Who wants to start the pool on the Biden impeachment?

HedonistForever's Avatar
It takes more than a handful of people in congress. Jordan is great, but we need 300 more of him. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

I think your math is wrong. It only takes a majority in the House 218 or 51% to impeach. I think Jordan could get that easily. To convict, it would take 2/3 of the Senate or 66 which isn't likely unless the House presents so much evidence that Joe Biden was corrupt and lied about his involvement with Hunter and his overseas dealings. I can easily see Biden being impeached and convicted on strong financial evidence if the House ever gets the chance to proof it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think your math is wrong. It only takes a majority in the House 218 or 51% to impeach. I think Jordan could get that easily. To convict, it would take 2/3 of the Senate or 66 which isn't likely unless the House presents so much evidence that Joe Biden was corrupt and lied about his involvement with Hunter and his overseas dealings. I can easily see Biden being impeached and convicted on strong financial evidence if the House ever gets the chance to proof it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You forgot about the criminal cartel currently under investigation.

Hunter’s Benghazi laptop vs a violent insurrection?

And y’all call President Biden senile!

This stuff is too funny. I worked in the area of Intel in the military. None of this top-secret information about Trump or Biden is available. The President of the United States can classify anything that he does as Top-Secret prior to. The Internet is a curse and blessing. Its like old men sitting around shotting bull about the size of the fish that his friend caught.
He will be a lame duck president in one year anyway. The GOP should be working on real issues not spending time trying to punish and old man that has one foot in the grave and another one on a banana peel.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This stuff is too funny. I worked in the area of Intel in the military. None of this top-secret information about Trump or Biden is available. The President of the United States can classify anything that he does as Top-Secret prior to. The Internet is a curse and blessing. Its like old men sitting around shotting bull about the size of the fish that his friend caught. Originally Posted by theotherguy1

You wouldn't happen to be one of the "Intel" people that signed a letter saying Hunter Biden's laptop sure looked like Russian disinformation were you?

Sure seemed to be a whole shitload of so called "Intel" about Trump according to Adam Sciff and every former Intelligence officer they could find.

You don't think Trump classified things that were top secret that leaked to the media?

Come on man, what reality are you living in?
HedonistForever's Avatar
He will be a lame duck president in one year anyway. The GOP should be working on real issues not spending time trying to punish and old man that has one foot in the grave and another one on a banana peel. Originally Posted by theotherguy1

Proving that an American President was a Russian asset, was all the Democrat Party could do for 4 years and now Republicans are just suppose to forget that and allow a corrupt President in bed with China to finish his term without exposing this? Not a chance in hell.
... The TWO GREATEST POSTS you ever had on the site, Hedo.
And that's saying something - as you've had other good ones, mate.

... Joe won't be around next year to even be Impeached.
The Dems will surely replace him before then.

And YOU make some great points there - Schiff and the Intelligence
people lied about the laptop... and have been hounding Trump
with their lies on "Russian Collusion" for 6 years now.

No way should Republicans NOT investigate Biden and should
hold his feet to the fire IF they find corruption!
Whether they choose to Impeach him or not.

#### Salty