I B Hankering's Avatar

My guess is that you can wish for a new name in one hand and shit in the other and you will then know which hand will fill up the fastest!

Problem solved! Originally Posted by bigtex
Seems like you're the resident expert in such experiences, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, but you need to remove your head from your ass first.
I believe we should take your complaint directly to the Secretary of the Navy and tell him that JD Idiot's identical twin brother IB objects to the name of this ship.

My guess is that you can wish for a new name in one hand and shit a WhirlyTurd in the other and you will then know which hand will fill up the fastest!

Problem solved! Originally Posted by bigtex
really, who handle EOS against american?

how about for hire work? jag

If you think the wingers are upset with the name now, just guess the climate if they had named it the Michall Obama.
Reagan was a victim of a shooting. No heroism on his part. Got out of WWII combat duty because of vision problems, yet how many pictures are there of him wearing glasses? Hmmmmm

Look, like everything else in life it is politics. Nothing more nothing less. Who gives a shit really. Originally Posted by WTF
Uh, yeah. I think you should pause before hitting the Submit button.

I don't think they named a ship after Reagan because Hinckley shot him.

Unlike Giffords, he had a lot of OTHER accomplishments. Agree with him or not, he was a strong advocate of a 400-ship (I think) Navy and he got the legislation passed to get it done.

You may disagree with that military buildup, but from a defense viewpoint, it was an historic accomplishment. The Soviets tries to match it and realized they couldn't without starving people. It is not the only reason, but it is a significant reason, why the Cold War ended.

In terms of who gives a shit, I do and so do a lot of other people.

Something like that is an honor and I don't think it should be done to score political points.

That's why I think they should not be named after a person until he or she has been dead at least five years. That reduces the pressure to do something to appease that person's supporters.
That's why I think they should not be named after a person until he or she has been dead at least five years. That reduces the pressure to do something to appease that person's supporters. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You had me until you made the claim that once a person has been dead for five years, they no longer have supporters.

Then you lost me!
If you think the wingers are upset with the name now, just guess the climate if they had named it the Michall Obama. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
They're going to name a soup kitchen after her on Manhattan's east side. How about that. Like that idea?

JohnnyCap's Avatar
You had me until you made the claim that once a person has been dead for five years, they no longer have supporters.

Then you lost me! Originally Posted by bigtex
He just said it reduces the pressure, not that the supporters disappear entirely.
You had me until you made the claim that once a person has been dead for five years, they no longer have supporters.

Then you lost me! Originally Posted by bigtex
I didn't say they no longer had supporters.

I said there was no longer so much pressure (from their supporters).

There is always someone trying to curry favor with a politician - or pay back a favor - who will clamor to name a ship for the politician. And it wouldn't exactly be unheard of for the politician him/herself to be pulling strings to get themselves another honor.

How do you explain all the shit in West Virginia and elsewhere that they named after Robert Byrd - while he was still alive?

After he died, do you think there was as much pressure to name something after the old Klansman? If we had waited five years, he'd have gotten maybe one building named after him.

Also, if you wait five years after they are dead, you can be sure they won't do any thin that would cause a scandal after the ship has been named and you can be fairly certain that most of the dirt on them will probably be known by then.

But what do you do with that ship once named if Giffords later gets caught getting gangbanged by some high school students she was mentoring in some program?

He just said it reduces the pressure, not that the supporters disappear entirely. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Oops, just saw this. You got my point.
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  • WTF
  • 04-23-2014, 08:33 PM

You may disagree with that military buildup, but from a defense viewpoint, it was an historic accomplishment. The Soviets tries to match it and realized they couldn't without starving people. It is not the only reason, but it is a significant reason, why the Cold War ended.

. Originally Posted by ExNYer
So you think the Cold War has ended? Might want to inform Putin. I think you should take your own advice on the pause button!

And you think Reagan had something to do with it?

Was Reagan responsible for low oil prices in the eighties?

So throwing money at a problem gets your name on something...

Makes perfect sense....Obama got ACA named after him , Reagan got a ship!
But what do you do with that ship once named if Giffords later gets caught getting gangbanged by some high school students she was mentoring in some program? Originally Posted by ExNYer
"Gangbanged by some high school students she was mentoring in some program?" Where in the hell did that come from?

You could have just as easily have asked what do you do if she has never been involved in a "gangbang by some high school students she was mentoring in some program?"

Damn Dude, that's the kind of twisted logic I expect from the Idiot Twins, JD and IB. Not from you!

The Identical Twins are starting to rub off on you.
They're going to name a soup kitchen after her on Manhattan's east side. How about that. Like that idea?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Is it the one you eat at? Good idea I like it.
So you think the Cold War has ended? Might want to inform Putin. I think you should take your own advice on the pause button!

And you think Reagan had something to do with it?

Was Reagan responsible for low oil prices in the eighties?

So throwing money at a problem gets your name on something...

Makes perfect sense....Obama got ACA named after him , Reagan got a ship!
Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, the Cold War is over. The battle against communism is over and the Warsaw Pact is gone. I'm pretty sure is was in the papers.

They are going to have to come up with a new name for whatever it is that Putin is doing. Because this is about Greater Russian, it isn't about world-wide communism and it isn't going to be fought around the world in client states.

Putin is just a plain vanilla nationalist and totalitarian. He wants to pull all the former Soviet republics back into Mother Russia. He would just soon accept a capitalist system as a socialist system. Just so long as he controls it and can destabilize neighboring states so they never pose a threat.

He will attempt to grab pieces of neighboring states that have significant Russian populations - like Ukraine - because he wants to build Greater Russia.

But I don't see him trying to occupy East Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia or reassemble the Warsaw Pact.

Yes, of course Reagan had something to do with ending the Cold War.

And no it is not because he "threw money at something". That is a cynical reduction, not a reasoned response.

ALL government programs (good and bad) require money, so the mere spending of money tells you nothing. It is how you are spending that money - what you are trying to achieve - that determines whether or not you achieved something important. And on that point, it is pretty reasonable to name a ship after Reagan.

Now, remind me again what it is/was that Giffords achieved that was important?
"Gangbanged by some high school students she was mentoring?" Where in the hell did that come from?

You might as well have asked what do you do if she has never been involved in a "gangbang by some high school students she was mentoring in some program?" Originally Posted by bigtex
Do I really need to explain the difference?

It is a HYPOTHETICAL, okay?

The point is that IF she does something wrong or embarrassing, then you have a problem. That is the advantage of waiting until after a person has been dead for five years.

Your question about what if she does nothing isn't really an counter hypothetical.

You're essentially saying "But what if nothing goes wrong? Can't we just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best?"

No, not really. The whole point of having a policy about a five year delay is to avoid situations where the honoree subsequently fucks up. You can't be SURE until after he or she is dead.

It is a HYPOTHETICAL, okay?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're right, "it is a HYPOTHETICAL." Straight from the Idiot Family's "HYPOTHETICAL" Playbook!

You can't be SURE until after he or she is dead. Originally Posted by ExNYer
And what if they don't find out about the so called "HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION" for 20 years "after he or she is dead?" If it is truly a "HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION" it could just as easily be 20 years as 5. Couldn't it?

Does a so called "HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION" only apply after 5 years and not 20?

Geez, you've been hanging around JD and IB too long!

"HYPOTHETICAL?" Give me a friggin' break!
And what if they don't find out about the so called "situation" for 20 years?

Does a so called "HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION" only apply after 5 years and not 20? Originally Posted by bigtex
Fine, if you want to make it 20 years, I am OK with that. The POINT is to wait for a significant period after death. Now you are just arguing about the length, not the principle.

No policy will ever be perfect. It is about reducing the chance of embarrassment, not mathematically eliminating it.

You're right, "it is a HYPOTHETICAL." Straight from the Idiot Family's "HYPOTHETICAL" Playbook!

Geez, you've been hanging around JD and IB too long!

"HYPOTHETICAL?" Give me a friggin' break! Originally Posted by bigtex
Lighten up Francis.

The gangbang example was a joke. An extreme example of an embarrassing situation. Don't take it so literally and get bent out of shape.

You are starting to show some IBLying levels of humorlessness.