinking otherwise.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 12-04-2015, 11:15 PM
First, stop sending me PM's.

You can also drop the BS about trolling, as you and I both know I'm not lying about you gathering and offering to exchange info about me. I'm also not stupid enough to turn over valuable sources of info to you so that you can shut them out. Your continued BSC behavior isn't exactly making you popular in the powder room.

You can make up what ever bull shit story you want, because I don't give a shit if you con a bunch of pussy WK's into not believing me. The preponderance of situations with different guys on here where you are crossing the line on personal information will speak for itself to any guy with even a modicum of intelligence and risk aversion. Originally Posted by citizen44
"Trolling" is what you called it the first time you made humiliating lies about me, were you lying then or you're lying now?
I sent you ONE pm a few minutes ago stop making it sound like I'm blowing up your inbox.
Gathering information ? I don't give a fuck about any of your information, And exchange it ? Exchange it for what ? who ever is telling you that, if that's even true, is lying through their teeth but since you won't name your "valuable sources" how can I ever confront them? And make them come out clean ? If I had EVER in my life wanted to do anything to you it would of been months ago why would I wait until now? And what would be my motive, I don't care if you don't believe me but you were the greatest thing that happen to me this year, if it hadn't been for your humiliations and hate campaign against me I wouldn't be making triple of what I was making 11 months ago Citizen, why would I hate you or try to do anything against you for that? I might talk shit to trolls and misogynist men like you but I am not a malicious person. I don't need you to believe me because the people who matter in my life know that.

Stop it with your malicious lies about "guys personal information" what guys ?
What fucking guys? please tell me, the only one who has that delusion is the dog posting before you and to this day he hasn't been able to provide any evidence of his absurd accusations and he never will, you know why ? Because I never did any of that shit.

Are those "2 providers" who are feeding all the bs the same ones giving you access to ladies private areas? Please tell me what makes me popular in the "powder room" I would love to know considering that I haven't ever posted there before lol all of this is just ridiculous.

There is stupid whore #3....

I really need the empanada gang to complete the circle...

Please post my name and phone number in this thread...

You mouthy little whore, let's see how fucking bold you are, or if you are all BS and no substance .
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 12-05-2015, 01:11 AM
^ oh. Now I have your name and phone number too? Lol

What's the next BSC shit y'all gonna come up with? let me guess I have St. Christopher personal info too?

What? You and Chunky D and Luvstoeatcake are not besties, as implied here lately... Shot gets deep,you are going to drop them like a hot taco?

Kinda what I thought...
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 12-05-2015, 01:31 AM
You would love to get some of that Chunky D though, don't you?

I do know SD in person and she has been nothing but a nice and sweet lady and she is an acquaintance of mine, however I do not know and have actually never communicated or seen the other lady you mentioned.

Please get a clue of what you're talking about.