What skills did your parents teach you?

TexTushHog's Avatar
1. The ability to critically reason.
2. To always question authority.
3. Basic number sense.
4. The basics of finance.
5. The ability to write well.
- he was totally conservative Originally Posted by ninasastri
I don't hear anything in your story which indicates he lived his life based upon conservative principles....what made him a conservative?
  • MrGiz
  • 03-28-2011, 07:26 AM
- be unique... don't follow a crowd... which made me the non-conformist I am today!

- be unique... don't follow a crowd... which made me the non-conformist I am today!
Originally Posted by MrGiz
if you were responding to me, then: sounds liberal to me.....conservatives follow the truth even if the crowd already knows the truth....
My mother taught me how to cook. She always said there's no way a good man would stick around if I didn't know how to cook so I quickly learned. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I was once told to avoid women who think Fuc-king and Coo-king are cities in China............you don't have a geography problem.........
  • MrGiz
  • 03-28-2011, 08:46 AM
if you were responding to me, .... Originally Posted by Marshall
Nope.... sure wasn't.
Hadn't even noticed your post!
Nope.... sure wasn't.
Hadn't even noticed your post! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Funny how you noticed this one......
  • MrGiz
  • 03-28-2011, 08:56 AM
Funny how you noticed this one...... Originally Posted by Marshall
Don't flatter yourself... it came to my email!

BTW.... you are unique, in equating SELF RELIANCE to a liberal mindset!
Don't flatter yourself... it came to my email!

BTW.... you are unique, in equating SELF RELIANCE to a liberal mindset! Originally Posted by MrGiz
you might be right that I misread your post....I thought the points below self reliance were subsets to self reliance and not independent points....thanks for pointing that out to me MrJiz.......
  • MrGiz
  • 03-28-2011, 09:27 AM
....thanks for pointing that out to me MrJiz....... Originally Posted by Marshall
No Problem , Sheriff.... I see that you have multiple misconceptions!
No Problem.... I see that you have multiple misconceptions! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Oh!!!!!........you want to pick on me again because I believe liberalism is a mental disease!....fine
  • MrGiz
  • 03-28-2011, 09:49 AM
Naaaaaaahhhhh.... I was just teasing you on your superior spelling skills!

I humbly bow to your presence... you may have the last word!

Naaaaaaahhhhh.... I was just teasing you on your superior spelling skills!

I humbly bow to your presence... you may have the last word!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
I was pretty much raised by wolves so it may be hard to understand I got my parenting skills form my parents. One, anything they did, I pretty much did the opposite. And two, I will give my Daddy this, he believed in just a few rules not rules for the sake of rules. I raised my child with that in mind.
I was pretty much raised by wolves so it may be hard to understand I got my parenting skills form my parents. One, anything they did, I pretty much did the opposite. And two, I will give my Daddy this, he believed in just a few rules not rules for the sake of rules. I raised my child with that in mind. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Yeah, I had distant relatives like this. The parents had twin girls about my age. The parents dressed dishevedly, their house was a rat and vermin magnet, and they were packrats. You didn't walk into their house so much as you followed the paths around the somewhat stacked mountains of junk.

The twin girls were always impeccably dressed, clean, intelligent, and spoke with culture and awareness. Both played orchestra instruments. IMHO, they recognized from an early age how antisocial their parents were, and intentionally modeled anyone other than they're parents.