For the last 6 years or so, whenever obama's been on tv I have been unable to watch him
Has that happened to anyone else?
My aversion to his speaking began about the time he wished us mark the grand touch of his presence will heal the the seas, as oprah cried and newsmen swooned near plaster ( or perhaps it was plastic) Greek columns, and solidified into a need for a dry retch by the time he wanted someone's mother to take a pill instead of having a needed medical procedure and he didn't know what happened but the Cambridge police acted stupidly
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
It hasn't changed much. He talks and the media apologies for him. "I didn't draw the red line, the world drew a red line." "If I had a son..." "If you like your health care plan...PERIOD" It's pretty much endless.
He still has a pen and a phone and a golf cart.