
My lady was in the profession because she earned a good living. She looked at things solely in that manner. Her clients were mostly visiting businessmen. Outside of "work" she lived a very middle class life.

Now she gets attention from men because she is good looking. However, she is completely faithful and has been a great companion in all respects. Originally Posted by Nick11796
Ok, if you have faith in her and yourself then do what you feel is best for the both of you. I think many here on this board have had long term and short term relationships with providers on the high scale and the low end scale of the money spectrum. Most have found it just doesn't work. That could be the fault of both, not necessarily the providers fault alone. I think some of us are just cautioning you to protect yourself, especially if you do earn a substantial living, and have substantial assets. Speaking for myself, I lived with a man I met through the hobby for 7 years. After 7 years things waned with us, and we parted ways. I had no desire to marry him, nor he with me.

Anyway, whatever you decide to do, I wish you both the best of luck.
I think you should doit if you really love her. And if i were to get married, I would never sign a prenupt. If you have to do something like that, then you should not get married. Regardless of her past.
I am not a believer in prenupts. If you want to marry, you should love each other and believe in each other. In my case, the lady has given up her source of income. I would never want her to take the risks or be involved in the business again no matter what else happened. Therefore, I would have to support her in any event.

Her past is the past. I am concerned about the present and future.
My lady was in the profession because she earned a good living. She looked at things solely in that manner. Her clients were mostly visiting businessmen. Outside of "work" she lived a very middle class life.

Now she gets attention from men because she is good looking. However, she is completely faithful and has been a great companion in all respects. Originally Posted by Nick11796
I am going to add 2 cents worth on this:
I wish you all the luck in the world on this...

just be careful, as for prenupts, I think if you have one from a state that says they are legal, you are not allowed to go to a state that does not recognize them.
How many celebrities do we hear getting married in one state and divorcing in another because the divorcing state does not enforce prenutps?
LexusLover's Avatar
I am curious about the experiences of any others who married escorts. Originally Posted by Nick11796
This is your question, right?

As for all the "business" advice, go find an attorney who practices family law primarily and who is familiar with the drafting and enforcement of prenuptual agreements. Ask about community property vs. separate property and a Texas judge's authority to divide property if the prenuptual fails.

[You will discover it is not "50-50"!]

Oh, and if you do a prenuptual tell her you want her to go hire her own attorney and you will pay her sufficient funds up front in the deal to cover a reasonable fee for her attorney.
Go for it!
BUT consult a lawyer about the status of assets before marriage
I would go for it if circumstances were different
hornfreak's Avatar
Go ahead man get married. Let us know how it goes in a few years. Oh! and don't forget the prenup.
spunky's Avatar
I married a provider and it was great in the beginning but did fall apart. Listen to all the advice that has been givin, if you do get married protect yourself, divorces are very apinful and expensive!
Follow your heart!
Pica Flor's Avatar
I do not understand why so many regard escorts as a lower life form (it sounds like from some of the comments), or believe that all they want is suck money away from men, they are in the business for a variety of reasons, the fact they escort do not make them any less of a woman than the rest.

My experience? I have been dating a certain escort for a couple of years now, under different circumstances I would consider upgrading the relationship to a higher level as she is a very special woman. Coincidentally, she is 15 years or so younger than me.

Bottom line to me, this is an affair between a woman and a man period, you know about her escort past and, if you are ok with it, then treat is as what it is, a relationship between a man and a woman, age to me is a very minor issue if both are comfortble with the situation, MY OPINION ANYWAY
Follow your heart...but make sure an attorney covers your butt!!
not a good question.....marrying a bout marrying her after she quits and has a change of heart about the sport. u are marrying her to be your one and only....not everyone elses..... defeats the purpose of marriage. besides, if she moves in and decides she only wants be it. plus plus plus for you. but old dogs don't learn new tricks....
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Most here are not saying that an escort is any less of a woman or as you said "a lower life form." Most are speaking from experience which you can see have been bad. If you have a good relationship with a former or current escort then you are a rare case and that is great.

My suggestion is this.... Most of us in this "thing" have some pretty deep issues. If those issues aren't dealt with before you enter into a relationship, especially marriage then it is very likely that it will come up during the relationship and won't do anything but hurt it. Most ladies in this have severe trust issues. I wonder why, considering they spend time with unfaithful men on a daily basis. Make sure you are both emotionally stable before getting into this. If you don't then you'll be on here posting the sane thing everyone else is on the next thread someone starts on this issue lol.

I do not understand why so many regard escorts as a lower life form (it sounds like from some of the comments), or believe that all they want is suck money away from men, they are in the business for a variety of reasons, the fact they escort do not make them any less of a woman than the rest.

My experience? I have been dating a certain escort for a couple of years now, under different circumstances I would consider upgrading the relationship to a higher level as she is a very special woman. Coincidentally, she is 15 years or so younger than me.

Bottom line to me, this is an affair between a woman and a man period, you know about her escort past and, if you are ok with it, then treat is as what it is, a relationship between a man and a woman, age to me is a very minor issue if both are comfortble with the situation, MY OPINION ANYWAY Originally Posted by Pica Flor
Naomi4u's Avatar
In all seriousness...If you feel the need to marry this girl, then by all means go for it. Personally, I don't think the age difference is a big deal (as I prefer to date men a lot older than myself). I don't know the details of your situation, but you'd be a fool not to get a prenup, if she has a problem with that then I would tell her to fuck off...

This is none of my business but why do you feel you need to get married? Living together is great, that way should you decide you want out, you just pack your shit and move on. Divorces are a pain in the ass and cost a ton of money...

In any case, good luck to you, whatever you decide.. Originally Posted by Valerie
I soooo agree!!!
OP, I am so excited for you!!!
cabletex7's Avatar
Why don't you rent her a car first and see how she handles that. Then you can work your way up to the rest of your stuff.