Hunter Biden used FBI mole to tip him off to China probes: tipster

VitaMan's Avatar
There's that word claim again.

Claim, claim, claim

Who will gather all the claims ?

The answer my friend is blowin in the wind. The answer is blowin in the wind.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Another Whistleblower Comes Forward in Hunter Biden-China Saga

An Israeli energy expert with deep intelligence ties in Washington and Beijing claims that Hunter Biden had an FBI mole named “One-Eye,” who tipped off his Chinese business partners that they were under investigation.
The claims by Dr. Gal Luft were made on Twitter after he was detained at a Cyprus airport on gunrunning charges, just as he was preparing to board a plane to Israel.

Arrest is to stop what I know about Biden family - Luft

Luft says he was arrested to stop him from revealing what he knows about the Biden family and FBI corruption, “I’ve been arrested in Cyprus on a politically motivated extradition request by the U.S. The US claiming I’m an arms dealer. It would be funny if it weren’t tragic. I’ve never been an arms dealer. DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden. Shall I name names?”

According to Luft, he tried four years ago to inform the DOJ that Chinese state-controlled energy company CEFC had paid $100,000 a month to President Biden’s son Hunter and $65,000 to Joe’s brother Jim in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world.

House Oversight Committee continues investigations

The House Oversight Committee is currently investigating these claims. Hunter Biden was paid $1 million by CEFC to represent Patrick Ho, which entailed contacting his FBI sources on Ho’s behalf and engaging another attorney to do the legal work, according to emails on his laptop.

Furthermore, CEFC paid a further $4.9 million to Hunter and Jim Biden in monthly installments for 14 months from August 2017. Government records show an additional $1,065,000 was funneled from a Chinese company affiliated with CEFC to Hunter, Jim, and Hallie Biden, Hunter’s former lover and widow of his late brother, Beau.

These payments were reportedly made in increments over three months through Hunter Biden’s associate Rob Walker, whose wife, Betsy, was personal assistant to Jill Biden at the time.

consider the source.
VitaMan's Avatar
This was posted previously and is old.

Note the word "claims" again.

And previous post words "bombshell" and "explosive".

Great journalism for ratings
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hunter Biden Used FBI Mole To Tip Him Off on China Probe

“It’s Possible the FBI Has Been Working with Hunter Biden” – Tucker Carlson Discusses FBI Mole Named “One-Eye”

The reason that the FBI has done nothing with the multiple crimes found on the Hunter Biden laptop may be because Hunter has a mole in the FBI. The FBI has had the laptop since 2019 and has not pursued any of the crimes revealed on the computer.

An FBI mole named “one-eye” may be protecting Hunter Biden and the Biden family from being indicted for the many crimes found on the Hunter Biden laptop.

Hunter Biden had an FBI mole named “One-Eye” who tipped off his Chinese business partners that they were under investigation, according to an Israeli energy expert arrested in Cyprus last month on gunrunning charges.

The House Oversight Committee is investigating the explosive claims by Dr. Gal Luft, a former Israel Defense Forces lieutenant colonel with deep intelligence ties in Washington and Beijing, who says he was arrested to stop him from revealing what he knows about the Biden family and FBI corruption — details he told the Department of Justice in 2019, which he says it ignored.

Luft, 56, first made the claims on Feb. 18 on Twitter, after being detained at a Cyprus airport as he prepared to board a plane to Israel.

“I’ve been arrested in Cyprus on a politically motivated extradition request by the U.S. The U.S., claiming I’m an arms dealer. It would be funny if it weren’t tragic. I’ve never been an arms dealer.

“DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden.
VitaMan's Avatar
Websites like these are radical right wing favoring the right, and have little or no validity.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Websites like these are radical right wing favoring the right, and have little or no validity. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Another Whistleblower Comes Forward in Hunter Biden-China Saga

consider the source. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

see above
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


The FBI files: Hunter Biden vs. ‘Whitey’ Bulger

They’ve done this before.

You may vaguely remember the name of James “Whitey” Bulger, who headed up a crime syndicate called the Winter Hill Gang in the Boston area and who — at the same time — was a full-time informant for the FBI.

Whitey was a killer.

The FBI knew that.

Yet, one rogue FBI agent protected the mob boss even after finding proof of new murders committed by his “informant.”

So, before we connect presidential son Hunter Biden with Whitey, let’s review the sordid connection between FBI agent John Connolly and Mr. Bulger.

Mr. Bulger and Mr. Connolly not only grew up in the same neighborhood (they were “Southies” and lived in a South Boston housing project), but 19-year-old Whitey had at one time saved 8-year-old Connolly from being beaten up.

They were 11 years apart in age so they weren’t really “pals,” but their families were friendly. The two boys took two completely different career paths. Mr. Bulger opted for a life of crime, for which he spent time in various prisons, including a stint in Alcatraz. Mr. Connolly opted for a life in law enforcement and became a highly effective FBI agent.

Whitey’s brother, William Bulger, coincidentally, rose to become president of the Massachusetts Senate and served as one of the state’s most powerful politicians. William (“Billy”) Bulger was credited with convincing John Connolly to attend Boston College and helped him become an FBI agent.

The Bulgers and the Connollys remained on friendly terms even though on opposite sides of the law. Whitey and John would meet on occasion and Mr. Connolly would try to entice Mr. Bulger to become an informant, but Mr. Bulger resisted.

Whitey did finally agree, not to “inform” but to “strategize” with Mr. Connolly and help bring down the Italian mob who’d moved into Whitey’s South Boston territory.

The relationship worked out well for both men. Mr. Connolly was recognized as one of the FBI’s most effective agents, and Irish-bred Bulger moved into all the territories the Italian Mafia had to give up once they were convicted and jailed.

Whitey would tip off the FBI to what the Mafia had done, and Mr. Connolly kept Mr. Bulger — busy with gambling, loansharking, drug-dealing and other facets of his business — out of jail and out of the spotlight.

At one point (and this is likely what precipitated his personal downfall), Mr. Connolly let Mr. Bulger know that there were informers in his operation and named them. Mr. Bulger acted quickly by luring the informers to a secluded spot, whereupon he tied them to a chair, shot them in the head and buried their bodies.

In 1995, Mr. Bulger went on the lam after Mr. Connolly informed him that he was about to be arrested on a federal racketeering charge. Mr. Bulger remained “lost” for the next 16 years until his arrest in 2011 in Santa Monica.

The 89-year-old Bulger was finally tried and convicted of various charges and, shortly after being placed in a federal facility, was beaten to death by other convicts.

Nobody likes a rat, apparently even an old rat.

In 1999, Mr. Connolly was tried and convicted of racketeering, obstruction of justice, and murder and had been sent to prison long before Whitey was captured. Mr. Connolly’s prosecutor was none other than former U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut John H. Durham, who currently serves as special counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice and who has been sorting through the Trump-era Russiagate files for the past six years.

It’s commonly known that law enforcement officers are often required to make deals with liars, pimps, thieves and other unsavory types, including killers, with the goal of bringing down a bigger fish or even a criminal syndicate.

It’s a distasteful business but probably necessary.

So enter Hunter Biden, the ne’er-do-well son of a famous and powerful politician. His Laptop from Hell, revealed by New York Post reporter Miranda Devine in the waning days of the 2020 election and suppressed by virtually the entire news and media establishment other than Fox News Channel and of course the New York Post. The laptop, left by Hunter at a computer repair shop and then forgotten, contains videos and photos of a naked Hunter cavorting with prostitutes, smoking {forbidden topic} and participating in sundry, dubious activities.

Hunter had already made a name for himself as the man who famously “earned” $1 million a year (for five years!) by sitting on the board of directors of Burisma, a Ukrainian oil-and-gas holding company. Hunter had no knowledge of or experience with energy production of any kind. But he was the son of a sitting vice president: Joe Biden.

I’m not an investigative reporter and have no connections to law enforcement authorities who would lead me to know anything more than what has already been made public.

But what has been made public is damning.

However, what seems like an open-and-shut case of influence peddling and money laundering can easily be disguised as an international CIA or FBI undercover operation set up to expose and bring down powerful criminal elements.

And, truth be told, there could be some factual basis for that.

In any case, those who expect Joe Biden, or James Biden, or Hunter Biden or even Jill Biden, to be indicted and or convicted of anything should put aside those foolish fantasies.

Just as Dr. Anthony Fauci has recently opined that “Perhaps we’ll never know” how COVID-19 was initially spread (though most of us who’ve followed the trail already know), I do believe neither the Chinese government nor the U.S. government will ever reveal all the details behind the advent and spread of COVID-19. Mainly because both governments are culpable. I also believe we’ll probably never know the full truth behind Hunter Biden’s or the Biden family’s business dealings.

Whitey Bulger was a stone-cold killer protected by an ultimately corrupted FBI agent.

Joe Biden is simply one in a long line of slick politicians with ready smiles and hearty handshakes (though not so hearty anymore), eager and willing to skirt the rules, pad the payroll, and make big bucks through their public trust.

Joe Biden types are a dime a dozen. He joins a long and undistinguished procession of self-serving men and women who’ve taken full advantage of their exalted post for personal benefit. His son, Hunter, and his brother James are just incidental but useful sycophants bound together by an unworthy bloodline.

The Whitey Bulger/John Connolly story is a cautionary tale of how just one bad agent can corrupt an entire law enforcement agency.

Though I’d like to see a different outcome, odds are they’ll all escape any serious consequences, and the public is unlikely to learn much for a very long time. After all, 60 years have passed since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and many of the files and autopsy photos and reports remain “secret” at the behest of various governmental agencies, including the FBI.

Keeping that in mind, how long do you think the Biden papers will be kept under wraps?

James Buckley is a longtime Montecito resident. He welcomes questions or comments at Readers are invited to visit, where Jim’s Journals are on file. He also invites people to subscribe to Jim’s Journal.
I still don't understand why they are picking on a 53 yr. old "kid"
VitaMan's Avatar
"You will always be a kid to me, son."

A kid started this thread...kind it is a rethread.

There is a bbkid.

Some of the claims made, described as "explosive" and "bombshell" go under the description "you've got to be kidding me."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"You will always be a kid to me, son."

A kid started this thread...kind it is a rethread.

There is a bbkid.

Some of the claims made, described as "explosive" and "bombshell" go under the description "you've got to be kidding me." Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
VitaMan's Avatar
Why kid yourself ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why kid yourself ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

January 30, 2023
There’s more evidence that Hunter might have been selling state secrets

By Andrea Widburg

Late last night, Miranda Devine wrote an essay that’s ostensibly about a poll showing that Americans think that Biden was wrong to brush off the news about his squirreling classified documents as “nothing.” In fact, most Americans, including Democrats, think what happened is “something.” But buried in Devine’s article was well-grounded speculation more interesting than poll results: She believes there’s inferential evidence that Hunter Biden was openly selling national security information to foreign governments and corporations.

Devine opens her article, “Majority of voters, including Democrats, believe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents is a scandal,” by discussing a Rasmussen poll asking voters whether they believe that the way in which Biden handled classified documents is a “scandal.” As you may recall, Biden’s only take on the increasing number of classified document finds was that “there’s no there there” and that “there’s nothing there.”

Au contraire said the voters that Rasmussen polled. Those poll results show that 72% of voters, including 55% of Democrat voters, think that Biden’s conduct constitutes a “scandal.” Indeed, 48% believe that it’s a “major scandal.”
Hunter Biden turns out to be part of what voters consider so scandalous. Of those polled, 60% believe that Hunter used classified documents in his business deals.

So, did he? It’s entirely possible that Hunter did indeed borrow information from Daddy to get money from foreign businesses.

Devine has already speculated, based on her intimate knowledge of Hunter’s laptop, that one of Hunter’s emails is so unlike his usual style—polished, comprehensive, and informed versus semi-literate and with minimal information—that it’s probable he copied it right off a classified briefing. What I can throw into the mix is that the language from that particular email, when run through Grammarly’s plagiarism checker, does not return any other document on the internet, suggesting that Hunter was copying a document that never saw the light of day.

It turns out, though, that you don’t just need to speculate about Hunter’s sudden high-level research and linguistic skills to be suspicious. Hunter was openly offering foreign oligarchs information that he promised was unavailable elsewhere. Writes Devine:
The classified files Hur is investigating cover Biden’s vice presidential years, when Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden were actively monetizing the family name overseas. Some documents reportedly date back to the president’s time in the Senate.

For instance, documents on the laptop from 2011 show that Hunter offered to sell intelligence on Russian oligarchs to the US aluminum firm Alcoa Inc. for $55,000.

In internal discussions over Hunter’s proposal, a senior executive at Alcoa suggested the information was valuable because it “would not otherwise be on Government Affairs team’s radar.”

As I previously reported, Hunter offered to “provide Alcoa with statistical analysis of political and corporate risks, elite networks associated with Oleg Deripaska (OD), Russian CEO of Basic Element company and United company RUSAL.”

Alcoa had just signed a metal supply agreement with RUSAL.
Hunter promised to provide a “list of elites of similar rank in Russia, map of OD’s [Deripaska’s] networks based on frequency of interaction with selected elites and countries.”
Devine has even more information about pricy offers Hunter was making to Russian oligarchs, promising to give them “raw data” from an “elite mapping procedure.” As Devine says, “How Hunter, 52, a raging drug addict with a voracious appetite for cash during much of his father’s vice presidency, got access to classified information is a matter of national concern.”

It’s not necessarily beneficial if Biden gets impeached because that allows Democrats to put their chosen 2024 candidate in the White House, first as Kamala’s Veep and then, when she’s driven out, as President. There is a real incumbent advantage. With the media rhapsodizing about the chosen one, there’s a strong likelihood that a credulous public, with help from a gamed election, will keep that Democrat in the White House. Better a lame duck Biden than an ascendent Michelle or Gavin Newsom.

Ultimately, though, assuming a clean 2024 election, it would be a wonderful thing if Biden and his son Hunter were definitively proven (at an honestly conducted trial, of course) to have engaged in criminal conduct and were then sent for a long stay in one of the less nice federal prisons.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I swear some of you old cuckoo birds care more about Hunter's bullshit than his own dad even does. He's a problem child. Why do you think Joe makes it a point to distance himself from him?

If you have enough kids, one is probably going to be a scrub. Hell, I'm still trying to figure out which one of mine, (hopefully none) that I may be driving to AA meetings in 10-15 years. Haha

He's an entitled spoiled brat fuck up. He's not the 1st and he won't be the last. That's how nepotism works. At least Joe was smart enough to not employ him like Trump did with his spoiled brat kids in government positions that they were hardly qualified for.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I swear some of you old cuckoo birds care more about Hunter's bullshit than his own dad even does. He's a problem child. Why do you think Joe makes it a point to distance himself from him?

If you have enough kids, one is probably going to be a scrub. Hell, I'm still trying to figure out which one of mine, (hopefully none) that I may be driving to AA meetings in 10-15 years. Haha

He's an entitled spoiled brat fuck up. He's not the 1st and he won't be the last. That's how nepotism works. At least Joe was smart enough to not employ him like Trump did with his spoiled brat kids. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

it's how corruption works

January 23, 2023
Did Hunter use classified documents as part of his Ukraine business dealings?

By Andrea Widburg

Two Biden scandals are converging: (1) Joe’s illegal possession of classified documents and (2) the contents of that genuine, 100%, all-real Hunter Biden hard drive. The conversation isn’t only pictures of Hunter Biden, drug addict and “international businessman,” suspiciously close to the garage trove of classified documents; it’s also a compelling claim that, on at least one occasion, Hunter Biden sent his business partners an email that has the smell of a reworked classified briefing.

From the moment in October 2020 when the New York Post broke the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Miranda Devine has been all over the laptop story. She’s probably one of the few people with the breadth and depth of knowledge that allows her to suggest that one of Hunter Biden’s business emails, written while he was on Burisma’s payroll, seems awfully like a classified briefing, not a typical Hunter scribble.

In an article entitled “There’s no hiding Biden’s fright over classified document scandal,” Devine notes that many of the documents being discovered, to the extent we know anything about them, are from 2013 through 2016 and include intelligence memos and briefing materials from multiple foreign countries, including Ukraine and China. Devine explains, “That three-year period corresponds to the most frenetic influence-peddling activity overseas by his son Hunter and brother Jim Biden, who made millions of dollars from shady interests in Ukraine, China, Russia and elsewhere.”

However, just because things happen at the same time does not mean they’re related. Devine, thankfully, is too good an analyst to stop with mere temporal correlation. Instead, she assembles other pivotal facts: (1) The laptop reveals Joe’s involvement in Hunter’s business deals; (2) Hunter traveled on Air Force 2 with his Dad to countries that figure in both the stolen documents and Hunter’s deals; (3) during the key time period, Hunter lived in the Delaware mansion in which documents were found and drove the Corvette parked next to documents; and (4) during the same time period, Hunter had unlimited access to Biden’s official White House office.

What really grabs Devine is a “striking email.” The predicate for Devine’s analysis is that most people have a distinctive writing style. Hunter’s consistent writing style is terse, ungrammatical, poorly spelled, and poorly organized. That’s why it sticks out a mile when he suddenly writes an email showing none of those traits:

It was from Hunter to Archer on April 13, 2014, a week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and refers to “my guys upcoming travels.”

For Hunter, it was an uncharacteristically lengthy email, listing 22 points about Ukraine’s political situation, with detailed information about the upcoming election and predicting an escalation of Russia’s “destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full-scale takeover of the eastern region, most critically Donetsk.

“The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea. That won’t directly affect Burisma holdings but it will limit future UK exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular,” Hunter wrote.

“It will also result in further destabilization of UK nationally and for whatever govt is in power. And the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases.”

In point 22, Hunter instructed Archer to buy a “burner phone,” presumably to keep their conversations private. “Buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmrw and ill do the same.”

It’s a prescient and very well-informed email, unlike anything else Hunter wrote in the nine years covered in the laptop, and it has the distinct flavor of an official briefing, perhaps even a classified one.
To check if Hunter copied from a website, I ran through Grammarly’s excellent plagiarism tool, one of the phrases Devine reprints, the one beginning “The strategic value is to create….” Grammarly returned only one match, and it was to Devine’s article. Hunter didn’t download his analysis from some online news or analysis site. Those words came from a source to which the ordinary public has no access.

Currently, there’s no proof; only suspicions. But Devine is right to be suspicious when a drug-addled man who writes in a semi-literate, marginally informed, telegraphic style suddenly bursts forth with a highly detailed, deeply knowledgeable, well-organized, and literate analysis of a complex foreign situation.

That the Democrat establishment is now desperate to rid itself of Joe Biden is obvious. Biden’s departure, however, standing alone, isn’t necessarily good for conservatives. The best outcome isn’t just Joe’s removal but also the entire corrupt Democrat establishment’s collapse. Sadly, the Democrats and the Deep State are adept at protecting their interests, even as they pull down everything else around them.

VitaMan's Avatar
Looks like a new virus strain HDS has caused severe immune system reaction to what is a rethread from a different forum location.

Hunter Biden is a government official ? Simple yes or no.