The House Loonies want to shut down the gov over Obamacare

On a sliding scale of improbability and insanity is Universal Health Care, Single Payer (the government) Health Insurance, and, at bottom of the feasibility spectrum, the colossal mess we call Obamacare, the stunningly mis-titled Affordable Care Act. Progressives know full well they cannot get the taxpayer to pony up to provide health care for all, not in a democracy. So the strategy became one of manipulating the insurance industry into a backdoor solution that can be sold as revenue neutral. The government cannot efficiently run the Post Office or railroads, let alone a piece of the economy so complex that many private providers cannot. People with common sense know this. Hillary Clinton and Ira Magaziner engineered a colossal meltdown of insurance planning with their mid-90's debacle, scaring off any meaningful health care progress for a half a generation till the corrupt and inept Dems briefly took control of Congress and the Executive Branch. Instead of sensible reform to bring down costs and make more health care available, they teamed with reluctant insurance companies, drug companies, and health care provider associations to craft the biggest bowel movement to ever erupt from Congress. From its earliest beginnings, Kathleen Sibelius has had to grant corrupt waivers to countless mini-med insurance providers like fast food. Had she not, Obama would have been exposed two years ago as a titanic liar for asserting that you could keep your current, favored insurance. Unless this thing gets miraculously fixed, it will go down as the biggest government fiasco since the Teapot Dome Scandal. It should cost the Democrats control of government for several generations, but in this MTV/hip-hop/Entertainment Tonight media society it will not.