Fox Caught Making Up News Out of Nothing Again - The Real Pirate Story

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  • Dawgs
  • 09-22-2012, 01:46 AM
OK, once again it was old news and is not worthy of being looked at in the eyes of the left other than it was brought up wrongly by FOX as something new.......something the MSM does on a regular bases.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Facts don't matter to racist wing nuts. Haven't you figured that out?
Facts don't matter to racist wing nuts. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
StupidOldFart, I believe your name is being called!
Fox is one voice against many. No wonder your afraid.
Apparently the historic lack of a functional foreign policy -- evident in eventS that include the death of a U.S. ambassador on September 11, 2012 -- has escaped your attention.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Using IB's reasoning (or lack thereof) the historic lack of a functional foreign policy -- evident in event that include the deaths of 3000 people on American soil -- has escaped IB's attention.

If you are going to blame Obama for the terrorist attack in Libya then it stands to reason that he must blame GW for the 9/11/01 terrorist attack.

While on the subject, how long did it take for GW to bring the perpetrator of 9/11/01 to justice? Oh, that's right! GW lost focus on the perpetrator of 9/11/01 and Obama had to complete that daunting task on May 2, 2011, tsk, tsk!

If Obama fails to bring the perpetrator of 9/11/12 to justice in 7 years, get back to me.
No ones being obtuse, just a matter of fact.

And read again I was referring to IFFOR- whatever the fuck his name is - not you. I think if all you have is some lame Obama nicknames in your artillery, it shows a lot.

And ever since Jack Sparrow I hae had a weird attraction to pirates but they have to be wearing eyeliner and they're hands have to be the same color as their face.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I already predicted Obama's re-election.

And my sources didn't comprehend how stupid Rick Perry really was. No one did, except those of you fortunate enough to live in Texas.

And Obama is not in charge of his campaign? That explains the polls. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh so now you predict Obama will get re-elected????
COG you want to earn some extra $$$$$$- make a wager with Joe Bloe- he believes Romney will win(trust me it will be the smartest bet you made in your lifetime).

P.S: anyone heard from WhirlWay- he hasn't been seen since Romney's video leaked out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, I predicted that months ago.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Using IB's reasoning (or lack thereof) the historic lack of a functional foreign policy -- evident in event that include the deaths of 3000 people on American soil -- has escaped IB's attention.

If you are going to blame Obama for the terrorist attack in Libya then it stands to reason that he must blame GW for the 9/11/01 terrorist attack.

While on the subject, how long did it take for GW to bring the perpetrator of 9/11/01 to justice? Oh, that's right! GW lost focus on the perpetrator of 9/11/01 and Obama had to complete that daunting task on May 2, 2011, tsk, tsk!

If Obama fails to bring the perpetrator of 9/11/12 to justice in 7 years, get back to me. Originally Posted by bigtex
Significant difference, bigtex. Odumbo fomented regime change in Libya; thus, Odumbo is directly accountable for subsequent events in that country. Odumbo is further accountable for the ambassador's death in that the Libyan government warned the U.S. of probable attacks against U.S. personnel in Libya AND that trouble was scheduled to occur near the anniversary of 9/11: 1+1=2. Any simpleton can see the significance of the date, but Odumbo, et al, failed to take the necessary precautions to preclude the tragedy, and then Odumbo, et al, lied about what actually transpired.

On the other hand, Bush 43 inherited OBL from Slick Willie who failed -- during his watch -- to to effectively deal with either OBL or the terrorists who entered this country and trained to fly those planes.
Significant difference, bigtex. Odumbo fomented regime change in Libya; thus, Odumbo is directly accountable for subsequent events in that country. Odumbo is further accountable for the ambassador's death in that the Libyan government warned the U.S. of probable attacks against U.S. personnel in Libya AND that trouble was scheduled to occur near the anniversary of 9/11: 1+1=2. Any simpleton can see the significance of the date, but Odumbo, et al, failed to take the necessary precautions to preclude the tragedy, and then Odumbo, et al, lied about what actually transpired.

On the other hand, Bush 43 inherited OBL from Slick Willie who failed -- during his watch -- to to effectively deal with either OBL or the terrorists who entered this country and trained to fly those planes.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Fact is slick Willie wanted to go after Osama,but was blocked by republicans.Yes I know you will deny it..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fox Caught Making Up News Out of Nothing Again - The Real Pirate Story
. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Mother Jones Caught Releasing Edited, Editorialized Out of Context Videos: Twice!!!

And the Kool Aid dispensing MSM networks CBS, CNN and ABC merely repeat the story without regard for the truth.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fact is slick Willie wanted to go after Osama,but was blocked by republicans.Yes I know you will deny it.. Originally Posted by ekim008
You are a moron, Ekim the Inbred, where's your citation?

FACT: Slick Willie launched Tomahawk missiles ostensibly to kill OBL, but Slick Willie hesitated too long to properly employ actionable intelligence; thus, OBL was long gone when the missiles hit the target area. And he failed to preempt the terrorists' training in the U.S. Pusillanimous, Dim leadership.
Mother Jones Caught Releasing Edited, Editorialized Out of Context Videos: Twice!!!

And the Kool Aid dispensing MSM networks CBS, CNN and ABC merely repeat the story without regard for the truth. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
This story was from before MJ had released the full video tapes how about you try something more current, but then again you probably like to use old material just like fox.
joe bloe's Avatar
Facts don't matter to racist leftwing nuts. Haven't you figured that out? Originally Posted by TexTushHog