Interesting article on the differences between Terrorism and the Tea Party

Tea Party folks have potential to pick up weapons at some point. If young people ever get interested in their negative, hating, preaching shit.

Maybe those of us who disagree might ruck up too. Originally Posted by timpage
We just cant ask them any sane reasonable questions or we're in trouble. Personally I think the people who know they're wrong typically react and resort to violence.

Case in point:

I B Hankering's Avatar
We just cant ask them any sane reasonable questions or we're in trouble. Personally I think the people who know they're wrong typically react and resort to violence.

Case in point:
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Here's your fuckin' "case in point", zany: Odumbo's friend, neighbor and ghostwriter:

The San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing occurred on February 16, 1970, when a pipe bomb filled with shrapnel detonated on the ledge of a window at the San Francisco Police Department's Golden Gate Park station. Brian V. McDonnell, a police sergeant, was fatally wounded in its blast. Robert Fogarty, another police officer, was severely wounded in his face and legs and was partially blinded. In addition, eight other police officers were wounded.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, "Investigators in the early '70s said the bombing likely was the work of the Weather Underground..."

In early 2009 conservative advocacy group America's Survival Inc. advocated for a murder charge against Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground. In connection with a press release, the group released a letter from the San Francisco Police Officers Association endorsing an earlier allegation by Larry Grathwohl, a former FBI informant within the Weather Underground, that "there are 'irrefutable and compelling reasons' that establish that Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, are responsible for the bombing" (wiki).

Odumbo's "Known Associates":

Wow! I have to say I certainly agree with you on the Tea Party. They are too extreme and too self orientated. They do not care about society as a whole. Some regulation of big banks, multi-national corporations is necessary in order to stop monopolies from controlling the economy. We have consistently de-regulated these institutions, which puts more control over the economy in their hands. In my opinion, this is not in the best interests of the majority. They seek to fulfill their own interests, with their own profits being the single most important driving factor in their thinking. Capital gains should be considered income and taxed accordingly. We have consistently lowered taxes for the super rich by providing too many loopholes, which the majority of Americans do not have. That is why the super rich actually pay less in taxes (percentage wise) than the middle class. Cut out the loopholes for the multi-national corporations and super rich, and make a flat and even tax rate for all, including income from capital gains.
this one gave me a real good laugh:

I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

the hair and height don't match. therefore I would inconclusive
I B Hankering's Avatar
the hair and height don't match. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Have no doubt, zany, that be Odumbo.

Have no doubt, zany, that be Odumbo.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Was a old photo shopped pic of Bush, but chicken dick's posts are dominated by gays and chimps.
The Ozombie Party are the true terrorists...

You're an idiot. And always will be. Just to let you know your place in the world

The first two quotes are of people using the democratic process to reduce the size of government. You may not like their agenda, but it is the opposite of terrorism, mope.

The leftists in Greece are threatening to default on Greece's debt. Does that make them terrorists, mope?

Someone isn't a terrorist simply because they oppose your agenda.

The rest of your idiot quotes are about the Cliven Bundys of the world. Small fringe nut jobs that can be found in any political movement.

They don't represent the Tea Party anymore than the Weather Underground represented the Democratic party in the 60s.

The Tea Party (which I generally don't care for) represents many millions of people and works within the democratic process. And THAT is your real fear - that they might actually be successful at chipping away at the federal monolith that progressives love so dearly.

Here is a challenge - can you name an ACTUAL terrorist attack (one with death and physical destruction) that was committed by the Tea Party, mope? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I B Hankering's Avatar
Was a old photo shopped pic of Bush, but chicken dick's posts are dominated by gays and chimps. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're still lying, and you're still stupid, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp. Bush never kowtowed like that to King Abdullah, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-01-2015, 10:46 AM

I disagree with the article....Dressing up like the founding Fathers does not mean the Tea Party has the balls to change government like the Founding Fathers did! Those cats were OT's, Original Terrorists!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Nice video Stanza (I assume that you never saw it or you wouldn't have posted it) the only idiots were the counter protesters including your dope smoking poster boy and the person who put it together who does not read very well. Great job making yourself look like a fool Stanza.
I'm not sure using Mark Levin is the best course of action. He's a raving lunatic. If you think I'm going to watch 28 minutes of his ravings, you're sadly mistaken. I'm sure Rush will be enthusiastically masturbating to it on Monday though.
Oh, I see you report and I decide. That's hilarious, ok well I've decided you're an idiot.
