Hillary broke no secrecy laws

Uh, Womb, her emails were subpoenaed by Congress. She ignored the subpoena, then announced that she had the server on which the emails were stored wiped clean. What part of ignoring a subpoena is not clear to you? That is contempt of Congress. What part of destroying the emails that Congress subpoenaed is not clear to you? That is destroying evidence.

Honestly I'm amazed that you fools are actually arguing over whether she will face any criminal charges. Of course she won't. They could end any further investigation this instant, and the evidence to charge her with contempt is right there in plain sight. But she's a Clinton, so no charges will be brought. Simple as that. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Evidence of what? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think it is. I know that your side BADLY wants it to be true, but without proof, you don't just get to make up stories.
But you are correct. Sanders almost certainly won't win the nomination. Biden will join the race shortly. Jim Webb might possibly emerge from the obscurity he has lingered in ever since he announced that he was running over a month ago. But as it stands now, it will probably be Biden unless someone else finally works up the balls to throw their hat in the ring. However, the window of opportunity for others to join the race and get the necessary fundraising up to speed before the first primary is rapidly closing.

I just find all this hilarious. The Republicans are about to hold their second debate among a robust field of candidates, while the droolers on your side can't get their shyt together to hold even one debate, and your current choices stand between a criminal, a socialist, a ghost, and soon a clown will join the fray.
Evidence of what? Perhaps it's not as clear cut as you think it is. I know that your side BADLY wants it to be true, but without proof, you don't just get to make up stories. Originally Posted by WombRaider
ROFL, and its just a flesh wound too, right?
But you are correct. Sanders almost certainly won't win the nomination. Biden will join the race shortly. Jim Webb might possibly emerge from the obscurity he has lingered in ever since he announced that he was running over a month ago. But as it stands now, it will probably be Biden unless someone else finally works up the balls to throw their hat in the ring. However, the window of opportunity for others to join the race and get the necessary fundraising up to speed before the first primary is rapidly closing.

I just find all this hilarious. The Republicans are about to hold their second debate among a robust field of candidates, while the droolers on your side can't get their shyt together to hold even one debate, and your current choices stand between a criminal, a socialist, a ghost, and soon a clown will join the fray. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
A robust field of candidates? Is that what you call it? Now that is hilarious.
But you are correct. Sanders almost certainly won't win the nomination. Biden will join the race shortly. Jim Webb might possibly emerge from the obscurity he has lingered in ever since he announced that he was running over a month ago. But as it stands now, it will probably be Biden unless someone else finally works up the balls to throw their hat in the ring. However, the window of opportunity for others to join the race and get the necessary fundraising up to speed before the first primary is rapidly closing.

I just find all this hilarious. The Republicans are about to hold their second debate among a robust field of candidates, while the droolers on your side can't get their shyt together to hold even one debate, and your current choices stand between a criminal, a socialist, a ghost, and soon a clown will join the fray. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I'm not sure 'robust' is the word I would use. It's the republicans to win or lose. 8 years on, 8 years off, now it's their turn to fuck shit up for a while.
So there is just the whole Contempt of Congress, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence stuff to deal with. Not to mention still needing to look into influence peddling which the Justice Dept doesn't even have the balls to investigate. Destroying her server had nothing to do with needing to cover up the fact that she mishandled classified information. She didn't want anyone seeing the evidence of shaking down companies and foreign leaders for cold hard cash.

Tim, you really need to accept that the Queen is never going to have that coronation. Your choices this election will be between a clown and a socialist. The criminal's ship has already sunk. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
You been rubbing that crystal ball again? We'll see.
ROFL, and its just a flesh wound too, right? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Hey, if she should be charged with something, charge her. I don't give a fuck. No skin off my nuts. What these idiots around here don't get is I'm not defending her as much as I'm defending due process. Go back and look at my posts. I've said for weeks that if she's guilty, she should go to jail. However, making shit up to achieve that end or trying to tie together partial truths is not the way to go about it.
But you are correct. Sanders almost certainly won't win the nomination. Biden will join the race shortly. Jim Webb might possibly emerge from the obscurity he has lingered in ever since he announced that he was running over a month ago. But as it stands now, it will probably be Biden unless someone else finally works up the balls to throw their hat in the ring. However, the window of opportunity for others to join the race and get the necessary fundraising up to speed before the first primary is rapidly closing.

I just find all this hilarious. The Republicans are about to hold their second debate among a robust field of candidates, while the droolers on your side can't get their shyt together to hold even one debate, and your current choices stand between a criminal, a socialist, a ghost, and soon a clown will join the fray. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Such a sordid cast of characters.

Such a sordid cast of characters.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Like in '08 ?
And Bill didn't have sex with that woman. Originally Posted by MrThom
And he didn't inhale either !
Hey, if she should be charged with something, charge her. I don't give a fuck. No skin off my nuts. What these idiots around here don't get is I'm not defending her as much as I'm defending due process. Go back and look at my posts. I've said for weeks that if she's guilty, she should go to jail. However, making shit up to achieve that end or trying to tie together partial truths is not the way to go about it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
" No skin off my nuts ." woomby, womby.woomby ! How many times do you have to be reminded, after all these years, that YOU'RE A EUNUCH !!
Like in '08 ? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
History repeats itself. Sometimes sooner than we would like it to.

Such a sordid cast of characters.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The 'robust' field of republican shitheels? I agree, extremely sordid.
" No skin off my nuts ." woomby, womby.woomby ! How many times do you have to be reminded, after all these years, that YOU'RE A EUNUCH !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Go fuck yourself, before I teabag you.
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The 'robust' field of republican shitheels? I agree, extremely sordid. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Says the guy with the weakest bench ever.