Guys, do you ever fake it?

I never tried, just been upfront with the girl about nerves, fatigue, etc. I know the girl doesn't orgasm each and every single time we do it so i try to be honest about it and tell her to be honest with me.
Precision45's Avatar
Sometimes the gods just don't smile down on me, so I just give her a good pounding, help her get off then fake my O into the rubber. It's not a big deal.

The only part that sux is an hour after she leaves, you get horny again and end up jerking off to some lame hotel porn....
  • SLAM
  • 08-24-2010, 01:40 PM
Nothing to add...
But a quote:

KRAMER: You know, I faked it.

JERRY: What?!


JERRY: You faked it? Why would you do that?

KRAMER: Well you know, if it's enough already and I just wanna get some sleep.

~1TGA Originally Posted by 1thatgotaway
I read this thread just to see if someone remembered this!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Sometimes the gods just don't smile down on me, so I just give her a good pounding, help her get off then fake my O into the rubber. It's not a big deal.

The only part that sux is an hour after she leaves, you get horny again and end up jerking off to some lame hotel porn.... Originally Posted by Precision45
Are you one of my clients? Sometimes I wonder about some of you men ...

Thanks for the responses!!!
fletch's Avatar
sometimes in round #2 faking is necessary...especially like what kramer says: its enough already....
freshshine's Avatar
I have faked it a few times. I've always been surprised that people assume men can't. As long as you have some muscle control (ie, can make johnson dance) it's not hard. As for evidence in the condom, well, just depends on how much natural lube you output.

Mostly I try to never fake it and just be upfront. Most women seem fine with it, I've only had one that I can recall being "upset", and several took it as a challenge (which in itself ended up being rather fun). When I do it's usually because I realize it's not going to happen, we've been at it too long and I'm not going to "relax" ... faking it at that point is often just the simplest way to reach a stopping point and allow my mind to do whatever is necessary to allow johnson to relax.

Overall though, I agree ... don't fake it with me and I won't fake it with you and both of us agree not to take it personally when it doesn't happen.