The Wicked Whispers Show

this is brutal reminds me of the REB and Aspasia show...boy I miss fuking with her!!!!! nothing brought me more joy than pissing her off and showing how contradicting her points of view were...
Whispers's Avatar
..... from what I've seen her post in the past, Wicked Milf seems to love to hate men in general. Originally Posted by Sternomancer

ding...ding....ding...ding.... .ding.....

Whispers We have another winner! We have another winner!

tell me Ed.. What do we have for the extremely observant and wise newbie.....

Why Whispers..... Sternomancer has won a copy of ..... Uh... Ohh.. Shit... Sorry Whispers..... We are all out of prizes... The last several hundred guys to make the same observation cleaned us out.....

Well that's no good Ed.... Tell ya what... We'll extend an invitation to the Extremely Observant and Wise Newbie (EOWN) to the next Luncheon and buy him a drink of his choice get him a lap dance..... How does that sound?

Damn Whispers.... Free drinks and Lap Dances to the EOWN ? Your so incredibly generous...

Woah there Ed.. I said A lapdance... not dance(s)...
Mature Companion's Avatar
ahhhh... such a conundrum

"Be careful what I wish for"? and indication that she might like to "do" me?

The rather detailed accounting of her fantasy session?

I don't know what to think.....

She loves me....
She loves me not...
She loves me....
She loves me not...

I'm going to apologize on your behalf to some of my brothers that have not had the opportunity to enjoy your talents.... I know there are a few that would gladly pay for such a session...

Me though.. I'm rather old fashioned....

I'm thinking something more on the lines of you wearing a corset and fishnets..... tied spread eagle to the bed... of course with the ball gag firmly in place.... me sitting on the edge of the bed...... A Laptop on my lap.... reading to you some of what I consider to be some of my finer writings...... Watching you writhe in pleasure to the sound of my voice.....

ooops..... sorry...

We all have our fantasies....

Saint Whispers.... Originally Posted by Whispers

You got it al WRONG dude. YOU DO NOT nor will ever call the shots. Your fantasies nor pleasures matter at all. You will take what you got coming to you. Long over due!!
I TELL YOU what would take place and how. I don't take orders from a woman hatting pussy like you. I give them. And it will be you who would be spread eagle and tied up. Ball gag in his mouth while his is ass fucked and NOT by me!! I'll bring in the ugliest male street walker to do it to you.

You've got another thing coming if you even think for one moment that you would ever have a say in anything wicked!!
Mature Companion's Avatar
I don't know anything specifically about those two, but from what I've seen her post in the past, Wicked Milf seems to love to hate men in general. Originally Posted by Sternomancer


You seem to know me so well. Point out where I stated or even hinted that I hated men???? Because Your so off base and wrong it's wicked funny!

Tell you what. Until YOU, YOU and YOU meet me & know me. Don't be so quick to pat yourself on the back and judge my strong opinions as my hating men. You would kick yourself for how so off base you are.
I adore men MORE than you will ever know.

It's spineless woman hating disrespectful men like whispers (and a few others) whom I despise. Their nothing more than attention seekers.
Okay...I am not being a WK, but speaking from honest experience seeing Wicked Milf several times over a couple of years now....I can vouch that she does adore men. She is simply picky about the men she likes.

Not once has she ever been hateful or rude to me. She has not been disrespectful or some kind of "feminazi".
Does she have definite and strong opinions? Yup.
Does she expect you to show her the same level of respect she shows you? Yup.
Do I see her when our schedules synch 'cause she is great BCD? Yup.

Granted, that is my opinion and I was not asked by anyone to post this.
I simply felt someone with actual, first-hand experience spending time with the lady should admit it and validate the fact that she really does adore and not hate men.

Oh, and for the record, I am not a "weak", "deperate" or "needy" man. If you doubt that, feel free to check with any of the women I have posted reviews of on this board, including Wicked Milf. I seriously doubt any of them would use those words, or any words close to them, to describe me.
Whispers's Avatar
You got it al WRONG dude. YOU DO NOT nor will ever call the shots. Your fantasies nor pleasures matter at all. You will take what you got coming to you. Long over due!!
I TELL YOU what would take place and how. I don't take orders from a woman hatting pussy like you. I give them. And it will be you who would be spread eagle and tied up. Ball gag in his mouth while his is ass fucked and NOT by me!! I'll bring in the ugliest male street walker to do it to you.

You've got another thing coming if you even think for one moment that you would ever have a say in anything wicked!! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Come on darlin.... Is that the best ya can muster?

You are really letting down all your fans......

Is that really even you at your keyboard or one of your Emaciated Eunuchs filling in while you get you are getting your beauty sleep?

I'm going to have to hit the RTM button if you won't play nice..... Our fans have asked, ever so nicely, for our opinions on certain subjects and instead all you want to do is fight....

Give it a shot... I'm sure you can compose a coherent thought or two if you really, really try....

Deep Breaths Darlin... Deep breaths!.. I have faith in ya!
Whispers's Avatar
Okay...I am not being a WK, but speaking from honest experience seeing Wicked Milf several times over a couple of years now....I can vouch that she does adore men. She is simply picky about the men she likes.

Not once has she ever been hateful or rude to me. She has not been disrespectful or some kind of "feminazi".
Does she have definite and strong opinions? Yup.
Does she expect you to show her the same level of respect she shows you? Yup.
Do I see her when our schedules synch 'cause she is great BCD? Yup.

Granted, that is my opinion and I was not asked by anyone to post this.
I simply felt someone with actual, first-hand experience spending time with the lady should admit it and validate the fact that she really does adore and not hate men.

Oh, and for the record, I am not a "weak", "deperate" or "needy" man. If you doubt that, feel free to check with any of the women I have posted reviews of on this board, including Wicked Milf. I seriously doubt any of them would use those words, or any words close to them, to describe me. Originally Posted by mstrdragon

uh uh uhhhhhh... Off Topic my friend.......


you bring up an interesting concept.....

gauging one's stature as a "man" by what a "Provider" thinks of him rather than by what his "peers" think of him....

To each their own I guess.....

But Come on now..... Coming into a thread and starting out with a "I'm no WhiteKnight but"...

She's a Big Girl.... She's running a business..... and as so many have stated, every time a Provider posts in Coed it is like an advertisement.....

Let her defend herself if she feels the need to.....

She's perfectly capable of stringing together a coherent sentence or two at times....

at least I think I remember that....

maybe I'm wrong....

time will tell......
I was not off topic. Sternomancer made a claim that, based on his perception of her posts, Wicked Milf "loves to hate men".
I stated that I had never experienced that with her and I have actually met her face-to-face and BCD.
As for what you think of me as a "man", I don't judge you and I would expect the same respect. My statement was directed at those who, for whatever reason, like to judge based on a lack of actual facts.
Also, I don't see how I was "defending" her in any way by stating facts based on my actual experience.
After all whispers, don't you make statements based on your actual experience and/or opinions?
Whispers's Avatar
After all whispers, don't you make statements based on your actual experience and/or opinions? Originally Posted by mstrdragon
I certainly do....

But I usually bring those opinions and experiences into threads where the TOPIC correlated to the experiences/opinions....

For example... I don't pop into threads where WickedMilf is just to bash her... It is usually the other way around..... But if there is a topic of interest and I comment on the topic... that's the way it is supposed to be....

By off topic I was referring to the fact that the member known as down41 started a thread in which he seeks input on a variety of different topics from myself as well as the ever so verbally gifted WickedMilf....

I have tried to accommodate him....

Her posting here opens herself UP for others to question or comment on.... She could have ignored the thread.....

Like I said.... Let the "lady" defend herself..... It's her business.....
Mature Companion's Avatar
uh uh uhhhhhh... Off Topic my friend.......


you bring up an interesting concept.....

gauging one's stature as a "man" by what a "Provider" thinks of him rather than by what his "peers" think of him....

To each their own I guess.....

But Come on now..... Coming into a thread and starting out with a "I'm no WhiteKnight but"...

She's a Big Girl.... She's running a business..... and as so many have stated, every time a Provider posts in Coed it is like an advertisement.....

Let her defend herself if she feels the need to.....

She's perfectly capable of stringing together a coherent sentence or two at times....

at least I think I remember that....

maybe I'm wrong....

time will tell...... Originally Posted by Whispers

First off get this this straight. I DO NOT post Ads in co-ed. Get? Got it? Good!! YOU don't know shit! I hobby because I WANT to not because I have to. It's MY hobby. Not a business that I run. Get it? Got it? Good!! (Don't preach your BS to me).

I'm also not some bimbo who seeks attention (unlike yourself) and therefore doesn't need to post a fucking ad in a co-ed DISCUSSION. You DO know what DISCUSSION means right? So lay off the ladies about posting Ads in DISCUSSIONS. We're f'ng tired of that shit from YOU!!

Co-Ed Discussions are just that. If your going to go on and on with ridiculing & attacking the ladies every time they post in the CO-Ed discussions. Then put every lady on your ignore. We have a voice and right to participate amongst our peers in discussions of any nature. And dammit we're sick and tired of your BS attacks on us every time we do participate in a discussion.
And frankly there are men who are sick of your bs to. Unless they're attached to your coat tails.

Either shut up about our participation in the CO-ED discussion or ignore us all together. We're tied of it whispers. Damn tired of it. Leave us the heck alone!! We're here to participate in discussions and enjoy the community therein not have to defend ourselves to you at every damn turn.

And you wonder why folks despise you.

Yeah I know they can't stand my strong opinions. (I don't care). I don't sway from them nor kiss ass to appease the men. I'm simply not a woman who tolerates men's bullshit nor disrespect. That crap doesn't fly with me.

And I'm not your darlin. You can't handle a woman like me.
So move on along! Go find another pulpit to preach your gospel from.
And another corner in which to continue thumping your chest & tooting your own horn. Your old news and simply not worth my precious time.

This thread may of been started in *mocking fun*.
But frankly. There mere image of you turns my stomach.

I'll leave you to finding other ways to be noticed & heard around here. So you can have your tiny ego stroked!!

I'm off to picture myself in a room with REB, Kosher,mstrdragon debating our different opinions yet enjoying one hell of a good time.
Men I respect and admire! Why? Because they respect & understand women.
That's a MAN!!
Mature Companion's Avatar
I certainly do....

By off topic I was referring to the fact that the member known as down41 started a thread in which he seeks input on a variety of different topics from myself as well as the ever so verbally gifted WickedMilf....

I have tried to accommodate him....

Her posting here opens herself UP for others to question or comment on.... She could have ignored the thread.....

Like I said.... Let the "lady" defend herself..... It's her business..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Really? So are you 100% sure that what I posted HERE in this thread makes me any different in the eyes of men? You 100% sure about that?

I'm sure ALOT a whole heck of A LOT of men know that's it's done in mere fun of the thread starter. Regardless if I still despise you. Trust me, dude.
Your despised by many!

And I have ZERO concern about showing a side of me that's NON-EXISTENT except to give Down41 what he wants in this thread.

This LADY, got that right. LADY! So don't forget it. Can and will defend herself. But there's no need for you to be so damn snippy to someone who posts something ON TOPIC.
Then again. That's your M.O. You bitch at folks with whom you don't like what they post and it has to be YOUR way or it's WRONG!
Classic whispers!!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Dear Wicked Whispers,

What should a hobbyist think about a provider being significantly heavier than the pictures posted. Would it be considered fraud? misrepresentation? Deception?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-15-2010, 06:44 PM
Hey, when did this become a WWE tag-team match?

Let the combatants fight. They're trained professionals.

And as always folks this is strictly an exhibition bout. No wagering. Please. No wagering.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Dear Wicked Whispers,

What should a hobbyist think about a provider being significantly heavier than the pictures posted. Would it be considered fraud? misrepresentation? Deception? Originally Posted by texasjohn1965

IF YOU had a session with the provider and met her PERSONALLY in person and she did NOT look like what she presented to YOU. Then yes.

So if YOU have an issue with those women you met. Go take it up with them.

Because I know your not speaking about me. We've never met (my choice) and I DO look every inch like my beautiful pictures!! Every last explicit passworded photos!!

So go take your issues up with those women whom you had dates with whom didn't look like their pictures.
Mature Companion's Avatar
I certainly do....

But I usually bring those opinions and experiences into threads where the TOPIC correlated to the experiences/opinions....

For example... I don't pop into threads where WickedMilf is just to bash her... It is usually the other way around..... But if there is a topic of interest and I comment on the topic... that's the way it is supposed to be..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Dude, your such a liar.

I don't pop into threads to bash you. I participate in discussions where MY personal opinion doesn't correlate with your own.
And thus YOU in turn find your way to discussions that I've participated in and made it a point to let me know how in the WRONG my opinions were.

Understand this.
There is NO one person who is better than nor right. Over any other person.
We ALL have our OWN *differing* opinions. Got that? Differing!
Opinions are meant to be just that. However, what YOU cannot stand is that a woman disagrees with you. It pisses you off. Rather than be respectful and learn to agree to disagree you ridicule the woman/women.

I however, voice my opinion/s and I stand firm on them. No matter if they differ from any other persons. (post by post).
I stand 100% in what I express. I don't kiss ass (something you men expect).
I don't tolerate bullshit from men (esp when it's aimed at women).
So yes, you have issue with a woman who's not a afraid to speak up!

That is NOT bashing. That's an straightforward opinionated woman.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman being like that.
Any man who thinks otherwise is a cowardly woman hater and not a man in my eyes!