What denied civil rights? Be specific. I know you'll lie or say something that's covered in the details you didn't read.From the HHS web site:
Who told you to say Trump's civil rights were violated? Or did you come up with that on your own?
The cop knows because he denied someone's civil rights. No one in the fraud case violated anyone's civil rights. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Civil rights are personal rights guaranteed and protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws enacted by Congress
Please see Jackie's Wikipedia link above. The 8th Amendment to the Constitution, in its entirety, reads
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
So Jackie's argument is that the excessive fine imposed on Trump was a violation of his civil rights set out in the 8th Amendment. And that's what it is, a fine to be paid to the state of New York, disguised as "disgorgement."
And the details are very important. 355 is what he fraudulently made. This was over the course of 10 years. Just because he took 355 million and can't pay it back now.So if Trump had been fined 800 million instead of 355 million, you believe the 8th Amendment would apply?
Trump doesn't get to keep his ill gotten gains.
He fraudulently made 128,000,ooo on the sale of the old post office and made 169,000,000 in interest saving. How is the dickhead having to pay back what he stole excessive? It's not.
Only trumpys wouldn't make trump pay back as much as he took. Are you catching on why the details matter?
If you steal a shit load of money by fraud, you pay back a shit load.
If he only took, say, a million, then his fine would have been less. Plus probably no loss of licences.
Trump and his douche-bags did this for ten years.
If he took 355 million and they fined him 800 million, that's when the 8th kicks in. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Please see post #9 in this thread. Engoron based his fine mostly on Michiel McCarty's work. McCarty determined what interest Trump would have paid if he'd borrowed the money from Deutsche Bank's commercial lending department, using only the buildings as collateral, without a personal guarantee by Trump. He compared that to the amount of interest actually paid by Trump, on loans arranged by Deutsche Bank's private banking department, which required Trump's personal guarantee in addition to the collateral.
OK, that's all well and good. But then Engoron made the assumption that Trump's personal guarantee was worth zero, zip, nada in setting the fine, or disgorgement or whatever you want to call it. That's ridiculous. McCarty is probably laughing his ass off at how Engoron used his work. He undoubtedly would tell you that Trump's personal guarantee was worth a lot. And in fact, if he also read the testimonies of Deutsche Bank employees and press reports, as to how Deutsche Bank assumed Trump's net worth was in the range of $2.4 to $2.65 billion instead of the $4 billion to $6 billion set out on his statements of financial condition, McCarty might just say that Deutsche Bank would have charged about the same interest rate if Trump's net worth estimates had been more accurate.
I imagine McCarty would also believe that Engoron's assumption that Trump would have never bought the Old Post Office and Ferry Point properties if he had provided the lenders with better estimates in his statements of financial condition is ridiculous.
To bad you don't know the details. If you knew any of them or had done your own research instead of relying on trumpy talking points, you might not look so Dunning-Krugerish.That's a little like the pot calling the wedding dress black. If you take a closer look at the decision, the parts about McCarty's testimony and Engoron's methodology for coming up with the $455 million, you might just change from a pot to a wedding dress! A wedding dress, like Jackie. Wouldn't that be grand!
At least try to refute facts instead of posting nonsense. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
So you'd let him keep $335 million he made through fraudulent means?Well, it's hard to argue with that! Because it's incoherent. Please try again when it's not 12:32 AM. Where does $335 million come from?
IGG bud. Read the details Jackie claims are moot.
After you'll give trump a third of a billion dollars, your other thoughts on trump guilt don't mean much.
Plus why do I think you grant the same pass in following cases?
How funny you think lying and cheating are the American way. But then, you are a trumpy.
Allegedly? Wrong. It's been proven in court. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
It's interesting you write "How funny you think lying and cheating are the American way. But then, you are a trumpy," when I wrote, "That said, Trump deserves to be prosecuted for trying to steal an election, and he will be. And, if I were in a position to do so, there's no way I'd do business with him or loan him money, because of his past history."