Human Conflict

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Is Human Conflict the only way that humans can ever interact?

Is this our eternal destiny?

As a youth, I thought it was only because I was little and did not understand the rules.

As I grew and learned more of how the world operates, the situation still remain the same. It actually became worse the more clearly I could see the big picture and that seems to be the case the world over.

In the cinema, conflict is what makes the show interesting, but why is it like that in real life?

Why is there so much war, fighting and hatred?

Are humans just an essentially insane species determined to cause their own extinction with escalating violence and more lethal warfare with each generation?

Personally, I honestly prefer things to be smooth and harmonious, but have learned that to deal successfully in this world, good intentions won't get you there. There are bad people you must deal with who will not respond to reason.

. . . To survive, you need to have a fast gunn and deadly aim, but will humans ever learn to work peacefully?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Have a read of this article from Discover Magazine o. wilson
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Very well, Miss Jameson, if slavery is not much of a concern to you then I am sure you will have no problem in consenting to be my slave.

From now on, you shall work in my plantation all day long until I tell you to come in.

You will then wash up and be my sex slave all night long without whimper or protest. The sex will, of course, be unprotected, but lest you forget, you're my slave and you have no say-so in the matter, you understand?

In the mornings, you will get up and carefully prepare and dutifully serve breakfast to me according to my precise instructions. The eggs shall be poached to perfection and you must never over-toast the bread or you will taste my lash.

These troublesome slaves need to be kept in their place otherwise they tend to become uppity.

You understand your orders as I have explained them to you?

Oh, and one more thing, from now on, you will address me as "Masser"

. . .and if you really want to please me, it will be "Masser Gunn"

And from my viewpoint, the answer to the scourge of human conflict is there, but only if they decide to take the advice given. Every religious work hints around to the fact that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also to humble yourself. The problem is people feeling like they are better for being religious in some form that they forget that the meek shall inherit the earth, also hinted on.

You kill me, trying to one-up Thomas Jefferson on not being a slave owner (not sure who the atheist is). Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Before we get too involved in the Bible read the Code of Hammurabi, which was written centuries earlier. We are first and foremost animals.
Very well, Miss Jameson, if slavery is not much of a concern to you then I am sure you will have no problem in consenting to be my slave.

From now on, you shall work in my plantation all day long until I tell you to come in.

You will then wash up and be my sex slave all night long without whimper or protest. The sex will, of course, be unprotected, but lest you forget, you're my slave and you have no say-so in the matter, you understand?

In the mornings, you will get up and carefully prepare and dutifully serve breakfast to me according to my precise instructions. The eggs shall be poached to perfection and you must never over-toast the bread or you will taste my lash.

These troublesome slaves need to be kept in their place otherwise they tend to become uppity.

You understand your orders as I have explained them to you?

Oh, and one more thing, from now on, you will address me as "Masser"

. . .and if you really want to please me, it will be "Masser Gunn"
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
OKAY, now we're on the wrong foot. You see the conflict you're starting now? This is the reason why there will always be conflict. This is YOU needing to look within.

Apparently you took offense to what I said. What I meant by my statement is that you don't have to prove to anyone here, including myself, that you're better than a slave owner. If you feel the need to rank yourself among all human beings, that's one for the therapist. The situation you just played may very well be truth if laws were different. As a Black woman I get on my knees and thank the heavens for being able to make my own decisions, and pray that future generations don't send themselves BACK into slavery with theirs. For you to twist something so simple to think I'm okay with slavery is insulting.

What if I what I got from the "Masser Gunn" scenario is that YOU want to be a slave owner deep down? That may very well be a possibility, but it has nothing to do with what we're talking about. We were talking about human conflict, and you go off on the biggest human conflict tangent you can dream up.

I have always enjoyed your threads, and recognize your insightfulness as a human being. It's very rare in men to have a thought beyond himself and his own existence to ponder some of the things you do. But no one's perfect. This in itself shows you have issues to work out within yourself. Yes, Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, but he was also a great man and president. But he was a MAN and a product of his time, so why would I be mad at the man and discredit anything he said because of the fact that he was a slave owner? If it's the truth, it's the truth.

Everyone in existence has their pro's and cons, including you and me. It's like diminishing my life to being 'just a whore' or yours to being 'just a trick' when we wear so many hats, and do so much good (well I hope you do) in other aspects of life. My good definitely outweighs my bad. I'm sure yours does too, but you're no Thomas Jefferson. No one is secretly thinking 'yeah, I procure companions/sell my time, but at least I don't own slaves.' Who does that? Yes, I understand that he got where he was on the backs of slaves, but it doesn't make everything he said wrong. And not being a slave owner doesn't make you RIGHT, or better. And that's okay too.

You have just conflicted your whole thread by not being objective about this situation. It is weird that you want to be better than Thomas Jefferson. Just like White people want to be better than Black people. Just like Republicans want to be better than Democrats. Especially when no matter how different we are or what class we're in, we're the same and we all fall short of the glory...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I actually think you're a real sweetheart, Tiffani and do not want to diminish you in any way whatsoever.

I was just messing with you since you seemed to imply that being a slave owner was not such a big deal just because the slave owner happened to be a President.

President Andrew Jackson may have been a good President, but owning slaves is such a wrong thing, but even today some people do not fully understand the damage done to others when you make them a slave.

For the record, I think you're a good human being and I was just wanting to plumb the depth of your convictions with my response.

. . . I am not looking for slaves, just good workers and I'm not looking to be better than other people, just better than who I was and that is a never ending quest!

OKAY, now we're on the wrong foot. You see the conflict you're starting now? This is the reason why there will always be conflict. This is YOU needing to look within.

Apparently you took offense to what I said. What I meant by my statement is that you don't have to prove to anyone here, including myself, that you're better than a slave owner. If you feel the need to rank yourself among all human beings, that's one for the therapist. The situation you just played may very well be truth if laws were different. As a Black woman I get on my knees and thank the heavens for being able to make my own decisions, and pray that future generations don't send themselves BACK into slavery with theirs. For you to twist something so simple to think I'm okay with slavery is insulting.

What if I what I got from the "Masser Gunn" scenario is that YOU want to be a slave owner deep down? That may very well be a possibility, but it has nothing to do with what we're talking about. We were talking about human conflict, and you go off on the biggest human conflict tangent you can dream up.

I have always enjoyed your threads, and recognize your insightfulness as a human being. It's very rare in men to have a thought beyond himself and his own existence to ponder some of the things you do. But no one's perfect. This in itself shows you have issues to work out within yourself. Yes, Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, but he was also a great man and president. But he was a MAN and a product of his time, so why would I be mad at the man and discredit anything he said because of the fact that he was a slave owner? If it's the truth, it's the truth.

Everyone in existence has their pro's and cons, including you and me. It's like diminishing my life to being 'just a whore' or yours to being 'just a trick' when we wear so many hats, and do so much good (well I hope you do) in other aspects of life. My good definitely outweighs my bad. I'm sure yours does too, but you're no Thomas Jefferson. No one is secretly thinking 'yeah, I procure companions/sell my time, but at least I don't own slaves.' Who does that? Yes, I understand that he got where he was on the backs of slaves, but it doesn't make everything he said wrong. And not being a slave owner doesn't make you RIGHT, or better. And that's okay too.

You have just conflicted your whole thread by not being objective about this situation. It is weird that you want to be better than Thomas Jefferson. Just like White people want to be better than Black people. Just like Republicans want to be better than Democrats. Especially when no matter how different we are or what class we're in, we're the same and we all fall short of the glory... Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I actually think you're a real sweetheart, Tiffani and do not want to diminish you in any way whatsoever.

I was just messing with you since you seemed to imply that being a slave owner was not such a big deal just because the slave owner happened to be a President.

President Andrew Jackson may have been a good President, but owning slaves is such a wrong thing, but even today some people do not fully understand the damage done to others when you make them a slave.

For the record, I think you're a good human being and I was just wanting to plumb the depth of your convictions with my response.

. . . I am not looking for slaves, just good workers and I'm not looking to be better than other people, just better than who I was and that is a never ending quest!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
If I could give you a purple nurple, I would!

You're supposed to be plumbing the depths of other parts of me, not screwing with my damn emotions!

Slavery is wrong. Measuring yourself against the actions of another is wrong. It causes conflict within yourself, dividing you from humankind. Live and die by your own merits.

We are still seeing the effects of slavery and segregation in the African American community. But the best of us are trying to get past it, by doing and thinking differently from our parents. I think a couple of more generations and we may have it licked. We can't be mad at Jefferson or Jackson at this point in the game.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, I'm not really sure what a purple nurple is, but I'm pretty sure I don't want one.

. . . As for your emotions, let me recalibrate my engines and realign my trajectory!

If I could give you a purple nurple, I would!

You're supposed to be plumbing the depths of other parts of me, not screwing with my damn emotions!

Slavery is wrong. Measuring yourself against the actions of another is wrong. It causes conflict within yourself, dividing you from humankind. Live and die by your own merits.

We are still seeing the effects of slavery and segregation in the African American community. But the best of us are trying to get past it, by doing and thinking differently from our parents. I think a couple of more generations and we may have it licked. We can't be mad at Jefferson or Jackson at this point in the game. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Roothead's Avatar
Interesting thread - I fear that the supposed anonymous nature of digital life allows people to disregard decorum and social niceties - think of a number of the riots that took place in the last 10 years - people attacked others without provocation just because they could.... the "group effect" that is the basis of all organizations, enabled the isolated actions of a few to become "acceptable" in that time and place....

as noted in a prior posts, we are all animals