Proof of the GOP War on Women

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Like I've said many times before... I really don't give a shit!
Let them keep killing off future democrats before they're even born. We've got too damned many of them as it is!

Let the conservative women keep giving birth. They know how to raise them right. Especially when they're home schooled.

The future's so bright I have to wear sunglasses! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
So you guys are all "closet pro-choice"?

If you feel that way then why be pro-life? Why say one thing and then believe/do another? Why not stand and be counted to show the true numbers of how many pro-choice/"really don't give a shits" there are?

Or do you just like the power trip of forcing someone to do what you want them to? You said "really don't give a shit". Does it need to be "really, really, really don't give a shit" until you butt out of their lives?

What else are you in the closet for?

Why wear shades in the closet?

We both know why. They aren't shades. They're blinders.
So you guys are all "closet pro-choice"?

If you feel that way then why be pro-life? Why say one thing and then believe/do another? Why not stand and be counted to show the true numbers of how many pro-choice/"really don't give a shits" there are?

Or do you just like the power trip of forcing someone to do what you want them to? You said "really don't give a shit". Does it need to be "really, really, really don't give a shit" until you butt out of their lives?

What else are you in the closet for?

Why wear shades in the closet?

We both know why. They aren't shades. They're blinders. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Look Crayolaman, a society that murders the weakest amongst themselves will be called 0zombies, for a eternity... just wanted to let you know, thanks

lustylad's Avatar
So you guys are all "closet pro-choice"?

If you feel that way then why be pro-life? Why say one thing and then believe/do another? Why not stand and be counted to show the true numbers of how many pro-choice/"really don't give a shits" there are? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Hey dickmuncher, did the fireworks blow out your neurons tonight are you always this stupid? We're 100% pro-choice for libtards and 100% pro-life for conservatives! Get it? That means free access to abortion - but for libtards only! Do you have a problem with that? We're giving you libtards what you want - and doing society a big favor by curbing future populations of parasites like you! And if we discriminate with respect to our own, what do you care? Now sit down and STFU and watch the population tilt in our favor, douchebag!
  • DSK
  • 07-04-2016, 11:01 PM
Killing a baby is illegal and should be prosecuted (unless, of course, that it was clearly crawling towards that gun with the intent of using it).

Killing a fetus (stage of development between 8 weeks and birth) is legal under certain circumstances (known as a legal abortion).

Nice try to associate "choice" and "kill".

Kind of like your attempts to associate "victim" and "white men".

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Do you feel like a poor 18 year old white man, who comes from a broken home and a single mother, is not a victim if a rich black man's son with lower grades and SAT scores is granted an affirmative action/diversity spot at a prestigious university?

I guess I have my definition of victim, marriage, and murder, and you have yours. I do not want to be your countryman. In a just world that loves freedom, we should be able to form such associations and countries that would let us live at peace with our fellow man, sharing the same principles and otherwise leaving other countries alone.

You are a cheerleader for the New World Order, and you cannot see how they enslave you with their thought police. They look at you as a useful idiot, romanced by your father's righteous sacrifice to unconditionally support the country he served, which has been stolen from its rightful inheritors.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Hey, the liberals have come up with their own perfect form of self genocide. Far be it from me to interfere with that. In a couple of generations everything will be right with the world.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hey, the liberals have come up with their own perfect form of self genocide. Far be it from me to interfere with that. In a couple of generations everything will be right with the world. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
well problem with this is that they have this thing going with self-genocide and indoctrination on young minds of mush as the breeding replacement population.
gfejunkie's Avatar
That's why I said it will take a few generations.
Hey dickmuncher, did the fireworks blow out your neurons tonight are you always this stupid? We're 100% pro-choice for libtards and 100% pro-life for conservatives! Get it? That means free access to abortion - but for libtards only! Do you have a problem with that? We're giving you libtards what you want - and doing society a big favor by curbing future populations of parasites like you! And if we discriminate with respect to our own, what do you care? Now sit down and STFU and watch the population tilt in our favor, douchebag! Originally Posted by lustylad
Fucking wingnuts want to breed like rabbits, so they can be in the majority. LMAO
gfejunkie's Avatar
Fucking wingnuts want to breed like rabbits, so they can be in the majority. LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen
We don't have to do anything. You're doing it all to yourselves. LMAO!
We don't have to do anything. You're doing it all to yourselves. LMAO! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I'm not a liberal LMAO.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'm not a liberal LMAO. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'll let someone else have that one. Why should I have all the fun?
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm not a liberal LMAO. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well, if the label fits wear it!

You are attacking Catholics, which is anti 1st Amendment. Liberals do that.
I'll let someone else have that one. Why should I have all the fun? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It is your basic fall back position when someone disagrees with the BS you are posting. Call them a liberal.
Well, if the label fits wear it!

You are attacking Catholics, which is anti 1st Amendment. Liberals do that. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LMAO, quite a stretch lexie lacking.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Look Crayolaman, a society that murders the weakest amongst themselves will be called 0zombies, for a eternity... just wanted to let you know, thanks
My comments will be based mostly on comments in this thread. Others such as dsk who are self acknowledged racists, the comments will be based on that common knowledge.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Bitch # 1
Here is a guy who thinks his opinion is equal to law and his judgment is the same as God's. You guys are off to a good start
[QUOTE=lustylad;1058354050]Hey dickmuncher, did the fireworks blow out your neurons tonight are you always this stupid? We're 100% pro-choice for libtards and 100% pro-life for conservatives! Get it? That means free access to abortion - but for libtards only! Do you have a problem with that? We're giving you libtards what you want - and doing society a big favor by curbing future populations of parasites like you! And if we discriminate with respect to our own, what do you care? Now sit down and STFU and watch the population tilt in our favor, douchebag![/QUOTE]
Bitch #2
Here is our newest racist. Worshiping at the alter of eugenics, he shows his ass, which has concealed more than one traffic cone in it's time,......WTF? He has finally come clean about the un-American piece of shit he is. Looks like yesterday was his new independence day. Now that he has come out of the closet, he should drop the beta male yapping. This is the guy who will change republican women into democrats or lesbians. Because the only way a woman would bear his spawn is if they were forced to. That's all for now but don't worry. This guy loves his own ass-juice. He'll be back.

Do you feel like a poor 18 year old white man, who comes from a broken home and a single mother, is not a victim if a rich black man's son with lower grades and SAT scores is granted an affirmative action/diversity spot at a prestigious university?
I never said or defined who I think is a victim.
The one thing I have constantly maintained and you have constantly proven is that you are a piece of shit racist.
I am an American who has demonstrated my commitment to my country.
You are a cocksucker who constantly tests the limits of how un-American and lacking the basic principles that made our country great you can be.
I guess I have my definition of victim, marriage, and murder, Murder is a legal term. You calling someone a murderer who isn't one is to be expected of your type. and you have yours. I do not want to be your countryman. In a just world that loves freedom, we should be able to form such associations and countries that would let us live at peace with our fellow man, sharing the same principles and otherwise leaving other countries alone.

You are a cheerleader for the New World Order, and you cannot see how they enslave you with their thought police. They look at you as a useful idiot, romanced by your father's righteous sacrifice to unconditionally support the country he served, which has been stolen from its rightful inheritors. Originally Posted by DSK

If there is stress from being my countryman I am willing to settle for it knocking 2 years off the back of your life
You have one purpose in life and you are doing it well.
You led the asshole brigade out on to the "Limb of poor choices". They have all posted enough bs to beat them up for days.

Hey, the liberals have come up with their own perfect form of self genocide. Far be it from me to interfere with that. In a couple of generations everything will be right with the world. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
So you know as much about trends in an increase in a given demographic population as you do everything else.
Not much. How many generations to shift the population by a million people? 2? 10? 20? How are you going to control the breeding?
That's right. Just a stupid idea you mentioned often enough to own
well problem with this is that they have this thing going with self-genocide and indoctrination on young minds of mush as the breeding replacement population. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
We're giving you a bye because we don't want you overmushed.

Fucking wingnuts want to breed like rabbits, so they can be in the majority. LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Don't burst their bubbles. Let them think they have a shot at the white house some time in the next 50 years.
We don't have to do anything. You're doing it all to yourselves. LMAO! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
That's right. Just go do that voodoo that you do so well.

Sorry I've run out of steam. Too many morons in a row.
Thank god lexus liar and the Waco cunt didn't wander by.
It would've taken another 4 minutes to answer their opuses?

No charges?
Let the bitchers begin?
lustylad's Avatar
Bitch #2
Here is our newest racist. Worshiping at the alter (sic) of eugenics, he shows his ass, which has concealed more than one traffic cone in it's time,......WTF? He has finally come clean about the un-American piece of shit he is... He'll be back. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
So, dickmuncher now thinks being pro-choice and letting libtards practice abortion on demand is tantamount to EUGENICS!

Well played, cocksucker! You nailed it! ABORTION=EUGENICS. There may be hope for you yet!

Btw, there is nothing un-American about letting trashy libtards like you have your way so your kind can stop spreading and reproducing your defective DNA! To the contrary, it is the PATRIOTIC thing to do! If it truly bothers you though, you can always start working to repeal Roe v. Wade.

Hmmm.... feeling a little CONFLICTED again, douchebag? Maybe it's time for your next meltdown!