MSNBC's Sex Slave and Predator Marathon

simpleton's Avatar
I remember walking into an AMP with a guy friend out of curiosity. Ever seen Rush Hour 2?

As far as the one I visited, I seriously doubt that the girls are there because of a transient force that is standing outside the AMP ready to go ape shit if they dare step a little toe outside the front door. The only force that keeps the girls who are incapable of leaving are the customers who keep going in. Originally Posted by AlexaTheAmazon
I think it's ridiculous to think anyone can really know what's really happening in an Asian spa by walking in and looking around. Or by having conversations with the ladies that are working there. It's much more complex than girls being able to run out the front door.
Anyone who goes to Asian spas should read this article about You Mi Kim.
hell I ran into a Las Palmas girl I had seen BCD one time in Walgreens...

additionally- i have seen girls there with cell phones and have conversed with a few via phone call/texting after a session...

that to me screams NOT slavery/coercion...

just my experience...
Just remember the links from any news source are going to be sensationalized and facts will be distorted. The news media has a vested interest in keeping it's viewers glued to their news, and in a lot of these cases what they say is a far cry from reality or truth. I am not denying that cases like the one the OP has posted exist or do happen to unsuspecting women/girls but it is rare in most circumstances. I reiterate that if prostitution is legalized or even decriminalized that cases like what the OP has shown us can be put out of business, and taxation/regulation fees can be used by LE to go after these perpetrators. The question is, how to know if a woman is under pressure/coercion in one of these spas/studios. You really wouldn't know. At this point in time since circumstances are what they are it is probably best to not patronize such places. That is if you are really concerned about this. There are agencies online that are run by women for women, you can always look into those.

As it stands now we have an epidemic of impulsive hobbyists who want the "drive thru" service, and not have to schedule an appointment with a lady. These gentleman are prone to just walk into a spa/studio and get what they want on the fly. Not to mention the services are cheaper. Since there is a demand for a quick no hassle visit to a lady, these spas/studios will always pop up and keep on trucking with business. As a hobbyist you should be concerned with the health of these women who do work in these spas that see so many on a daily basis. I wonder how much pressure a spa owner places on a lady to push herself physically. How much of that money is actually going to the lady who is in a spa? Is it possible that there are underage women in these spas/studios? All these questions and more should be raised, and if a hobbyist is really concerned then maybe he should reconsider patronizing them.

Just food for thought.
simpleton's Avatar
hell I ran into a Las Palmas girl I had seen BCD one time in Walgreens...

additionally- i have seen girls there with cell phones and have conversed with a few via phone call/texting after a session...

that to me screams NOT slavery/coercion...

just my experience... Originally Posted by BDSaint
I'm not saying every girl is there against her free will. What I'm saying is there are some there against there free will. I am saying one girl in room may be forced while the girl in a room across the hall is not. What I'm saying is a person would never know she is forced to be there. Go back and read that link I posted. It's a girl telling her story.It gives great insight how trafficing works in the 21st century.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 06-08-2011, 10:06 PM
I have to chuckle when someone dismisses anecdotal evidence, then presents it in the next paragraph. I stopped reading after that. Originally Posted by blowpop
Ohh please do expand on that. So mentioning the source of a "statistic" is and anecdotal example? Or maybe that was when gymrat posted this drivel and he didn't give a source at all. That sir is called a fact.

Of course you quit reading, you are so self righteous that you feel the need to go down to the spa section and lecture people and tell them how indys are the only way to go. Ohh good job Mr. self righteous white knight stirring up business by slandering others with no evidence what so ever. Good job sir!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Fact, there are Asian sex slave places.
Fact, there are Latina sex slave places.
Fact, no doubt there are Anglo and African American girls that are sex slaves.

Fact, after I hobbied a couple of years, I had an idea what all was going on. I quit going to Asian spas back in around 2002 and quit the Latina places (outside of Wildcat Maria) in about 2005.

Fact, I'm not making sarcastic diatribes to try and prove how innocent I am.

Fact, if I were off hiatus, I would only see indy's that I've met in person. It isn't because I'm rich, but at least when I left the session, I would know the lady I was with was there by her choice.
blowpop's Avatar
Ohh please do expand on that. So mentioning the source of a "statistic" is and anecdotal example? Or maybe that was when gymrat posted this drivel and he didn't give a source at all. That sir is called a fact. Originally Posted by ness
No need to expand - I made my point. Feel free to flail around as much as you'd like.

Of course you quit reading, you are so self righteous that you feel the need to go down to the spa section and lecture people and tell them how indys are the only way to go. Ohh good job Mr. self righteous white knight stirring up business by slandering others with no evidence what so ever. Good job sir! Originally Posted by ness
I've said on several occasions that each of us has to determine where we are comfortable drawing the line. But I'd hope that each of us would do so with an informed perspective. Make your own choices, but make informed choices.

And calling me a white knight is more than a little bit comical. Perhaps you need to turn the "defensive" knob down a bit?
surcher's Avatar
And calling me a white knight is more than a little bit comical. Perhaps you need to turn the "defensive" knob down a bit? Originally Posted by blowpop
Calling BP a WK is comical, but even moreso in the context of this subject.

The defensive knob is up to convince himself his choices are in no way participating in or receiving services from coerced women, or sex slaves in AMP's, latin studio's, cantina's or any of DEAR_JOHN's facts. They are perpetuated myths, not facts and could never be happening in any establishment ness frequents.
OK, My Time Ness!!!!
1. Dude, latin ladies pay 5 to 10,000 dollars to get transported here. Then when they get here, they are told they have to pay more, and ths is the way they have to do it.
2. They keep them locked up, putting more charges for housing and a bunch of other crap to hold them hostage.
3. They kick em out when they finally get pregnant, and can be of no service to them.
4. Yes, some ladies ave addiction issues, just like some of us do. it is the real world.
5. I think more strippers have addiction issues than the ladies here that choose this because they want too!
6. Respect is and always has been a 2 way street. All the senior guys here, usually do this. We reply enough to understand to agree to disagree. Never attack the legends rookie, you will cut your time short here.
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  • ness
  • 06-11-2011, 10:39 PM
I've said on several occasions that each of us has to determine where we are comfortable drawing the line. But I'd hope that each of us would do so with an informed perspective. Make your own choices, but make informed choices. Originally Posted by blowpop
I'm going to have to say fair enough to that. I don't disagree at all. I'd just rather people not make allegations that are only supported by blanket inference or other sketchy means (you've done this BTW, and so have more than a few in this thread and elsewhere).

I will say again this argument that slavery or human trafficking is coming to all of us, that's just how it is. Read the Oceanside case. That includes 30 underage girls all of which were advertised online (probably as independents, you know how ads are) and were providing out of several notels. That's a total domestic issue. It's as ugly as you can get, read the indictment. Hell even Houston was included in the map in the indictment but I didn't see Houston mentioned in the parts of the indictment that I read.

I just want everybody to deal with each issue individually and not make these blanket judgments. Not that my opinion matters, but I do think that would be fair.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 06-11-2011, 11:05 PM
hartboyz20, 1-3, thanks for the info but I dont' see latanas in the hobby.

4, correct, I know that better than most, I've been watching over a family member who is trying to avoid DTs for the last 3 days. And yes I bet I have far more of an understanding of how someone in this situation will not have true free will but will feed their addiction at any cost.

5 Your point is? I don't like to be teased and I'll only go if its on someone else's bill.

6 Respect, making blanket allegations is a total lack of respect, not of any single person, but the disrespect of a large segment of the community is baffling if as you imply respect actually matters around here.
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 06-12-2011, 12:46 AM
Fact, there are Asian sex slave places.
Fact, there are Latina sex slave places.
Fact, no doubt there are Anglo and African American girls that are sex slaves. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Obviously sense you know these facts with all the details you turned them in right? Just saying.....