To all the mature and smart providers and hobbyist....

All businesses compete with like businesses. You compete with providers who provide similar services and offer a similar product. Whether you acknowledge that or not does not negate the reality of it. A smart consumer always compares products before making a purchase. I cannot imagine it being any different in the land of P4P. Additionally, competition doesn't have to be and isn't always cut-throat. For example, I am friends with people in my industry who run businesses similar to mine. We compete for resources and opportunities. We're still friends but we acknowledge that there are limited resources out there at times and when that happens, may the best business person win. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
I understand where you come from. But I'm sure there are differences between you and your colleagues, which makes very few you can call actual competition, depending on the industry you're in, which also determines available business and resources. But this is an industry where my clientele is virtually ANYBODY. Of the millions of men that woke up this morning, I try to envision the percentage of them who are taking the plunge with a companion, and even for the first time, or the first time in years. I'm pretty sure a woman like me was on more than a few of their minds.

So let's get to the competition. It's Friday, it's payday, and the possibilities are endless. Am I in competition with every busty woman? Am I in competition with every Black woman? No, because due to the variances in the different parameters our VAST available clientele makes their decisions, it's a toss-up.

You are right. This is a comparative industry. Shopping for us is like shopping for cereal. You've got your major companies, and then you've got store knockoffs. Some cereals are just good, regardless of price with small boxes, and the best ingredients. Some cereals save you money by nixing fancy wrappers and advertising campaigns by imitating others. I'm pretty sure it ticks Cinnamon Toast Crunch off that I buy Cinnamon Toasties in the bag, but until they make their cereal a better bargain for me (since they taste the same or better AND has more cereal) I'll continue to buy the way I do. But it so happens when I'm in the mood for Fruit Loops, the knock off brand is not as good. I will not compromise when it comes to Fruit Loops. The knockoff brand of Raisin Bran has more raisins. We all like different things. The possibilities are endless for a shopper.

If we went on the general numbers, some of us would never be in the race. Considering African American women are the least chosen race, considering my body type isn't the most popular, my income potential should be severely limited. So now you got the preliminary variances out of the way, now you have to look at the variances in a lady's business. My presentation, rates and offerings is going to AGAIN limit my clientele. Hell, I should just go home. Or better yet, use these set of unique properties to my advantage. A store can't sell 20 brands of corn flakes.

In respect to Kaylee's original topic, seeking wise counsel is always wise. When it comes to networking with my colleagues, I have been both pupil and teacher to the same women that vary by age, race, size and from the low end to the high end. I have taken and given valuable nuggets from women in all walks. What I have learned is that there are no wrong ways to do business. The only right way is the one what works for ME. If a lady is not making the money she wants to in this business, she should not seek to blame another lady, but she should look inward and change what needs to be changed.
pyramider's Avatar
But it so happens when I'm in the mood for Fruit Loops, the knock off brand is not as good. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I agree ... Fruit Loops make the best cockrings.
LazurusLong's Avatar
White Knight? Pot, please stop talking about the kettle. You should change your name to Trick Daddy Dollaz. I have NEVER called a client and asked him to take my FAMILY to the airport. If that's not a white knight I don't know what is. WK'ing is not always about what you say. Just because a man can see things from our perspective doesn't mean that that he's trying to win favor. But it does help. You know, drawing flies with honey and all that. Kind of makes him smart. Getting involved in a lady's personal life being a Captain Sav-a-Ho makes you a bigger White Knight. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It just means you have a bigger heart than you let on. Unless you're doing it for freebies. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Well I guess you may need to take off those rose colored glasses and understand that probably haven't ever been in a client / provider relationship for close to 10 years where it progressed from the P4P only into more of a friendship than a hobby.

Do I try to get into her life's details?

Only what she cares to share if and when she chooses.

It's funny but I can't even recall the last time we were the sack!

Since you asked about the "payment", yes, she pays for my driving (gas money) on those rare instances where she needs something like that.

Far from a white knight when she pays for the gas and I pay for the pussy if I were to choose to see her.

As for your claim that providers are being fed a lie about this being competition I really think you may need to go take some classes on just what a business is and how to make one successful.

Backpage Dallas charges for the ads and is making a killing. ECCIE limits the number of ads a vagina vendor can post on this site.

Reviews need to include activities and price paid so that the paying clients can see and make their own decision about which vagina vendor to visit.

Whether renting or buying, when you are exchanging cash, it is a business and even though you are oblivious to the basics of the world's oldest profession, just trying to say there is no competition or calling that a lie when every aspect of any site talking about or advertising for vagina vending proves you are incorrect.

Why do Super Bowl Commercials cost so much? Because they are advertising a product and what to have the paying customers pick their product over the other ones.

Why do vagina vendors post ads, threADS, and some even post to every thread out there? Because of the competition.

Why do providers offer review specials? Competition. Because they want their reviews because each review is an advertisement again because of the competition.

If there were no competition between vagina vendors, why would ECCIE need to have categories for various types of vagina vendors such as Strip Clubs, Indy (or managed), Studios, etc.
KittyLamour's Avatar
That was extremely well written. Great job!
LL, you sure seem to think you have a provider's business all figured out. I never once felt like I was competing against other women in the business. No matter how you slice it, every single provider on here is different (age, body, personality, rate etc) so I don't feel there is competetion when there are so many different variables that come into play.

High-5 to Tiffani, you said it better than I could have
Well I guess you may need to take off those rose colored glasses and understand that probably haven't ever been in a client / provider relationship for close to 10 years where it progressed from the P4P only into more of a friendship than a hobby.

Do I try to get into her life's details?

Only what she cares to share if and when she chooses.

It's funny but I can't even recall the last time we were the sack!

Since you asked about the "payment", yes, she pays for my driving (gas money) on those rare instances where she needs something like that.

Far from a white knight when she pays for the gas and I pay for the pussy if I were to choose to see her.

As for your claim that providers are being fed a lie about this being competition I really think you may need to go take some classes on just what a business is and how to make one successful.

Backpage Dallas charges for the ads and is making a killing. ECCIE limits the number of ads a vagina vendor can post on this site.

Reviews need to include activities and price paid so that the paying clients can see and make their own decision about which vagina vendor to visit.

Whether renting or buying, when you are exchanging cash, it is a business and even though you are oblivious to the basics of the world's oldest profession, just trying to say there is no competition or calling that a lie when every aspect of any site talking about or advertising for vagina vending proves you are incorrect.

Why do Super Bowl Commercials cost so much? Because they are advertising a product and what to have the paying customers pick their product over the other ones.

Why do vagina vendors post ads, threADS, and some even post to every thread out there? Because of the competition.

Why do providers offer review specials? Competition. Because they want their reviews because each review is an advertisement again because of the competition.

If there were no competition between vagina vendors, why would ECCIE need to have categories for various types of vagina vendors such as Strip Clubs, Indy (or managed), Studios, etc. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Okay, you win. What you describe is marketing. Every business does that. They do it to be noticed. That is totally necessary. This is not girl against girl. It's the reason ladies aren't pulling Tonya Harding's on other ladies outside their incalls. It's the reason ladies should mind their business and not worry about how many reviews another lady has or what clients she's meeting.

Ladies offer review specials because they think that boards like this are their only venue for business, or they may not be able to get the review from just doing a good job without expecting one. I had reviews before I knew I had them.

Super Bowls cost so much because it in itself is an ADVERTISING VENUE. 80% of EVERY products' available clientele is watching. They aren't just advertising A product, they're advertising MULTIPLE products, and thus the reason why it costs so much to get a spot, and the very reason they are selective on who they allow to purchase ad space and time both at the venue and on TV.

They have different types of reviews because not everyone does the same things. Different strokes for different folks. I know the AMP/massage ladies are probably aware of theirs, but I often wonder if the strippers know they're being reviewed...

I will still hold fast to my thoughts:

** "Winning" or success as a companion is not measured by someone else's success. Two ladies can be identical in stats, price, and the way they advertise, but it doesn't guarantee that they will have the same level of success.

** Whatever one lady is doing will NOT necessarily yield the best results for another. Most ladies just have that thing that draws her kind of clients to her. Not all of us were blessed with the same 'thing'.

** Either a lady has the wherewithal to be a good companion or she doesn't despite all the marketing and competition.

** Being catty and mad because some companions can get away with certain things, and talking about her to your clients will not keep them from wanting to meet her. What should go through a client's mind is how is it that you know her business. And if she's trash, why are you associating with trash.

** No one knows everything. There's nothing wrong with seeking or even being a mentor. But you have to be selective on what you take from the advice you're given, and give advice according to who you're talking to. Understand that not everyone has the ability to be objective, and cannot see past what works for them.

Please tell me I'm wrong on these points. Anything else, I will let you have.

As far as the White Knight thing is concerned, I don't see it as a negative. You can do whatever you want with whomever you want. Rescue all the damsels in distress you want. Just don't nickname it.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I'm with you Tiffani and Blake. Yes, there is other providers and yes this is a business but guys like LL who makes it sound like it is a neck in neck and money is tight business I take for a grain of salt.

But hey, if we all looked at the same thing the same way, it would be a dull ass world.
Well I perfer the mature providers. Because milfs are hotter than twenty somethings and the possibilty of say getting a call to hang out is less likely.

Oh and twenty somethings can't keep up with Kayleehotchick
Kayleehotchick's Avatar are cute and really really really really really cool. So that helps A LOT!

pyramider's Avatar
LL, you sure seem to think you have a provider's business all figured out. Originally Posted by BlakeConfidential

He should ... he was a woman prior to a nip, tuck, and pull.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I was waiting to post so I could be under Kaylee. But Elisabeth is right, it's kinda silly. Great post, though. I try to avoid the kinda shit Kaylee's talking about by reading reviews and posts. Doesn't always work, but I'd bet it does in Kaylee's case. I'll have to check that out...soon.
It is important to realize that one person's idea of mature and smart may not be the same as yours Kaylee. It is also important to have empathy and be able to see where another person is coming from when they say something, even when it is something you don't like.

Providers are strong, resourceful, and intelligent. We are capable of taking small, simple steps to organize our business in a way that will benefit us all, but when we attack each other and air our dirty laundry on the board, it takes away from all of our credibility and effects all of our business.

Kaylee, I think instead of deeming girls "mature and smart" because they share your point of view, you should take a look at all of the times you have taken away from our(and this website's) validity by attacking one of your colleagues. Originally Posted by DFW Glamour Girls
I agree with you for the most part on your original point, but she damages no one's validity but her own. No one lady speaks for an entire industry. The way I organize my business is meant to benefit me. I don't benefit from the way you organize yours. If I do, please clarify.

I don't cater to someone who judges an entire group of people based on the actions of an individual. As a matter of fact I know very few people on this board that think this way. The site in itself thrives because of the differences between us, and how we operate. If she has an opinion, and it comes from her mouth (or in this case her keyboard), MOST people understand that it's her opinion, and not the opinion of every woman in the industry.

And welcome, by the way!
Kaylee, This is true with every service oriented business. In my profession most therapist are not only lacking in the therapeutic work but also knowing how to touch in the sensual department also.
Your clients and your competition. If it weren't so, men wouldn't discriminate based on the above criteria (and others). If it weren't so, you wouldn't see the catty bullshit that goes on in this forum when providers (and hobbyists) pile on to someone because they posted a threAD in the Co-Ed forums. It's reality. We either adapt to it successfully or let it drive us insane at our inability to cope.
Super Bowls cost so much because it in itself is an ADVERTISING VENUE. 80% of EVERY products' available clientele is watching. This is inaccurate. Only 20-30 million people watch the superbowl every year. The population of the US is nearing 300 - 350 million. But that's just nitpicking an otherwise valid point. They aren't just advertising A product, they're advertising MULTIPLE products, and thus the reason why it costs so much to get a spot, and the very reason they are selective on who they allow to purchase ad space and time both at the venue and on TV.
I will still hold fast to my thoughts:

** "Winning" or success as a companion is not measured by someone else's success. Two ladies can be identical in stats, price, and the way they advertise, but it doesn't guarantee that they will have the same level of success.

** Whatever one lady is doing will NOT necessarily yield the best results for another. Most ladies just have that thing that draws her kind of clients to her. Not all of us were blessed with the same 'thing'.

** Either a lady has the wherewithal to be a good companion or she doesn't despite all the marketing and competition.

** Being catty and mad because some companions can get away with certain things, and talking about her to your clients will not keep them from wanting to meet her. What should go through a client's mind is how is it that you know her business. And if she's trash, why are you associating with trash.

** No one knows everything. There's nothing wrong with seeking or even being a mentor. But you have to be selective on what you take from the advice you're given, and give advice according to who you're talking to. Understand that not everyone has the ability to be objective, and cannot see past what works for them.

Please tell me I'm wrong on these points. Anything else, I will let you have.

As far as the White Knight thing is concerned, I don't see it as a negative. You can do whatever you want with whomever you want. Rescue all the damsels in distress you want. Just don't nickname it. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
The asterisk points are all mostly valid.