So which has the better PC game: A lesbian who wants a haircut or a Muslim barber who doesn’t want to give it to her?

Tripp's thesis is part of the LBGT agenda to wrongly revise and misrepresent history to "glorify" and promote their perverted lifestyle. As such, those lies -- not *opinions* -- have nothing to do with healthcare or finances and only serve to miseducate the American public. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You can call his opinions lies, but that is also your opinion. Lincoln isn't around to say otherwise, so it is just a case of "gay said, tranny fuckee said.

But you finally got it right and agreed with me when you said that those lies/opinions have NOTHING to do with healthcare or finances. So why did you bring Tripp into the discussion? A diversion?

I asked why gays should be denied equal marital rights and you and others started talking about gay propagandists. Why?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So that's your "coming out of the closet speech", Assup, the dumb-fuck golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM?

per·vert·ed adjective \pər-ˈvər-təd\ : having or showing sexual desires that are considered not normal or acceptable. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Again, shitbreath what qualifies you, of ALL people, to define perversion, you tranny fucker?

And to answer your question. ExNYer, Corpy is a self loathing homosexual. Pity, there's enough loathe out there for him without him having to loathe himself, but I guess when you wallow in your own effluence...
I B Hankering's Avatar
You can call his opinions lies, but that is also your opinion. Tripp's "thesis" has been subsequently factually rebutted by several scholars; hence, demonstrably shown to be nothing more than contrived lies to advance the LBGT's perverse agenda to re-define their perversity as "normal". Fascinating how you champion the LBGT's lying agenda so enthusiastically!
Lincoln isn't around to say otherwise, so it is just a case of "gay said, tranny fuckee said. Couldn't keep this exchange civil could you, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass? You had to once again insult your cheap, double-bagger, whoring-sister, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Told you before, you really shouldn't call your cheap, double-bagger, whoring-sister a "tranny", you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. .

But you finally got it right and agreed with me when you said that those lies/opinions have NOTHING to do with healthcare or finances. Actually, the OP in this thread is about how the LBGT means to lock-stock-and-barrel impose their perverted views on others, jackass. So why did you bring Tripp into the discussion? You're the ignoramus that is off topic, jackass. A diversion? Aren't you the blathering idiot!

I asked why gays should be denied equal marital rights and you and others started talking about gay propagandists. That's the topic of the thread, jackass! Why? Thus you prove again that you haven't a clue, jackass!
Originally Posted by ExNYer

Again, shitbreath what qualifies you, of ALL people, to define perversion, you tranny fucker? The perverse proclivities enjoyed by you and your cock-sucking butt-fucking buddies constitutes only 3% to 4% of the population, Assup, the dumb-fuck golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM; thus by definition, as a small, deviant minority, your perverted proclivities do not reflect what is considered "normal" behavior as is determined by the sexual deportment of the other 96% to 97% of the population. BTW, Jodie Foster had a better "coming-out" speech than you, Assup, the dumb-fuck golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. Finally, Assup, the dumb-fuck golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, you really shouldn't call the racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass's cheap, double-bagger, whoring-sister a "tranny".

And to answer your question. ExNYer, Corpy is a self loathing homosexual. Pity, there's enough loathe out there for him without him having to loathe himself, but I guess when you wallow in your own effluence...
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, Corpy, I guess we can call this DAY ONE!
You can call his opinions lies, but that is also your opinion.

Tripp's "thesis" has been subsequently factually rebutted by several scholars; hence, demonstrably shown to be nothing more than contrived lies to advance the LBGT's perverse agenda to re-define their perversity as "normal". Fascinating how you champion the LBGT's lying agenda so enthusiastically!

I don't champion anyone's "lying" agenda, shit breath. I simply support the rights of fay people to marry, the same as straights. That is a right that is supported by many conservatives, including Ted Olsen, Dick Cheney, and conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan - although you probably don't count him becuase he is gay, right? Read this and weep, you creep:

You seem to think every supporter of gay marriage is some kind of LGBT commie. They are not.

But you finally got it right and agreed with me when you said that those lies/opinions have NOTHING to do with healthcare or finances.

Actually, the OP in this thread is about how the LBGT means to lock-stock-and-barrel impose their perverted views on others, jackass.

Actually it is NOT about that. Go back and re-read your stupid OP. You never mentioned the LBGT or any agenda. It is a stupid attempt at humor about who si the biggest victim in PC terms. Of course, White Christians have the lowest claim on victimhood, according to the OP. So it appears YOU have an agenda.

So why did you bring Tripp into the discussion?

You're the ignoramus that is off topic, jackass.

TOPIC? There was a topic in your OP?

I asked why gays should be denied equal marital rights and you and others started talking about gay propagandists

That's the topic of the thread, jackass!

TOPIC? There was a topic in your OP?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It must suck to be you.

The younger generations - Democratic and Republican - DO NOT AGREE with you. Both groups support gay marriage rights.

Only OLD people oppose it. Primarily old bigoted people. The same kind that sympathize with the Confederacy.

It will be VERY enjoyable watching gay marriage come to every state in the union - including TEXAS - and watching you stew in your bile.

Your angry bitterness about gays dies with you.
It must suck to be you.

. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Not only must it suck to be the identical twin brother of JD Idiot (appropriately named IB).

But IB sucks too!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Gays have the same marriage rights as straight people. They can marry anyone they want....of the opposite sex, who is not a close relative, and who is of an age to consent.

They want special rights that come from redefining what marriage is. At least be honest with that. Instead of forcing your views on others (and using the government as a club) why not work to change the laws by referendum?
I B Hankering's Avatar
It must suck to be you.

The younger generations - Democratic and Republican - DO NOT AGREE with you. Both groups support gay marriage rights.

Only OLD people oppose it. Primarily old bigoted people. The same kind that sympathize with the Confederacy.

It will be VERY enjoyable watching gay marriage come to every state in the union - including TEXAS - and watching you stew in your bile.

Your angry bitterness about gays dies with you. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Your every attempt at rebuttal has been nothing more than you championing the lying agenda of the LBGT community, jackass. One can only surmise that it's more than their lies that you so willingly bend over and accept, moron. BTW, the OP is about a Lesbian trying to impose her LBGT definition of family *values* on a Muslim, you ignorant fucktard.

Not only must it suck to be the identical twin brother of JD Idiot (appropriately named IB).

But IB sucks too! Originally Posted by bigtex
BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat suffers from permanent case of Cranium rectumitus.

Well, Corpy, I guess we can call this DAY ONE! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah, Assup, the dumb-fuck golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, everyone read where you think your perverted proclivities are somehow *normal*, but you've miscounted how many days it's been since your Assup, the dumb-fuck golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's "coming out of the closet" announcement.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The meltdown of 2014 continues.

Wild bullshit, based on spin and lies, which Corpy will repeat every day until he somehow believes it's documented fact.

I wonder if we're going to set a record for him sounding like a broken record.

Or will he just Squeak like a blow up gay fuck doll?
Your every attempt at rebuttal has been nothing more than you championing the lying agenda of the LBGT community, jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So, what part of "Gays should be allowed to marry" is a "lying agenda", asshole?

One can only surmise that it's more than their lies that you so willingly bend over and accept, moron. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's mighty big talk for a Confederate homo who has been ass-fucked by every black tranny in New Orleans. The unresolved conflicts between your racist mind and your homosexual desires would give even the best psychiatrist fits.

Try to remember that we have seen the pictures of your favorite providers in the Big Easy, okay Jeb?
Gays have the same marriage rights as straight people. They can marry anyone they want....of the opposite sex, who is not a close relative, and who is of an age to consent. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, they don't have the same marriage rights, dumbass. Because straights get to marry the person they WANT to marry (assuming of age and not related), but gays do not.

Did you really thing that stupid rhetorical trick was clever? I thought it was dumb the first time I heard it from Anne Coulter or whoever the fuck it was. It sounds even dumber when you repeat it.

They want special rights that come from redefining what marriage is. At least be honest with that. Instead of forcing your views on others (and using the government as a club) why not work to change the laws by referendum? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Again, they do not want a "special" right. They want the SAME right as heterosexuals. They want to marry the person they WANT to marry.

If YOU were honest you would admit that. But if you did, you would instantly realize that you lose the argument.

And what is the meaning of that stupidity about changing the laws by referendum? In case you have not noticed, they ARE working to change by referendum.

Gay marriage has already been legalized by either the legislature or popular vote in 11 states - with more to come, no doubt. Courts have acted in only 6 states.

So, what exactly is your argument?
I B Hankering's Avatar
So, what part of "Gays should be allowed to marry" is a "lying agenda", asshole? So what part, in regards to "marriage", does a bull-dyke play by walking into a Muslim barber's shop and demanding a haircut, jackass? So what part, in regards to "marriage", does the LBGT community lyingly projecting their perverse sexual proclivities onto others play, retard.

That's mighty big talk for a Confederate homo who has been ass-fucked by every black tranny in New Orleans. The unresolved conflicts between your racist mind and your homosexual desires would give even the best psychiatrist fits. You are the "racist" fucking moron that habitually and repeatedly declaims minorities including women of color, jackass.

Try to remember that we have seen the pictures of your favorite providers in the Big Easy, okay Jeb?
Originally Posted by ExNYer