Do you judge a provider on her music choices BCD?

I agree with some of the gents, i don't think they even hear the music........hehehe
"Judge" is a peculiar word in this context. But if you mean "does it matter," the short answer is that in a business, everything matters.

This is a customer service business. If you're in a customer service business, why wouldn't every single choice you make be geared to retaining customers? Frankly, your taste in music is irrelevant. You should be seeking to please the customer, or doing research on what sort of music makes customers more likely to come back. That same goes for your selection of drinks, bed sheets, etc.

My choice, as expressed in the previous thread is no music. But if music is going to be played, like (I suspect) most folks a year or two over 50, I don't want rap of any kind. I want something I'm familiar with or like. I personally don't care for country. The next guy may hate rock and roll. The third guy may think that Miles Davis is God and there is nothing he'd rather hear than Kinda Blue.

I'd suggest getting about 10 to 20 mix CD that you make up that should satisfy any genre of music. Make them well thought out. Add maybe 20 iconic albums from a few eras. Then ask the customer to if they would like music and then ask them to pick one for you. Then, no matter what they pick, tell them it's one of your favorites. And once you've said that, know enough about the band(s) or song(s) to converse intelligently for a bit to make that claim plausible. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well said sir.

OP's Question: Do you judge a provider on her music choices BCD?
Since I am the Customer, I would Hope The Session would be Geared towards my likes and wants and pretend you like it, goes with the Illusion of Passion that you are creating. Music, Candles, etc.

Cpi3000, that visual had me ROFLMAO
(Cowgirl with Head-Phones, like on a Treadmill)

JohnJohn's Avatar
Maybe I'm spoiled by all the massage/body rub ladies but I like the very low volume music they play. It's not a distraction if it's only a little background sound. I love heavy metal, classic rock and country too but I don't want to f*ck to it.

Oh, and this middle-aged fart doesn't want to hear rap or I know the lady is just trying to piss me off.

As to the original question, no I won't judge you by your music choices BCD but I might politely ask if we can turn it off. You're the only music I need to hear.
Okay i must ask a very foolish question, but who plays rap during a session, is somebody trying to be funny or something. I do not see myself grooving to lil wayne during a session, i am not that skilled and it would give me a damn headache.

How can anyone get their groove on to rap.

P.S I play oldies but goodies, no one has complained, i always ask if they want something else such as jazz. They seemed content.
Boltfan's Avatar
Like I said and TexasTushHog said in the thread that was already posted by me on the same subject, you can pull it up and see what other people have said as well about the music bcd to get more information about this topic. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
You know, you could provide a link to your thread if you would like to CONTRIBUTE to this. I for one would love to read it. I also don't recall a thread about this exact subjuct. God forbid we have another somewhat sane discussion here instead of the pimp discussions.

All I found was this one:

THAT thread, while related because they both deal with music, is a completely different questions.

Otherwise this frankly looks petty and intentional to the OP (who I have never met) . If you are upset about people repeating topics I would think you would do that on every other thread as well. Please post the link if what I found is not what you are trying to reference.

This was the link that I and the other person were talking about, thanks so much for finding it for me. Now everybody can read what was posted on this toipc about music as well as the one that I posted. Very similar! Your the best Boltfan what would we do without ya babe.
TinMan's Avatar
Any gal that has Van Morrison playing when I walk in the door has pretty much assured themselves of a repeat customer.
Any gal that has Van Morrison playing when I walk in the door has pretty much assured themselves of a repeat customer. Originally Posted by TinMan
Brown eyed girl, I love that song. They play it alot on 98.7
TinMan's Avatar
Brown eyed girl, I love that song. They play it alot on 98.7 Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Dig deeper in the catalog, babe. There's some damn good session music there
Dig deeper in the catalog, babe. There's some damn good session music there Originally Posted by TinMan
Whats your favorite song by him?
TinMan's Avatar
Whats your favorite song by him? Originally Posted by Tara Evans
That's a hard question to answer...he has a lot of great ones. The "Moondance" album is probably his best work (you've likely heard the title track). Pretty much anyone ought to be able to get their groove on to it. The follow-up, "His Band and Street Choir", is pretty much in the same vein and includes the classics "Domino" and "Blue Money".

Sounds like we may need to schedule a private listening party to introduce you to "Van the Man" LOL!
ANONONE's Avatar
Moondance is perfect for foreplay. . .DATY to the same measure as the saxophone is downright blissful when you hit the notes right with your tongue.

Damn, anybody else recalling the shower scene with Jenny Agutter in American Werewolf in London?

TinMan's Avatar

Damn, anybody else recalling the shower scene with Jenny Agutter in American Werewolf in London?
Originally Posted by ANONONE
Man, do I ever...! No wonder I equate that song to animal-like passion.
Can someone close this, please? It's been derailed more times than I care to look at anymore.

Sorry, everyone. I will refrain from posting threads that will come under attack, in the future, if I can help it.

Ya'll run along now...there are at least 100 "What Is Your Favorite_____" or "Can I Stick My Thumb In Your Ass And What's The Best Way To Ask If You Like That" threads for you to read, and I would hate for you to miss out on them.

Thank you to those who kept this fun and on topic.
Closed per OP request.

Rock on.