Fast and Furious: The Plot Thickens

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  • 12-09-2011, 07:39 AM
You pay no attention. I've been against the war on drugs for years. You really need to get a grip. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Then you are griping about a symptom and not the cause.

Like I said, small minded thinking.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! You can't really believe the shit you post. But it's fun to read!

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  • 12-09-2011, 08:07 AM
You think that f & f is worse than the stupid war on drugs. You are living in a false reality. That is like griping about someone kissing you while he is fucking you in the asshole! Makes me think you really like that ass fucking.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You really have a problem with comprehension. Just keep making stuff up and congratulating yourself. No problem. You might want to consider medication.
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  • 12-09-2011, 08:34 AM
You really have a problem with comprehension. Just keep making stuff up and congratulating yourself. No problem. You might want to consider medication. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
the thread is a bunch of people bitching about f & f. That to me is like a gang rape victim only griping that she was kissed by one of the people that raped her. Makes no sense to me. Well maybe it makes sense if you realize that she hates the person that kissed her during the rape and liked all the other rapist
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. Whatever.
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  • 12-09-2011, 08:52 AM
Where do you think the mexicans get all their guns? The gun fairy? They were trying to stem that flow. They fucd up. Somebodys head should roll but that is a minor problem compared to the overall srupid war on drugs. That is where this f&f problem stems from.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Where do you think the mexicans get all their guns? The gun fairy? They were trying to stem that flow. They fucd up. Somebodys head should roll but that is a minor problem compared to the overall srupid war on drugs. That is where this f&f problem stems from. Originally Posted by WTF
Perhaps you would prefer to adopt the Draconian measures employed by Chairman Mao in China. His solution was to execute all of the dealers and rehabilitate users – once. Those who relapsed were then also executed. Mao ended China’s centuries old drug problem in one generation.
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  • 12-09-2011, 09:06 AM
I would prefer the ron paul choice. Not your hobson choice
I B Hankering's Avatar
I would prefer the ron paul choice. Not your hobson choice Originally Posted by WTF
Ron Paul says let the states regulate drugs - that's a viable, and Constitutional, option.
It is quite obvious that the war on drugs has done the same thing that the war on Booze did during prohibition. It produces rich gangsters.

It is time to legalize Drugs. I doubt we will have any more addicts, but we will surely have fewer rich Gangsters, who, by the way, will kill you at the drop of a hat.

Just do it. Really, could things be any worse than they are now?
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  • 12-09-2011, 10:03 AM
Ron Paul says let the states regulate drugs - that's a viable, and Constitutional, option. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I personally do not want to give the states the option. Let them regulate the way they do booze. But no state should be in your bedroom or your living room. Just like the Federal Government shouldn't.

Q: In your 1988 campaign you said, “All drugs should be decriminalized. Drugs should be distributed by any adult to other adults. There should be no controls on production, supply or purchase for adults.” Is that still your position?

A: Yeah. It’s sort of like alcohol. Alcohol’s a deadly drug, kills more people than anything else. And today the absurdity on this war on drugs has just been horrible. Now the federal government takes over and overrules states where state laws permit medicinal marijuana 1 for people dying of cancer. The federal government goes in and arrests these people, put them in prison with mandatory sentences. This war on drugs is totally out of control. If you want to regulate cigarettes and alcohol and drugs, it should be at the state level. That’s where I stand on it. The federal government has no prerogatives on this.
Q: But you would decriminalize it? A: I would, at the federal level. I don’t have control over the states. And that’s why the Constitution’s there

It is quite obvious that the war on drugs has done the same thing that the war on Booze did during prohibition. It produces rich gangsters.

It is time to legalize Drugs. I doubt we will have any more addicts, but we will surely have fewer rich Gangsters, who, by the way, will kill you at the drop of a hat.

Just do it. Really, could things be any worse than they are now? Originally Posted by Jackie S

Look, some heads will roll because of F&F, all I said was that it was not the big picture.

This stupid war on drugs if the cause , F&F nothing but the symptom. All I wanna do is fix the problem by cutting off the head, not the tail.

Would you please help COG understand. Poor fella see's my name and takes the opposite stance no matter what!
So they dreamed up this ridiculous plan to promote gun control? That's what our border agents are losing their lives for?

AG Holder needs to go. That's it. If Obama won't get rid of him, let's get rid of them both.

This is from a CBS news report. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Have looked at all I can find on this, and have not been able to find where ATF (walked) the guns to the cartels. However I found two words that seemed to explain the fk up Bush and Arizona
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Play your game, live in your fantasy world, and be happy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Have looked at all I can find on this, and have not been able to find where ATF (walked) the guns to the cartels. However I found two words that seemed to explain the fk up Bush and Arizona Originally Posted by ekim008
The absurdity of your willful ignorance borders on profane. “Fast and Furious” was conceived and executed on Holder/Obama’s watch, and still you blame Bush.