Obama's illegal alien Aunt

Obama's aunt was in living in public housing in South Boston, MA.

The Tsarnaev brothers were granted political asylum IN BOSTON and living in public housing IN BOSTON and getting welfare and foodstamps IN BOSTON. Wasn't the older Tsarnaev's wife living in public housing and getting welfare and foodstamps IN BOSTON? The guy the FBI killed that helped the older Tsarnaev murder three people IN BOSTON was a Chechen who was granted political asylum. He was living IN BOSTON and getting public housing, welfare and food stamp. I reading that his live in girlfriend was also a Chechen granted political asylum and getting public assistance IN BOSTON.

I'm started to see a couple of trends....

exNYer is right about China, India, etc would love for us to take a billion people off their hands....the RIGHT billion people.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Obama's aunt was in living in public housing in South Boston, MA.

The Tsarnaev brothers were granted political asylum IN BOSTON and living in public housing IN BOSTON and getting welfare and foodstamps IN BOSTON. Wasn't the older Tsarnaev's wife living in public housing and getting welfare and foodstamps IN BOSTON? The guy the FBI killed that helped the older Tsarnaev murder three people IN BOSTON was a Chechen who was granted political asylum. He was living IN BOSTON and getting public housing, welfare and food stamp. I reading that his live in girlfriend was also a Chechen granted political asylum and getting public assistance IN BOSTON.

I'm started to see a couple of trends....

exNYer is right about China, India, etc would love for us to take a billion people off their hands....the RIGHT billion people. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Exactly - they would give us all the poor and lazy, and psychologically and medically impaired to take care of at our expense, and demean us as having no heart if we refused. Never mind we have 60 million people on Medicaid alone, and an aging population to take care of already.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The part that bothers me is that in the old days, families would take care of each other as best they could before ever turning the care of a relative over to charity or government. Today many Americans, including the POTUS, simply turn to government as a first line of assistance. That is sad, and a huge part of the downfall of this country. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
People who are too lazy or selfish to help take care of their own family should be ashamed of themselves. Unfortunately, too many modern Americans have no such concerns for their family.
lustylad's Avatar
Malkin's a cunt. Originally Posted by timpage
What's the matter, timmytard? Are you intimidated by smart, attractive and articulate conservative women?

she is the pillar of truth for the intellectually impaired. Originally Posted by CJ7
She graduated from Oberlin College, a bastion of PC liberal thinking, where she didn't drink the kool-aid. You, on the other hand, flunked out of East Podunk Community College, a bastion for the intellectually impaired.
lustylad's Avatar
She wasn't illegal. She was granted asylum in 2010. Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah, on the third try... As Michelle Malkin put it - "She got multiple bites at the immigration court apple, where it ain't over till the alien wins." And the reason she won in 2010 was because her lawyer argued that being the aunt of the POTUS would make her a target if she returned to Kenya. That's an argument she didn't have at her previous hearings. (Ya think the decision may have been influenced by her POTUS relationship? Naaahh...)

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again... That seems to be a winning strategy for everything from disability benefits to asylum...
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
"Open-borders bipartisanship is suicide"

- M. Malin

Yep !!!!!!

Open border policies are anti-American ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And yet we had them (except for racist immigration laws against Asians and Latinos) for 150 years and it worked fine. Yes, there were naturalization laws, but if you could get there, you could go to most any country.

Malkin is a propagandist and an idiot, not a journalist. First of all, no one is for "open borders" today, yet throughout history we have had "open-borders" and the human race is still here. Wonder of wonders!

Nations for 4500 years have not been able to "secure their borders" and peoples moved fairly freely from area to area until the 20th Century and especially after WWII with the few exceptions being quotas and racial laws such as those against the Jews Chinese or braceros.

Most people did not have birth certificates much less passports or photo ID so even when there were laws it was nearly impossible to regulate anything other than on the basis of obvious physical characteristics or language. Passports until after WWII were for diplomats and frequent (upper class) travelers. Regular people did not have passports (or IDs, drivers licenses or SSN#s). Doh

Where are all the "libertarians" on the immigration policies now? Mostly selectively "libertarian" I guess.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Yeah, on the third try... As Michelle Malkin put it - "She got multiple bites at the immigration court apple, where it ain't over till the alien wins." And the reason she won in 2010 was because her lawyer argued that being the aunt of the POTUS would make her a target if she returned to Kenya. That's an argument she didn't have at her previous hearings. (Ya think the decision may have been influenced by her POTUS relationship? Naaahh...)

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again... That seems to be a winning strategy for everything from disability benefits to asylum... Originally Posted by lustylad
No, because someone released her status for probably political reasons. The timing is telling.

"A judge who granted asylum to President Barack Obama's African aunt ruled she deserved to stay in the United States because a federal government official leaked her status to a news organization, making her a potential target for persecution in her native Kenya.

U.S. Immigration Judge Leonard Shapiro blasted the leak by the unnamed official in his 29-page ruling granting asylum to Zeituni Onyango in May. His written decision was released this week through the Freedom of Information Act and first was reported by The Boston Globe.

Shapiro found that a federal government official disclosed Onyango's immigration status and her relationship to Obama to The Associated Press three days before the November 2008 election in which Obama was elected as the first black president."

Not saying that what she did is right, it just doesn't really mean anything just like Willie Horton's story doesn't prove liberals love murderers or Reagan's welfare queen tells us anything about poor people or welfare. It is a non-story. Obama's absent father's half sister tells us nothing about Obama and is merely another pathetic Malkin smear, and only a marginally interesting anecdote.

I'm far more concerned about half of our DoD budget going to cost overruns on weapons systems rather than training troops, serving veterans or rebuilding our infrastructure and creating jobs.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Nations for 4500 years have not been able to "secure their borders" and peoples moved fairly freely from area to area until the 20th Century and especially after WWII with the few exceptions being quotas and racial laws such as those against the Jews Chinese or braceros. Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
"Quintili Vare, legiones redde!" -- so Augustus Caesar cried, according to Suetonius, as he banged his head against a wall (translated: 'Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions!')

Yep, LordBieberdick, even the mighty Romans couldn't keep *them illegals* -- those pesky Germans -- from crossing the Rhine and entering the Empire. But you can't legitimately argue that the German *immigration problem* helped stabilize or perpetuate the Empire.
lustylad's Avatar
Obama's aunt was in living in public housing in South Boston, MA... The Tsarnaev brothers were granted political asylum IN BOSTON and living in public housing IN BOSTON and getting welfare and foodstamps IN BOSTON... I'm starting to see a couple of trends.... Originally Posted by gnadfly

Ok, while we're on the subject - here is Judge Jeanine Pirro a year ago weighing in on the mother of the Boston Marathon bombers... her rant is highly recommended!


Malkin's a cunt. Originally Posted by timpage
Hey timmytard, what do you think of the mother of the Tsarnaev brothers? Is she a "cunt" too?


Malkin is a propagandist and an idiot, not a journalist. Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook

She is a journalist and a damn good one! http://michellemalkin.com/?s=zeituni+onyango
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  • CJ7
  • 04-12-2014, 02:47 PM
She is a journalist and a damn good one! http://michellemalkin.com/?s=zeituni+onyango Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

one of the best if you're too lazy, and too ignorant to get truthful information or too stupid to understand it after you get it ... idiots love Malkin.
lustylad's Avatar
Nations for 4500 years have not been able to "secure their borders" and peoples moved fairly freely from area to area until the 20th Century and especially after WWII... Passports until after WWII were for diplomats and frequent (upper class) travelers. Regular people did not have passports... Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
What's your point, LordDiddlydick? Are you suggesting we should turn back the clock and revert to the lax border security of a century ago? Gee, I thought you so-called "progressives" prided yourselves for being on the right side of history?

...someone released her status for probably political reasons. The timing is telling.

"A judge who granted asylum to President Barack Obama's African aunt ruled she deserved to stay in the United States because a federal government official leaked her status to a news organization, making her a potential target for persecution in her native Kenya. Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
Again, what's your point, diddlydick? Are you suggesting someone leaked her status in order to help her? After all, the leak made her safe from deportation and helped her to obtain asylum.

...(This story) tells us nothing about Obama and is merely another pathetic Malkin smear, and only a marginally interesting anecdote. Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
Who is being smeared here, diddlydick? Not Obama, since he isn't blamed for anything. Not Aunti Zeituni, since the story is basically factual. Is it a smear of our broken immigration control and welfare systems? Perhaps you mean an "indictment" rather than a "smear". In that case, Aunti Zeituni agrees with you, diddlydick. Here is what she said in a 2010 interview about her living in free public housing:

"You can take that house... I didn't ask for it. They gave it to me. Ask your system. I didn't create it or vote for it. Go and ask your system."

I B Hankering's Avatar
one of the best if you're too lazy, and too ignorant to get truthful information or too stupid to understand it after you get it ... idiots love Malkin. Originally Posted by CJ7
How would your lib-retarded MSM watching ass know anything about 'truth' in journalism, CBJ7? You're the lazy, ignorant jackass that always sidles up to lying bitches like Candy Crowley and Andrea Mitchell, CBJ7.
lustylad's Avatar
one of the best if you're too lazy, and too ignorant to get truthful information or too stupid to understand it after you get it ... idiots love Malkin. Originally Posted by CJ7
Calling your bluff here, tranny boy... Exactly what part(s) of the Malkin story about Obama's Aunti Zeituni are less than truthful?
I B Hankering's Avatar
(This story) tells us nothing about Obama and is merely another pathetic Malkin smear, and only a marginally interesting anecdote. Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
Who is being smeared here, diddlydick? Not Obama, since he isn't blamed for anything. Not Aunti Zeituni, since the story is basically factual. Is it a smear of our broken immigration control and welfare systems? In that case, Aunti Zeituni agrees with you, diddlydick. Here is what she said in a 2010 interview about her living in free public housing:

"You can take that house... I didn't ask for it. They gave it to me. Ask your system. I didn't create it or vote for it. Go and ask your system." Originally Posted by lustylad