Sorry guys: for the mods/ladies...

pmdelites's Avatar
I posted it as a suggestion. The eccy owners are not bound to even consider it much less execute it.
===> pmd: my suggestion was for you to check w/ them before making the suggestion.
if they dont want to do it, lots of energy saved.

Again, the fear you guys show about the mere suggestion that a provider having a way on eccy to be able to quickly share info with each other to say we are okay (safe) or not to see for a session [on a private section of eccy] is truly amazing. Yes...that's something to really fear [not].
===> pmd: who said anything about fear? all occurrences of the string "fear" are in your posts or in a quoting of your post.
my comments were from not knowing if the owner(s) would even want to consider adding this kind of feature.
not my fear, i can assure you.

I don't think the legal aspects of doing so ... is a problem. ...
Have fun.. sheesh Originally Posted by SD2011
i agree this should be about fun. and again, i wasnt coming from a legalilty viewpoint.