nothing reply anything you want

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
it's just the dawg in me ..

offshoredrilling's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho
lilylivered's Avatar
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho

Lots of Hos around here
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i have a 24 pack of Ozarka water and 2 weeks of frozen foods.

am i fucked when the world ends?

winn dixie's Avatar
Snick I says
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Snick I says
Originally Posted by winn dixie

the rabbit er racoon is back!
winn dixie's Avatar
Yep. I have an urgent question for plastic man to answer!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You already know that plastic tipped darts don't work.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sigh, Winn brought the echo back.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
would it surprise anyone that i regularly cruise the site looking to see if people i don't like got banned?

winn dixie's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
would it surprise anyone that i regularly cruise the site looking to see if people i don't like got banned?

bahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

in a way, miss them the most. I get board easily
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
in a way, miss them the most. I get board easily Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

allow me to update my post, i also regularly check for those same instigator posters to be "unbanned" so i can enjoy the nonsense they post

before they get banned again