If you like Tehran 1979, you're going to love the sequel; Baghdad 2014

British PM Warns ISIS Plans Attack on UK
by JOHN ROSSOMANDO June 19, 2014

Ignoring threats posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) would be shortsighted and foolish, British Prime Minister David Cameron told members of Parliament Wednesday.

"I disagree with those people who think this is nothing to do with us and if they want to have some sort of extreme Islamist regime in the middle of Iraq that won't affect us - it will," Cameron said.

ISIS, he warned, plans to attack British soil. Consequently, Cameron said working to stabilize governments in places like Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria and Mali where jihadist insurgencies are is of the utmost importance.

An estimated 400 British nationals fighting in Syria present a "particular risk" to the U.K. if they return home, said British Foreign Secretary William Hague. Many of those British nationals are fighting for ISIS.

"The government's own figures show more UK citizens are joining ISIS than signing up for the Armed Forces Reserves. This is shameful, embarrassing and will cause deep concern," said MP Vernon Croaker, the shadow defense minister.

ISIS has taken its propaganda recruiting campaign to social media where it has posted English-language videos calling Muslims from around the world to jihad.

One such video posted Thursday features a British Muslim fighter, speaking under the nomme de guerre Abu Bara' al-Hindi, telling people to open the Quran and read the verses about jihad, then give up what they have and join the fight.

"Are you willing to sacrifice the fat job you've got, the big car you've got and the family you have?" al-Hindi asked. "If you are going to sacrifice this for the sake of Allah ... then Allah will give you 700 times more."

Britain is not alone in worrying about the current escalating crisis in Iraq. Australia this week warned jihadists looking for refuge in Australia to stay away. Immigration Minister Scott Morrison told jihadists he will tear up their visas. An estimated 300 Australians have traveled to join the jihad in the Middle East, with many believed to be trying to join ISIS. About half of them have been identified, and reports say the Australian government has begun to void their passports.

"I don't want anyone to think this is just a difficulty in a far away country that has no consequences of its own," said Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org...#ixzz358qAOAzo
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Who are those Islamists and Jihadists? ...


1- Many of them can hardly read and write.

2- They are usually jobless, have dropped school and never learned a profession.

3- The majority of them have never read the Quran, the holy book of Muslims. All they know about Islam is from the mouth of fanatic imams.

4- Some Islamists have learned the Quran by heart, but hardly understand what they have learned. Their justification: the Quran is a holy script, i.e. the language of Allah, God.

5- The brains of Islamists are washed by historic fictitious tales from the time Muslim Conquest, Islamization of huge parts of the world, till Spain.

6- Islamists argue and believe that if they fight like their ancestors, they "will" conquer the world and Islamize the whole world. Consequently, they will be rewarded by entering Paradise and live they for ever.

7- Islamists are promised by several passages in the Quran and asserted by imams and fanatic Muslim leaders, that if they kill infidels by suicide bombs or otherwise, they will right away land in Paradise! In other words, why should one work and exert themselves when in a matter of seconds after committing a suicide-bombing, you land in Paradise, next to the Prophet Muhammad?!

8- Muslim extremists are convinced that "Islam is the solution" to all human problems. They also believe that if they establish the Shari'a Law; Allah's Law all problems of the world will be solved.

9- The Shari'a Law, by the way, vehemently rejects democracy. The Shari'a Law prescribes forming a council of dignitaries, of good Muslims in society, to watch the implementation of Shari'a.

11- The Shari'a Law focuses on gender segregation. Men and women should never mix, in particular in public places and schools. Women are forced to cover each and every inch of their skin, especially in public places.
Also, according to Shari'a, women who commit adultery are sentenced to flogging and stoning to death. Thieves are punished by amputating their limbs.

12- According to the Quran, apostasy deserves the death penalty, "If they turn away (leave Islam and embrace another faith), then seize them and kill them wherever you find....." Sure 4, verse 89

13- Many Islamists also believe that non-Muslims must be forced to convert to Islam. They base this belief of several passages in the Quran which incite Muslims "to kill the infidels". Also the Quran urges Muslims not to take "Christians and Jews as friends." "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies/friends" Sure 5, verse 51

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org...#ixzz358roD19z
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Correct--no victory. Show me your definition of "victory" I see nothing that is a significant sustainable improvement. Where do YOU see that?
Originally Posted by Old-T
There was no definition of victory. That was the problem. No exit plan, either. What a stupid war. We didn't win, because we didn't want to win. We had nothing in place to let us know if we had won or not.

But the big corporations, banks, oil companies and defense contractors did well. Hmmm . . .

But the big corporations, banks, oil companies and defense contractors did well. Hmmm . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And don't forget one of the biggest winners of all, Halliburton!

Does anyone remember the name of their former CEO?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
ESPECIALLY Halliburton! The company awarded no-bid contracts by Bush AND Obama! Halliburton does quite well with both Republicans AND Democrats!
This whole thing just simply makes Obama look like a total dumbass. Getting Bergdahl back in exchange for five known terrorists is not only against the law but impeachable as well. I can't believe Obama is still hanging around toying with this country. Congress needs to really wake up.

