Communication Breakdown

Because Absolutely they responded with an explanation . That's all that should have been done . But even still you will not . And you are correct I did write it 2 days earlier on the day it happened . And gave you 2 days to make it not be a nCnS . But you thought not responding was the way to go .

P.S. Abs look up the Star 411 Diamond Spinner one I wrote it's a lot tougher on her .
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It was not a ncns i texted both rover and homer a day prior! I didn't think Rover was getting my text so I texted homer as well! I really don't know why he did this to me!
how come he didnt post a ncns on the 7 hoes that did actually ncns him!???
Sounds more like a personal issue to me!
Rover wrote the ncns review and emailed it to me 2 days before he posted it whispers I believe saw it as well .
he said he was upset that I couldn't come but that he wouldn't really post that and that he was upset.... then he did it anyway because I didn't respond the way he wanted me to !

For what its worth due to the recent arrest of several providers & the eccie drama/bs
I am no longer seeing any new eccie clients!
*I am only available by contact thru P 411!!
and to my * past friends (* which I have met at socials or prior bcd) Originally Posted by Absolutely
I'm just glad I have no part in this "newer" ECCIE drama. Life has given me enough lately to worry about BS. Life is hard enough with real world relationships than those cultivated within the hobby. Cut the "stress" of this world by actually just being a JOHN or PROVIDER. Blurring those lines is when shit gets messy!

Mods can we please close this !
I'm just glad I have no part in this "newer" ECCIE drama. Life has given me enough lately to worry about BS. Life is hard enough with real world relationships than those cultivated within the hobby. Cut the "stress" of this world by actually just being a JOHN or PROVIDER. Blurring those lines is when shit gets messy!

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Exactly my point.
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  • Sire
  • 11-12-2012, 06:12 PM
Keep it real.
sixxbach's Avatar
I'm just glad I have no part in this "newer" ECCIE drama. Life has given me enough lately to worry about BS. Life is hard enough with real world relationships than those cultivated within the hobby. Cut the "stress" of this world by actually just being a JOHN or PROVIDER. Blurring those lines is when shit gets messy!

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Mods can we please close this ! Originally Posted by The Rover

My comments were not a jab at you or Abs. I have met you both and think you are cool people. I am speaking from experience and not out of my ass like usual lol

Sixx I understand , just gone on long enough . Let this one die .
My comments were not a jab at you or Abs. I have met you both and think you are cool people. I am speaking from experience and not out of my ass like usual lol

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
They deserve a jab for this debacle. A little patience, a little communication, a little acceptance of the situation and all this is avoided.
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  • Sire
  • 11-12-2012, 07:15 PM
- Originally Posted by Absolutely
{} Originally Posted by Sire

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  • Sire
  • 11-12-2012, 07:23 PM

I feel we've gone off topic?
I feel we've gone off topic? Originally Posted by Sire
Probably for the best till it gets locked .