Richard Milhouse Nixon

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I knew I had seen that picture before. That's my one black friend Originally Posted by themystic

thank you Moscow Mystic
themystic's Avatar
thank you Moscow Mystic Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Your welcome Moscow Kid. Did you get that check I sent you?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your welcome Moscow Kid. Did you get that check I sent you? Originally Posted by themystic

it bounced.

themystic's Avatar
it bounced.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Waco you should do stand up! Lol!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
nice replies! maybe that's the key to a successful thread, post, then go away and come back 5 hours later!

of course, the 2 Chaps who are on ignore may have said some shit, but the rest of you were impressive.

I will add one item.. while Nixon was way better than Trump, Nixon and Kissinger conspired to create a phony cease-fire (Vietnam) shortly before the 1972 election, to secure the nomination. then when it became apparent the Viet Cong had not really agreed (and after Nixon had won the presidency again), he bombed the fuck out of Hanoi, killing scores of innocent people, so he wouldn't look like he conned the US Electorate.

of course, the Viet Cong regrouped after biding their time until Ford took Office, then rolled over South Vietnam without a whimper, this after Nixon had promised the South he would send troops again, if the Viet Cong re-assembled for war. while Nixon did "end the war" on the US side, it was done in a manner that was beyond shameful, in my opinion. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Still less than supportive of Tricky Dick. To me he seemed like a power hungry lawyer. Not money hungry.

Nixon was a little before my time. Could not vote. But after watching a few clips and documentaries I'm left with one parallel when testifying before congress. The Alberto Gonzales defense. Not original to him, but made famous by him.

I'll make the prediction now, so I may get credit later should it happen. When and if Don Mcgahn does testify, he will repeat what H.R. Haldeman, former Nixon Staff Chief, said to the committee:

I will cooperate fully with the appropriate judicial and legislative bodies involved in this case.
The Houston plan:

I'm not sure. I don't recall wether these memoranda outlined the nature of his objections or not.
Over 100 times, in three days, he would testify as follows:

I B Hankering's Avatar
I knew I had seen that picture before. That's Lollipop Hankerings husband Originally Posted by themystic
Those lollipops you're sucking on cause you nothing but brain damage and delusions, Moscow Mystic.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
He founded the EPA. Was a true tree hugger. Actually loved America unlike the fraud who occupies the office now. No evidence that he liked getting pegged in his ass like Bambino Originally Posted by themystic
Founded the EPA which then banned DDT causing the deaths of millions in Africa from malaria.
LexusLover's Avatar
It IS interesting how the S.E. Asian debacle/nightmare gets blamed on the Republicans. Nixon inherited the mess.

Hey Chan ... are you sure the VC over ran the South? I suspect the PAVN would take issue with your battlefield assessment. And speaking of Anti-War "heroes".....

And here's the "BEST"!!!!!!!!! (sarcasm alert!) Birds of a feather!

And he aspired to be President?
LexusLover's Avatar
Founded the EPA which then banned DDT causing the deaths of millions in Africa from malaria. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I guess I need to do a little more "Federal agency jurisdictional" research to get this connection. There's a lot of shit sold over seas that is not sold in this country. There is also a lot of shit manufactured overseas exclusively that is sold in this country.

BTW: Trump is attempting to modify those practices to increase markets and improve the quality of domestic consumption. That he can do without any additional Congressional approval.
themystic's Avatar
Those lollipops you're sucking on cause you nothing but brain damage and delusions, Moscow Mystic. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Is Lollipop Hankering working today IB?
LexusLover's Avatar
Is Lollipop Hankering working today IB? Originally Posted by themystic
Have things dried up for you down at the bus station? Try the truck stop, then.
themystic's Avatar
I guess I need to do a little more "Federal agency jurisdictional" research to get this connection. There's a lot of shit sold over seas that is not sold in this country. There is also a lot of shit manufactured overseas exclusively that is sold in this country.

BTW: Trump is attempting to modify those practices to increase markets and improve the quality of domestic consumption. That he can do without any additional Congressional approval. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let us know what you find Counselor
themystic's Avatar
Have things dried up for you down at the bus station? Try the truck stop, then. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You want me to drop your daughter off at the truck stop?
LexusLover's Avatar
You want me to drop your daughter off at the truck stop? Originally Posted by themystic
You'd first have to persuade her to get in the same vehicle with you! An insurmountable task for you, I know! Much like YR has difficulty getting a thong off a rub girl .... many fine ladies have standards!

But it's funny you should inquire .... that's where I met your MOM!

She was working the pumps while I was refueling. Looking for this "hero" know doubt!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Is Lollipop Hankering working today IB? Originally Posted by themystic
Bend over and put your forehead to your knees ...

Then stand up real fast and yell "POP!" ...

Just pretend that you just pulled your head out of your ass.