Closed Threads

internet_inventor2's Avatar
Awww man... I'm getting into that category. SHIT. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
LOL ...last i checked, you still have a sense of humor, lol.
pyramider's Avatar
You see where folk get frustrated?
Htowner's Avatar
Well I thought the hooktard thing was those who hook but they are tardy at it.
ferdburf's Avatar
Damned if that didn't just encompass 99% of this board, Htowner! Surely there's a more exclusive subset that's meant by that term.
dearhunter's Avatar
I wonder if this place could withstand a hooktard/fucktard thread?
Wayward's Avatar
I'm going to go out on a limb and say probably not.
dearhunter's Avatar
Their loss...............locks and points only lead to stiffled is what it is.

I don't have any use for some of these shit fucks................but, I still thinck they shouldn't get points or have threads locked.

Of course, I am the most easy going guy around here......................I say live and let live.
*chuckling* So where is your interrogatory bro dh?
ANONONE's Avatar

This thread is still open?

I am impressed.
dearhunter's Avatar

I just love my manposse...............patienc e is a virtue.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
There are other boards. . . Originally Posted by ANONONE
Hey, I am compensating for other things that aren't so big. . . Originally Posted by ANONONE
Sorry, what was that, DH? I was off playing so I could write another review. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Nope, just setting up the date for Tuesday morning. This one will be an epic review. I haven't had the chance to see this gal in over a year and she is incredible! Originally Posted by ANONONE
What, did you think sessions just magically appear? You have to play and pay to play.

See, and you guys wonder why your thread's get closed down. Originally Posted by ANONONE
That is an easy answer, DH.

As many times as she cares to.

What does your question have to do with closed threads? Originally Posted by ANONONE
Ignoring LD, because he is not making sense and he is off topic. . .

So why do you think your threads seem to be getting closed more often than others? Originally Posted by ANONONE
Good point, but there is an art to having that fun while still weaving the humor in and out of the original topic. Why not have some fun, generate entertainment, or at least provocative dialogue, but stay cogent to the thread while doing it?

Of course, I am wondering what DH's ramblings on "hooktard behaviour" has to do with thread closings, but maybe he is just getting warmed up before pitching to Babe Ruth. Originally Posted by ANONONE
I don't know about any "answer I deserve," but the question I asked, is why do you think your threads tend to get closed down more quickly than others. I saw a flash of a response from you about not coddling f*tards. That seemed like a vigorous response, but you never followed up on it.

Please expand when you can. I don't know who this randyrogue you speak of is, does he have a keener insight on the closing of threads? Originally Posted by ANONONE

This thread is still open?

I am impressed. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Why do threads get locked? First and foremost, because *some people* just have to post something--usually "off topic"-- such as this particular member's first 4 posts in this thread.~~> Hi-jacking a thread.

I like watching a thread die a natural death. Locking a thread, while certainly easier for Mods/Admins, sucks from this member's perspective. In certain forums--Alerts/Reviews, or certain topics-- yeah, I get it. That's understandable.

But to me,-- and I mean no disrespect-- a locked thread is a sign of weak/poor job moderating. In my eyes, it means that either the Mod. couldn't guide the thread, or that they lost control of it and out of frustration/laziness/or whatever, they've given up and took the easy way out by putting the thread in LockDown.

At least that's my perception of it anyway.

Any and all threads take on a life of their own. Like any discussion there's a natural tendency to drift away from the original topic--somewhat--but a lot of times a thread will correct itself given the opportunity. Should a thread happen to drift too far off-topic, a good Mod will step in only to bring it back on course--not go to the immediate LockDown. If a couple of idiots can't follow the corrective measures, punish them! Don't make the one's who do stay on-topic and who are following directives suffer by locking the thread. That's the easy/lazy way out and it kills discussions--which IS the critical matter of this forum. Isn't it; discussions?

Just take a step back and let the information/discussion flow and back away from the Thread Lock button. That's all.

Again, no disrespect intended, just my two-copperheads on the matter.

ANONONE's Avatar
Why do threads get locked? First and foremost, because *some people* just have to post something--usually "off topic"-- such as this particular member's first 4 posts in this thread Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
I tend to think that most threads get closed due to violations of board decorum way beyond drifting topics. For instance, personal attacks tend to invite the heavy hand from mods/admins that the OP was objecting to in the first post.

Since you are keeping score, SKF, three of the four, before a mod came in and did a wonderful job of asking us to refocus, were off topic.

My first posting was a direct response to the OP's posted complaint:

"If you don't like the way the mods and admins manage THEIR site, there are other boards you are free to join."

Granted the three posts that followed were off topic banter and I apologize for it and will strive not to let it happen again.

When it comes to closing a thread I am thankful that the mods intervene when a thread becomes either a circle-jerk or little more than a "game of the dozens."

Closing down threads that are frequented by folks that not only engage in personal attacks, but brag about such juvenile behavior and wear it like a badge is good for the over all health of the board.

Pruning is a good practice for mods to engage in. In the end it leads to the kind of growth that we want.
dearhunter's Avatar
.............and here I thought prunes give you the shits.........the bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi should put a schooling on SKF for suggesting that there might be some flaws in his rhetoric.........oh, he did..................never mind.
Htowner's Avatar
Htowner! Surely there's a more exclusive subset that's meant by that term. Originally Posted by ferdburf
Shhhh, I am creating a diversion

Of course, I am the most easy going guy around here......................I Originally Posted by dearhunter
Well that is not entirely accurate. Wayward is the easiest going guy . He is easily gone all the time. From many boards.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I tend to think that most threads get closed due to violations of board decorum way beyond drifting topics. For instance, personal attacks tend to invite the heavy hand from mods/admins that the OP was objecting to in the first post.

When it comes to closing a thread I am thankful that the mods intervene when a thread becomes either a circle-jerk or little more than a "game of the dozens."

Closing down threads that are frequented by folks that not only engage in personal attacks, but brag about such juvenile behavior and wear it like a badge is good for the over all health of the board.

Pruning is a good practice for mods to engage in. In the end it leads to the kind of growth that we want. Originally Posted by ANONONE
An effective moderator doesn't squash discussions in a discussion forum. An effective moderator steps-in only to guide or reign-in an errant discussion and bring it and bring it back on topic. Should personal attacks occur, or should the topic run off course again, those members who aren't following the moderator's directives should be dealt with individually. Why should the entire discussion be Locked because a few nit-wits can't follow instructions?

With regard to your stating "the kind of growth that we want"; Do you have a gerbils? crabs?? what??? Where do you get this "we" from?

Going by the guidelines at the top of the forum, it seems that on-topic discussions are encouraged--as well they should be. This IS a discussion forum. Just because you don't care for a particular topic or even members posting in that thread, doesn't mean that it's not a topic worthy of discussion and it certainly doesn't fit into that "we" category, it falls into a "they" category--not wrong, just different.

If a member doesn't care to discuss that particular subject and the thread has stayed pretty-much on-topic; following your brilliant logic above, you'd rather see that thread locked than effectively moderated--and you seem fine with that; so long as it's a "we" subject.

Yet when one of YOUR threads--asking members for instructions on how to give a good blow job or whatever the hell it was-- gets locked, you demand to know why it was locked and suddenly it isn't so "wonderful" anymore because NOW you're one of "them".

Now ANONONE, seriously. Ask yourself WHY did this bother you so much. Was it because it was YOUR thread? Was it because it contained subject matter that YOU were interested in discussing? Was it because the discussion was squashed and information was not able to flow freely? Was it because you felt it was locked unnecessarily? I'm betting that it was a combination of all the above.

But just play along.

Now how would you feel if some nit-wits came into your happy little "How Can I Give A Better Blow Job" thread and posted some off-topic crap which led to am immediate lock-down? Discussion's over. No dealing with the individual nit-wits. No moderation. Done!

Is that fair? Is that effective moderating? Is that the type of growth "we" (meaning you and the gerbil/crabs/??) want? How in the hell can a discussion board grow if discussions are continually squashed instead of effectively moderated?