
winn dixie's Avatar
Most of the people I know against abortion is men.
What's sad..... Most of said men have wives that feel differently.
winn dixie's Avatar

No shit.

This is a hooker board. First the men who pay for abortions. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I've paid to get a few abortions. A few got vacuumed out and a few got flushed down the toilet. I don't regret any of em
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Again. The male doctrine.
VitaMan's Avatar
A belief system can lead to many ideas and false conclusions. Just study history. One example is people were stoned when they came up with the idea the earth is not the center of the universe, and everything revolves around it.

Those that want to play God and state abortion is taking a life can follow their beliefs.

They should leave others that don't share their beliefs alone. And definitely not make laws.
A belief system can lead to many ideas and false conclusions. Just study history. One example is people were stoned when they came up with the idea the earth is not the center of the universe, and everything revolves around it.

Those that want to play God and state abortion is taking a life can follow their beliefs.

They should leave others that don't share their beliefs alone. And definitely not make laws. Originally Posted by VitaMan
It can go both ways.
VitaMan's Avatar
Then why are the Republicans forcing people and making laws that go their way ?
Then why are the Republicans forcing people and making laws that go their way ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Like I said it can go both ways. Some people are for Abortion and some are against it. How do we please both sides? Politicians like to form sides. They like to pass laws that give rise to conflict among the masses that's what they do.
... I'm wondering why Democrats are forcing people and making laws
that go their way.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You mean on the abortion issue ? This thread topic is about the abortion issue.....correct ?

Is your post pertaining to the thread topic, or an attempt at hijacking ?
  • Tiny
  • 04-15-2024, 08:28 AM
You mean on the abortion issue ? This thread topic is about the abortion issue.....correct ?

Is your post pertaining to the thread topic, or an attempt at hijacking ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Hi VitaMan, In Post #36, you made a general statement about Republicans, which you believe applies to abortion, and other issues. Levianon and Salty did the same. I don't think any of you hijacked the thread.

It's interesting to me to know what you and others think about the two political parties and the laws they try to pass, both generally and specifically, like abortion. In general terms, I agree with you and Salty, and strongly agree with Levianon. As to some of the abortion laws Republicans are passing in places like Texas, I strongly agree with you.

This last part is not directed at you VitaMan. I hope we aren't hitting the RTM button every time something like this comes up. I think the threads are more interesting when we wander a bit, as long as we circle back to the topic at hand.
eyecu2's Avatar
Like I said it can go both ways. Some people are for Abortion and some are against it. How do we please both sides? Politicians like to form sides. They like to pass laws that give rise to conflict among the masses that's what they do. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Why not just let a woman and her doctor decide what to do. What about getting a tubal ligation or other forms of sterilization? - equally changing the course of births...as does an abortion.

When the legislation enters the bedroom or the bathroom, there is a problem in general. The point is - this just should have never been on the docket for politicians to determine.

Stay the fuck out of my personal life motherfuckers.
Why not just let a woman and her doctor decide what to do. What about getting a tubal ligation or other forms of sterilization? - equally changing the course of births...as does an abortion.

When the legislation enters the bedroom or the bathroom, there is a problem in general. The point is - this just should have never been on the docket for politicians to determine.

Stay the fuck out of my personal life motherfuckers. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Well Tubal Ligation prevents the women from becoming pregnant in the first place and that is a conversation that is strictly between a women and her Doctor and it's not a controversial subject anyway. Abortion on the other hand involves a women who is pregnant and a developing fetus and the idea of having it destroyed is controversial politically, socially, ethically, medically, ect. It's a subject that can be debated upside down and side ways. It's a sensitive subject that's why Some States will make it legal and others won't.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Seems worth noting that the overwhelming majority of countries on the planet either prohibit abortion on demand altogether or place a gestational limit between 10 and 24 weeks beyond which no on demand abortions are allowed. That strikes me as a reasonable compromise.
Democratic women in favor of abortion used to talk about "legal, safe and rare" regarding abortion. They seem to have dropped the "rare" caveat.
  • Tiny
  • 04-15-2024, 09:47 PM
Seems worth noting that the overwhelming majority of countries on the planet either prohibit abortion on demand altogether or place a gestational limit between 10 and 24 weeks beyond which no on demand abortions are allowed. That strikes me as a reasonable compromise.
Democratic women in favor of abortion used to talk about "legal, safe and rare" regarding abortion. They seem to have dropped the "rare" caveat. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
I agree with the bold text. It's indeed a reasonable compromise, unless health really is an issue. Most women, around 93% according to one study, know they're pregnant by 12 weeks. The average is around 5 weeks.
You mean on the abortion issue ? This thread topic is about the abortion issue.....correct ?

Is your post pertaining to the thread topic, or an attempt at hijacking ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Obviously, me comment is pertaining to the Abortion issue.
It IS what we're all discussing here, aint it??
Please pay attention! ... That-way Tiny won't need to
correct you.

... As stated - The Dems and Repubs surely need to
find a reasonable compromise.


#### Salty