Austin's Bareback Queen returns...

gfejunkie's Avatar
You claim that Rocker Rick and Whispers have a history of outing people.

Can you provide any links to where that has happened? Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat
You have a history of being so good at researching things that happened here long before you joined this site. This should be a piece of cake for someone with your capabilities. That is, if you really want to know.
Cat in the Hat's Avatar
I looked. I can't find anything to indicate that other than being disliked for what they have to say that either of them has ever outed anyone.
Hollis Wood's Avatar
Back on topic- I just saw Britany Jean and she is not who the OP thought she was.

She is a new girl from Houston.

BTW- she is freakin' fabulous.

Review to follow.

Someone needs to make a public apology to Cloey and the new girl Brittany.

Your misinformation probably ended up costing them some business and sullied the good reputation of an established provider.

Not cool
gfejunkie's Avatar
Someone needs to make a public apology to Cloey and the new girl Brittany. Originally Posted by Hollis Wood
Yeah, well don't plan on that happening any time soon. Not unless the OP comes back with another bandle to do it.

I looked. I can't find anything to indicate that other than being disliked for what they have to say that either of them has ever outed anyone. Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat
Too bad. Would have been entertaining. For about 2 minutes.

Oh, well. Ever since their bans their relevancy factor has gone down the shitter anyway. We're all better off for it.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Glad you had a great time Hollis Wood. Looking forward to reading your review. Here is a little background.

That is the norm for Whispy ("Cat In The Hat"), RockerRick (along with their other aliases) and crew. They spread propoganda. If you aren't part of their group they are here to make life miserable for the providers whom they don't like and the people who see them. They collect information on people and out people. Whispy creates an offline e-mail for the purpose of collecting personal information and spreading misinformation. What is interesting is that it is such a SMALL group that causes the most havoc. He was banned under his old handle "Whispers" and he created a new bandle "Cat in the Hat". RockerRick's bandles have all been banned but for some reason Whispy's bandles are left untouched even though he breaks the rules. Go figure.

He has a party coming up where he wants people to donate for a cause. Its been termed by so many different names. I think one of them is "The Tax Evasion Party"? He gets providers to donate their time and the guys to give their money to the cause. Yet this is how he treats everyone here and they are ignorant enough to give him the time of day?

The question is, under which handle is he going to post this this time? Whispy or Cat in the Hat?

Of all the providers that he bashes, why would any provider here waste their time with him or any of his crew by donating their time to his cause when he treats the providers the way he does for 10 months out of the year and is only nice for 2 of those? Continually starting threads like this and continually threatening people, outing people, lying about people? He is NOT here to provide information but misinformation. When you see him do you think he will not collect your information? Get your plates when you drive up? Think about how he acts on the board, why would you trust him? His post here is a perfect example NOT to trust him.

Rockerick, SL and Whispy are great buddies among others. The provider (who RockeRick and Whispy/Cat In the Hat are bashing are doing business as usual) did nothing more than post an ad.

So think about this. When he asks you to donate your time and money. Think about this thread and all of his other threads. Think about Chloe who did nothing more than post and ad and how the OP (Whispy's/Cat In The Hat's buddy) started this thread. This is their norm.

Chloe and Brittany, from your post seem like great girls. You'll never get an apology from Whispy and his crew. This is their MO. You have better odds at Vegas. It seems that Whispy and his crew want to control which providers can provider here, the rates, etc...
Back on topic- I just saw Britany Jean and she is not who the OP thought she was.

She is a new girl from Houston.

BTW- she is freakin' fabulous.

Review to follow.

Someone needs to make a public apology to Cloey and the new girl Brittany.

Your misinformation probably ended up costing them some business and sullied the good reputation of an established provider.

Not cool Originally Posted by Hollis Wood
Hollis Wood's Avatar
So "they sleep at dawn" got banned?

Don't know how it happened but I wish he/she would have been given an opportunity to man up and apologize for the stunt he pulled on Cloey/Brittany.

Perhaps it's my own naïveté and I'm the one who is being duped but I don't think I am.

It's just not good for our community when two nice girls get drug into some drama and it negatively effects their business.

We have enough limited-menu up-selling GPS CBJ queens on here to occupy our time.

Let's not run off the good ones.

Mike Vronsky's Avatar
"at dawn they sleep" is RockerRick. His other bandle was "Black Sunshine" which was also banned. He won't be logging in as "at dawn they sleep" again. He will create another bandle in a day or two if he hasn't already. You will be able to tell because the bandle will be brand new, have a review or two and will post and have all this knowledge of the board. He will not apologize. It is difficult for him NOT to be himself. This thread was a perfect example.

Whispers (Cat In The Hat), RockerRick, and Still Looking (there are a couple of others) are the the crew who have bonded together here. They are the ones whom try to drive away the good ones and cause the issues, spread misinformation. These guys really don't care what you think and will attack you and call you a White Knight because you think Chloe / Brittany are nice and provided a great time.

You just have to ignore them. Rebut them when you want. Post your review and know that they have lost all credibility here.

I'm still curious to know how Whispy is allowed to create his bandle Cat In The Hat while his main Handle was banned and his bandle not get banned but yet all of RockerRick's bandles were banned. He has given himself away. Everyone KNOWS the two are one in the same.

Looking forward to your review.

So "they sleep at dawn" got banned?

Don't know how it happened but I wish he/she would have been given an opportunity to man up and apologize for the stunt he pulled on Cloey/Brittany.

Perhaps it's my own naïveté and I'm the one who is being duped but I don't think I am.

It's just not good for our community when two nice girls get drug into some drama and it negatively effects their business.

We have enough limited-menu up-selling GPS CBJ queens on here to occupy our time.

Let's not run off the good ones.

HW Originally Posted by Hollis Wood
At this point why give a flying fuck about who's who? The bandles don't give a fuck because there are no serious consequences for repeatedly returning. The mod outlook is that as long as there is no "Proof" the obvious repeating offenders are free to do whatever the fuck they want.

Since this is the case I don't think anyone should give a fuck about bans or bandles.
I think the offenders are having more fun playing "Catch me if you can" and flaunting guideline violation than they had as mere controversial posters.

While the board isn't valuable enough for me to ever bother with creating bandles or masking IPs I encourage everyone to follow the example of Whispy and the other two stooges.
Learn how to mask an IP, post a few unverifiable reviews and go to town with it. Worse that happens is the new bandle eventually gets caught which means you spend a couple of minutes creating a new one. Big fucking deal.
In fact bandles, mandles and other assorted fake handles have been the norm here since these boards began.

As I've always said the only forums of any value here are provider ads, ISO and some reviews. Even the alerts forum is a farce. On occasion ROS can provide some insight. I believe there are more members here with backup handles than there are without them.

The bandles will never stop nor do they have any reason to so what's the point in making a big deal of it? Not as if there's anything sacred about a board full of aliases to begin with.
universalenergy's Avatar
You claim that Rocker Rick and Whispers have a history of outing people.

Can you provide any links to where that has happened? Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat

I would consider that you outed someone if you revel to people the status of your sugar baby relationship to people where she lives, works or goes to college.

Whispers said he went to see his sugar baby at her apartment and there was a woman there that had a flat tire and he helped her. She said she had seen him before with ????? and she assumed you were her family. But you tell her about your SB relationship and give her your card. You just outed her were she lived. people she goes to college with and may know her family. Then Whispers was talking about selling his house and get an apartment there and have more prospects.

I am sure your SB would not like that and that sounds like outing to me and what about all the mud that RR slung and talked about SG after their break up.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
The point is to provide information as to whom they are so everyone knows who is providing the misinformation and that these are not NEW members. This is the same old group.

RockerRick = Black Sunshine, at dawn they sleep, and now has a new one can you find it?

Whispers = Cat In The Hat

At this point why give a flying fuck about who's who? Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Cat in the Hat's Avatar
I would consider that you outed someone if you revel to people the status of your sugar baby relationship to people where she lives, works or goes to college.

Whispers said EDITED Originally Posted by universalenergy
I searched for that story as it sounded rather interesting and found it in an area considered to be PRIVATE containing information only available to members with that access.

Isn't it a violation of board rules to post Premium content here? In regards to what you have stated though I see nothing in that story that names a person or the name of the place she lives.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Like you do Whispy? You do know your OWN content after all so it is not hard to find your OWN stuff.

Aren't you the master violator? How do you get away with violating all the rules? How did you get away creating this bandle while your Whispers handle was banned after threatening a mod? When you do your charity, what is it called? Is it the Tax Evasion Charity? Which handle will you post it under?
I searched for that story as it sounded rather interesting and found it in an area considered to be PRIVATE containing information only available to members with that access.

Isn't it a violation of board rules to post Premium content here? In regards to what you have stated though I see nothing in that story that names a person or the name of the place she lives. Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 09-30-2015, 10:28 AM
At this point why give a flying fuck about who's who? Originally Posted by Windinhishair
That's my thought on the subject, but some guys can't seem to move on.

In regards to this thread, however, what benefit is it to the ladies in question to keep bumping it with the personal attacks and rudeness? People are not going to really read past what's on page 1, so you guys are doing as much to damage these ladies reputation as the OP by keeping this thread alive.

But you guys are so much smarter than me apparently...

gfejunkie's Avatar
In regards to what you have stated though I see nothing in that story that names a person or the name of the place she lives. Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat
What difference does it make? I don't understand your interest. Are you worried about being outed yourself?

Don't worry. With your join date and posting history you have years to go before either one of the previously mentioned banned handles would even consider you "insignificant". You have to build up some credibility. That takes time. Neither one of those guys would even bother to throw a "PW" or a "LMAO" at you much less try to out you. You are nothing to them.

Consider yourself lucky.
Whispers's Avatar
That's my thought on the subject, but some guys can't seem to move on.

In regards to this thread, however, what benefit is it to the ladies in question to keep bumping it with the personal attacks and rudeness? People are not going to really read past what's on page 1, so you guys are doing as much to damage these ladies reputation as the OP by keeping this thread alive.

But you guys are so much smarter than me apparently...

ztonk Originally Posted by ztonk
Yes. They seem to think they are.